Case Presentation: A Malnourished Child
Case Presentation: A Malnourished Child
Case Presentation: A Malnourished Child
A Malnourished Child
Spo2: UL 98 99
LL 97 98
• Hydration: Irritable, dry oral mucosa and tongue, skin pinch- skin goes
back slowely, drinks water eagerly, reduced urine output.
INFERENCE: Some Dehydration
BP: 78/54 mm hg in left arm by digital instrument.
• Pallor present
• clubbing, cyanosis, icterus and lymphadenopathy absent
• Head: Normal is shape and size( HC is less for age but normal for
length). AF open(1 by 1 cm) and sunken
• Hair: lustureless, thin, brittle and sparse hairs present.
easily pluckable and hypopigmented.
• Face: Skin dry, scaling present over forehead
No frontal bossing, buccal pad of fat preserved
• Oral Cavity: Oral mucosa dry, oral thrush present
lips dry, cracking present at angles of mouth
• Tongue: dry, pale, denuded (papillae atrophied)
• Eyes: conjunctival pallor present
bitots spot absent, no ulcer/scar seen
• Ears: No discharge seen in EAC
• Nose and nasal cavity: normal, no discharge
• Neck: scaling present over neck
peeling of skin present over neck, denuded raw skin seen in
• Chest: Ribs prominent, pigeon shaped chest
no rachitic rosary seen
• Umbilicus: normal in position and inverted
• Abdomen: protuberant
• Genetalia: Normal
• Back: scapula prominant
• Extremities: knuckle hyperpigmentation present
platynychia and pallor present
pallor seen in palm but creases are black
• Skin : dry, loose skin fold present over thighs and buttocks.
Scaling present
Phrynoderma present over elbows
hyperpigmentation present
• Abdomen slightly distended
• all quadrant move equally with respiration
• no scarmark, no dilated veins
• umbilicus central and inverted
• skin pinch : goes back slowly
• baby cries on palpation of periumbilical region
• liver palpable 2 cm below costal margin
• spleen : not palpable
• bowel sounds present
• Child is conscious, not intrested in surrounding, apathetic,
• looks towards the sound , drinks water eagerly
• muscle bulk decreased
• hypotonia present
• Apex beat in left 4th ICS 1 cm lat to mid clavicular line
• S1 S2 heard normal
• no murmer heard
• Pigeon shaped chest present
• ribs prominention both the sides
• normal bronchial breath sounds heard
• no adventitious sounds
Neelam , 13 mnths, Fch, 3rd isuue of non consanguineous marriage
belonging to low socio economic class and unimmunized is presently
being evaluated for not gaining weight for 6 months, recurrent episodes
of diarrhoea for 2 months and vomiting for 5 days with a dietary deficit
of 66% in calories and 59% in proteins intake per day.
On examination child is severely underweight with severe wasting and
stunting present, has some dehydration, features suggestive of short
bowel diarrhoea and signs of multiple vitamin deficiencies.
Severe Acute Malnutrition with multiple micronutrients deficiency with
acute gastroenteritis, some dehydration.
Management of
• HospitalisationRxSAM
of complications
• Sugar deficiency (Hypoglycemia) (BG < 54 mg/dI): 10 % Dextrose
• Hypothermia (Rectal temp <35.5C): Warm up
• Infections: Antibiotics
• Electrolyte imbalance (Hypokalemia/ Hypophosphatemia):
Supplement K, Phosphate
• Dehydration: WHO ORS (in double dilution) / Resomal- Rehydration
solution for malnourished child (|Na, ^K)
• Deficiency of Micronutrients—Supplementation
• Iron should be started 1 - 2 weeks later
• Nutritional Rehabilitation- should be gradual- nrs /rfs
• Start with low calories & protein, gradually build up
• Initially F75 then F100 later RUTF =543kcal/ 100gm
• Fluid of choice DNS with added k+ = 420ml / 24 hours
• RUTF Ingredients
• • Milk powder+ Peanut Paste+ Oil (palm oil with added Vit A)+ Sugar
• • Vitamin Mineral Mix
• Easy to feed a child- Few spoons at a time, multiple times a day Continue
to breastfeed (or give clean water)
• No cooking required, No special storage, doesn't spoil easily
More than 9.2 lakh children in India are ‘severely acute malnourished’,
with the most in Uttar Pradesh followed by Bihar, according to
government data.
• Shift to less physical economic work, urban migration trends globally and
increased taste preferences for sweet and fatty foods
• Edible oil revolution (easier to extract oil)
• Corn/fructose and soy excess dumping by developed countries into
processed foods
• Unlike undernutrition, overnutrition will not be solved by economic growth
and development
• Need innovative approaches - integrated interventions to different "types" of
malnutrition, linkages between climate/agriculture and food/development
Thank You