Unit 2 Lesson 1.3: Maintain Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia (MT)
Unit 2 Lesson 1.3: Maintain Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia (MT)
Unit 2 Lesson 1.3: Maintain Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia (MT)
3: Maintain Tools,
Equipment, and Paraphernalia (MT)
Maintain Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia (MT) Introduction
Bottle Sterilizer
Bottle Sterilizer
1. To disinfect stethoscope, wipe it with 70%
isopropyl alcohol solution.
2. Wipe down stethoscope starting at the
earpieces to prevent the spread of ear infections,
continuing down the tubing, and ending around the
bell and diaphragm.
3. Disassemble the diaphragm to remove dust, lint,
or debris and clean it well before reassembling it.
4. Store the unit in its protective case after using it
and place inside a clean cabinet.
1. Wipe clean the aneroid gauge, valve, and
inflation bulb with a slightly dampened cloth or
alcohol pad.
2. Integrated One-Piece Cuff: Clean the cuffs with
a damp cloth with 70% alcohol or 0.5% bleach
solution or washed in warm water (140°F / 60°C
maximum) and mild detergent.
Before laundering the cuff:
1. Close the end of the tubing with tube plug
2. Disassemble the inflation bulb and valve from the
3. Close off the cuff with the cuff port.
Laundering the cuff.
1. In using a washing machine, use gentle cycle,
warm water, and mild detergent. However, washing
it manually with warm water and mild detergent is
more preferable.
2. Completely air dry the cuff and reassemble the
3. Store the sphygmomanometer in its protective
case after cleaning or using it.
For Clinical and Ear Thermometer
1. Use isopropyl alcohol and water to clean the tip
of the thermometer.
2. Use tissue or a paper towel in removing any
lubricant from the digital thermometer.
3. Store the unit in its protective case and place it
inside the cabinet.
For Human body Non-contact Thermometer