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Dole Updates On Occupational Safety and Health Standards

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Occupational Safety and Health Center
• Created by virtue of EO 307, 1987, under
the direction of Department of Labor
• The national authority for research and
training on matters pertaining to safety
and health at work
• Provides the expertise and intervention
mechanism to improve workplace conditions
in the Philippines
Structural Framework
Department of Labor and Employment
(Policy Regulation)

Occupational Safety and

Bureau of Working Employee Compensation
Health Center
(Technical Services, Research,
Conditions Commission
(Policy Formulation) (Compensation, Rehabilitation

DOLE Regional Offices


Luzon Cluster Visayas Cluster Mindanao Cluster

Legal Framework

PD 442, The Labor Code of the

Philippines, as amended, is a
consolidation of labor and social laws
that aims to:
1. Afford full protection to labor
2. Promote employment and human
resources development
3. Ensure industrial peace
Relevant provisions
Labor Code of the Philippines,
•Book IV, Title I (Articles 162-171)
•Chapter 1 – Medical & Dental
•Chapter 2 – Occupational Safety
Policy Framework
Policy Framework
2. Can order compliance of labor laws after
due notice and hearing
3. Secretary of Labor can order stoppage of
work or suspension of operation in imminent
danger cases
Art. 168 of the Labor Code -
Secretary of Labor should:
•Set mandatory standards
•Enforce such standards
Occupational Hazards and Accidents
Occupational Hazard - A physical situation in the workplace with
potential for human injury, damage to property, damage to
environment or a combination of these

Occupational Accident - An occurrence arising out of, or in the

course of, work which results in:
•Fatal occupational injury
•Non-fatal occupational injury

Occupational Injury/Death – death or any personal injury

resulting from an occupational accident

Occupational Disease - A disease or sickness contracted as a

result of an exposure to risk factors arising from work activity

Alli, Fundamental Principles of Occupational Health and Safety, ILO (2008)

Source: 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013 & 2015 OIS of the BITS
Cases of Occupational Injuries with Workdays Lost by Major Occupation Group: 2010
FREQUENCY RATE & Cases of Occupational Injuries in Establishments Employing 20 or More, by Industry

Note: Values in red indicate higher rates than the national frequency rate
SEVERITY RATE & Cases of Occupational Injuries in Establishments Employing 20 or More, by Industry

Note: Values in red indicate higher rates than the national frequency rate
Cases of Occupational Diseases by Major Industry
Cases of Occupational Diseases by Type
Occupational Safety and Health Standards
Set of mandatory rules which
codifies all safety orders issued
•Mining Act
•Sanitation Code
•DOLE DO 174
•Senate Bill No. 1317
•ILO Conventions (e.g. MLC 2006)
•RESHERR (e.g. Corporate
Rules of the Occupational
Safety and Health Standards
1000 General Provisions
1010 Other Safety Rules
1020 Registration
1030 Training & Accreditation
1040 Health & Safety Committee
1050 Notification and Keeping of Occupational
Illnesses & Injuries
1060 Premises of Establishments
1070 Environmental Control
1080 Personal Protective Equipment
1090 Hazardous Materials
1100 Gas & Electric Welding & Cutting Operations
1120 Hazardous Work Processes
1140 Explosives
1150 Materials Handlings & Storage
1160 Boiler
Rules of the Occupational
Safety and Health Standards
1170 Unfired Pressure Vessels
1180 Internal Combustion Engine
1200 Machine Guarding
1210 Electric Safety
1220 Hazardous Materials
1230 Identification of Piping System
1240 Power Piping Lines
1410 Construction Safety
1420 Logging
1940 Fire Protection & Control
1950 Pesticides & Fertilizers
1960 Occupational Hazard Services
1970 Fees
1980 Authority of Local Government Units
1990 Final Provisions
Regional Distribution of Accredited
OSH Practitioner – CY 2012-2014
Regional Distribution of Accredited
OSH Practitioner – CY 2016
Regional Distribution of Accredited
OSH Practitioners 2017
Regional Distribution of Accredited
OSH Practitioners 2017
Recent Issuances
Revised Rules on Labor Laws Compliance System
[DOLE DO No. 131-13 and 131-B, 2016]
•Joint Assessment by the Labor Laws Compliance
Officer (LLCO), employers’ representative &
workers’ representative
•Issuance of Certificates of Compliance on
General Labor Standards (GLS) & OSH Standards
Recent Issuances

Revised Rules on the Administration And

Enforcement of Labor Laws Pursuant To Article
128 of the Labor Code, as Renumbered

[DOLE DO No. 183, 2017]

LLCS Performance Report 2014
LLCS Performance Report 2015
LLCS Regional Performance 2016
LLCS Regional Performance 2016
Recent Issuances
[Administrative Order No. 164-17]
•Participation on Legitimate Labor
Organizations, Legitimate Workers
Association, Chartered Local, National Union
or Federation, Accredited/Integrated
Professional Organizations, Non-government
Organizations, in the Assessment of
Establishment’s Compliance to Labor Laws and
Social Legislations
Recent Issuances
[DOLE Department Order No.128 - 13] Amending
Rule 1414 on Scaffoldings of the OSH
•Qualified and Competent personnel
•Designed by a structural engineer
•No Scaffold activity for wind velocity
exceeding 48 kph
Recent Issuances
[DOLE Department Order No.136 - 14]- Guidelines
for the implementation of Globally Harmonized
System (GHS) in Chemical Safety Program in the
•Defining health, physical and environmental
hazards and chemicals
•Creating classification processes (GHS
Pictograms and Hazard Classes)
•Communicating hazard information and protective
measures on labals and SDS
Recent Issuances
[DOLE Department Order No.149 - 16]- Guidelines in
Assessing and Determining Hazardous Work in the
Employment of Persons below 18 years of age
Industries declared hazardous to persons below 18:
• Mining and Quarrying • Transportation and Storage
• Construction • Fishing and Aquaculture
• Sewerage, Waste Disposal • Hunting and Trapping
• Mining and Quarrying • Security and Investigation
• Construction • Manufacturing of Alcoholic
• Sewerage, Waste Disposal beverages, Tobacco, Pyrotechnics,
• Forest and Logging Weapons, Ammunitions, Chemicals,
Recent Issuances
[DOLE Department Order No. 154 - 16]- Safety
and Health Standards on the Use of
Management of Asbestos in the Workplace
•Workers shall have as close to zero
occupational exposure limits as reasonably
practicable but in no case shall exceed the
TLV for Asbestos of 0.1 fiber cubic
centimeter in an 8-hour of work
Recent Issuances
[DOLE Labor Advisory No.3 - 16]- Safety and
Health Measures to Prevent and Control Heat
Stress at the Workplace
•Assess risk exposure to health-related illnesses and
determine needed protection
•Reduce heat stress, prevent heat stroke, heat cramps
and heat exhaustion
•Provide drinking water, shades, heat insulators,
ventilators, acclimation program and use of PPEs
•Adopt procedure for heat-related emergency situations
Recent Issuances
[DOLE Labor Advisory No.4 - 16]- Working
Conditions in the Movie and Television Industry
•Maximum actual hours of work including waiting
•Observe OSH in workplaces for workers and
•Transportation and Accommodations
•Minimum Benefits and Social Welfare Benefits
Recent Issuances
[DOLE Department Order No.178 – 17, 184 - 17] Safety and
Health Measures for workers who by the nature of their work
have to stand/ sit at work
•Implement rest periods, provide rest area or accessible seats
•Install appropriate flooring or mats to mitigate impact and
prevent fatigue
•Provide adjustable work surfaces to allow workers to
alternately sit & stand while working
•Implement use of practical & comfortable footwear
Recent Issuances
[DOLE Department Order No.182 - 17] Guidelines
governing employment and working conditions of health
personnel in the private health industry
Sec 10. Occupational Safety and Health
•Implement & promote occupational safety & health programs
consistent with OSHS provisions to include prevention and
control of Tuberculosis, HIV-AIDS, Hepatitis B, illegal drug
use, or workplace bullying
•Promote and implement programs on anti-smoking, anti-sexual
harassment, disaster and climate risk management
Recent Issuances
[OSH Law (Republic Act 11058)] – An Act
Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety
and Health Standards and Providing Penalties for
Violations Thereof
•Safety Officer is trained
•Safety Officer to issue work stoppage order when
•Worker’s Right of refusal to work in imminent danger
situation, as determined by DOLE
Recent Issuances

• Philippine Red Cross/DOLE authorized organization to

provide first aid training
• Safety and Health Program of company is submitted to
DOLE for approval, integral part of operating cost
• 8-hour OSH orientation for workers including joint
session of employer/ employees
• Imposition of fines by DOLE

A company’s employees are its greatest
and your people are your
— Sir Richard Branson
Business Magnate, Founder
Virgin Group, Ltd.

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