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Pedia 1
Medicine 3
Patient Name:
4 months old
Date of Birth:
July 21, 2016
Mandug, Davao City
Informant : Mother
Five days prior to admission, patient had an onset of a barky/hacky cough and fever
associated with runny nose. Mother self-medicated the patient with paracetamol
(Calpol) Suspension Infant Drops with unrecalled dose every four hours which
provided temporary relief of fever.
His stool was yellowish and mucoid in consistency. Few rashes were said to be
present at the anterior and posterior trunk, however, disappeared the next day.
Four days prior to admission, patient was brought to a clinic for a medical check-up.
Fever was noted to be at 38.5C and was prescribed with albuterol (Salbutamol)
three times a day, Cetirizine once a day and Zinc, all with unrecalled doses.
The following days, the patients cough was persistent and worsening, and patient
had difficulty of sleeping at night with his relentless crying.
One day prior to admission, fever recurred and cough was still progressive.
Few hours prior to admission, along with the cough and fever, patient had difficulty
of breathing and nasal flaring accompanied by incessant crying, hence, the
Diet/Nutritional History
The patient was exclusively breastfed. Patient takes Tiki-tiki.
Growth and Development
At 2 months, the patient was noted to have social smile. Currently (4 months), he
was able to assume prone position with good head control.
He was given 1 dose of BCG and 2 doses of Pentavalent (DPT-HepB-Hib), OPV, and
PCV vaccine. Vitamin K was given IM at left thigh on July 26, 2016.
Father and grandfather on paternal side have hypertension. No family history of
diabetes, cancer, tuberculosis, obesity, asthma, arthritis, metabolic syndrome,
thyroid diseases, heredofamilial diseases and mental illnesses.
Patient was the first born. His father is 28 years old and currently working at Water
District (Disconnection Department). His mother, 28 years old, is a college graduate
and currently unemployed. The father provides the main financial support. His
biological parents are married.
The neighboring houses in their area are far from each other. Their house is wellventilated and with good supply of water and electricity. The patient lives with his
mother, father and uncle. His uncle is a smoker. Patient travels long distances
monthly via public transport (jeepney), exposed to dust and open air.
General: The patient had a fever. No significant weight changes and weakness.
Skin: Had a transient rash. No eczema, petechiae , itching or other skin lesions.
HEENT: Head. No head injuries, or trauma. Eyes. No discharge, itchiness, or
redness. Ears. No ear discharge. Nose. Occasional colds. No epistaxis, or sinusitis.
Throat. No oral mucosa lesions or inflammation, tonsilitis.
Neck: No lesions, or lumps.
Respiratory: No asthma or wheezing. See HPI.
Cardiovascular: No history of palpitations or murmurs. No known heart disease
and cyanosis.
Gastrointestinal: No change in appetite, hematochezia, constipation, diarrhea, or
melena. No rectal bleeding or black or tarry stools.
Urinary: Had a urinary tract infection and hematuria. No known problems with
Physical Examination
Patient was examined sleeping on mothers arms. She has a weight of 2.7 kg and a
length of 93cm.
Vital Signs
Temperature: 36.2 C (left axillary, afebrile)
Respiratory rate: 68 cpm (tachypneic)
Heart rate: 121 bpm (slightly tachycardic) (normal 3-6 months: 90-120bpm)
Blood pressure: not measured
Skin, Hair and Nails
Inspection: Skin is fair in complexion and uniform in color throughout the body noted.
(-) Pallor, (-)ecchymosis and (-) hematoma. Hair is black; no infestations noted. Nails are
clean and well-trimmed, with a CRT of <2 sec.
Palpation: Skin is smooth, moist and warm to the touch.
Head and Neck
Inspection: Head is round, normocephalic and symmetrical. Neck is in the midline.
Head and neck are proportional to the body.
Palpation: No masses or lumps noted. No palpable lymph nodes and no dilated veins
palpated in the neck. Both anterior and posterior fontanelle are close.
Inspection: Eyes are symmetrical on both sides. Eyelashes are equally distributed. No
ptosis, hordeolum or chalazion noted. Pinkish palpebral conjunctiva with non-icteric sclera
noted. Pupils equally round and reactive to light accommodation upon inspection.
Palpation: No masses, lumps or tenderness
Inspection: Ears are uniform in color, symmetrical and aligned with the outer canthus of
the eyes on both sides. External ear canal has some cerumen. No lesions, discharges and
redness noted.
Palpation: No masses, lumps or tenderness.
Nose, Throat, Mouth and Sinus
Inspection: Nose is in the midline and uniform in color with the face. Discharges noted.
Lips are pinkish but are noticeably dry. Buccal Mucosa wasn't examine because patient
refused to open mouth and lead to tantrums
Palpation: No masses, lumps or tenderness
Thorax and Lungs
Inspection: Mild substernal retractions noted. Symmetrical chest expansion. No
deformities, injuries or lesions noted.
Palpation: No masses or lumps. No tenderness noted. Tactile fremitus noted on both lung
Percussion: All lung fields resonant.
Auscultation: Mild crackles noted on both lower lung fields, more prominent on the right.
Inspection: No palpitations noted
Palpation: No heaves, thrills or lifts
Auscultation: No murmurs
Inspection: Pot belly noted, no redness, hematoma observed
Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds throughout the abdomen at 18 clicks/min
Palpation: Abdomen is smooth on palpation, (-) muscle guarding. No masses and lumps.
No direct and indirect tenderness noted.
Inspection: Skin is unblemished and uniform in color; pubic hair is absent. (-) Labial
varicosities and tenderness, (-) inflammation and foul odor.
Inspection: Muscle size and shape in proportion.
Palpation: Smooth and firm. Muscle tone and strength normal on both sides. No
tenderness noted.
The patient is awake, alert and responsive, as well as oriented to time, people and place.
He has a Glasgow Coma Scale of 15.
CN I: Sense of smell is intact, able to smell well
CN II: Sense of sight is intact able to read word
CN III, IV and VI: Extraocular muscle movements are intact
CN V: Masseter and temporalis strength intact
CN VII: Facial movements intact
CN VIII: Hearing is intact on both ears
CN IX, X: No hoarseness of voice
3 years old
Productive cough with whitish phlegm
Mild crackles on both lower lung
Abdominal pain
Impression: Pneumonia
Differential diagnosis:
1. Bacterial Pneumonia
2. Viral Pneumonia
3. Tuberculosis
5. Acute bronchitis
Final diagnosis: