Advertising Unit 1
Advertising Unit 1
Advertising Unit 1
Dr. Agha
1. To introduce a new product by creating interest for it among the
prospective customers.
2. To support personal selling programme. Advertising maybe used to
open customers' doors for salesman.
3. To reach people inaccessible to salesman.
4. To enter a new market or attract a new group of customers.
5. To light competition in the market and to increase the sales as seen in
the fierce competition between Coke and Pepsi.
6. To enhance the goodwill of the enterprise by promising better quality
products and services.
7. To improve dealer relations. Advertising supports the dealers in selling
he product. Dealers are attracted towards a product which is
advertised effectively.
8. To warn the public against imitation of an enterprise's products.
1. Promotion of Sales : It promotes the sale of goods and
services by informing and persuading the people to buy them.
2. Introduction of New Product : It helps the introduction of
new products in the market. A business enterprise can
introduce itself and its product to the public through
3. Creation of Good Public Image : It builds up the reputation of
the advertiser. Advertising enables a business firm to
communicate its achievements in an effort to satisfy the
customers' needs. This increases the goodwill and reputation
of the firm
4. Mass Production : Advertising facilitates large-scale
production. Advertising encourages production of
goods in large-scale because the business firm
knows that it will be able to sell on large-scale with
the help of advertising. Mass production reduces
the cost of production per unit by the economical
use of various factors of production.
5. Research : Advertising stimulates research and
development activities. Every firm tries to
differentiate its product from the substitutes
available in the market through advertising. This
compels every business firm to do more and more
research to find new products and their new uses.
6. Education of People : Advertising educate the
people about new products and their uses.
Advertising message about the utility of a product
enables the people to widen their knowledge.
7. Support to Press : Advertising provides an
important source of revenue to the publishers
and magazines. It enables to increase the
circulation of their publication by selling them at
lower rates. People are also benefited because
they get publications at cheaper rates. Advertising
is also a source of revenue for TV network