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3 Clutch

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• Clutch adalah bagian mesin yang digunakan untuk
menghubungkan poros penggerak dengan poros yang
digerakkan, sehingga poros yang digerakkan bisa
dijalankan dan dihentikan tiap saat tanpa harus
menghentikan poros penggerak.

• Paling banyak dijumpai pada kendaraan bermotor

Tipe-tipe clutch
• Positive clutch :
• Jaw/ claw clutch

• Friction clutch :
• Disc/ plate clutch
• Cone clutch
• Centrifugal clutch
Positive Clutch

Jaw/claw clutch
Friction Clutch
• Disc/ plate Clutch
•T = Torsi yang diteruskan
• p = Tekanan aksial/ normal
• r1 = jari-jari luar permukaan gesek
• r2 = jari-jari dalam permukaan gesek
•r = jari-jari rata-rata permukaan gesek
• μ = koefisien gesek
• W = gaya aksial/normal pd perm. gesek
Asumsi Tekanan Merata
W (clutch baru)
p 2 2
 (r1  r2 )
2  r1  r2 
3 3
T   .W . 2 
2  atau T   .W .r
3  r1  r2 
2  r13  r23 
dengan r  . 2 
2 
3  r1  r2 
= jari-jari rata-rata permukaan gesek
Asumsi Keausan Merata
(clutch lama)
• Tekanan normal (p), besarnya bervariasi dan berbanding
terbalik dg jarak dari sumbu clutch.
• Tekanan normal maks (pmax) terjadi pada jari-jari dalam
(r2)perm. gesek.

p . x = C (konstan)

x = jarak dari sumbu clutch

Keausan Merata
pmax .r2  C
pmin .r1  C
W  2 .  . C. (r1  r2 )
2 (r1  r2 )
T  .  .W . (r1  r2 ) atau T   .W .r
r1  r2
dengan r = jari-jari rata-rata permukaan gesek
Multiple disc clutch
Multiple disc clutch
• Untuk multiple disc clutch, jika jumlah pasang permukaan
kontak = n,
• n1 = jumlah disc pada driving shaft

• n2 = jumlah disc pada driven shaft.

Jumlah pasang permukaan kontak:

n = n1 + n2 – 1
Total frictional torque yang bekerja pada permukaan gesek atau
pada clutch,
T = n.μ.W.R
• dimana R = Mean radius of friction surfaces
• Example 24.1. Determine the maximum, minimum and
average pressure in a plate clutch when the axial force is 4
kN. The inside radius of the contact surface is 50 mm and
the outside radius is 100 mm. Assume uniform wear.
• Example 24.2. A plate clutch having a single driving plate
with contact surfaces on each side is required to transmit 110
kW at 1250 r.p.m. The outer diameter of the contact surfaces
is to be 300 mm. The coefficient of friction is 0.4.
a. Assuming a uniform pressure of 0.17 N/mm 2; determine the inner
diameter of the friction surfaces.
b. Assuming the same dimensions and the same total axial thrust,
determine the maximum torque that can be transmitted and the
maximum intensity of pressure when uniform wear conditions have
been reached.
• Clutch gesek meneruskan daya 11 kW pada 3000 rpm.
Clutch mempunyai plat gesek tunggal dengan kedua
sisinya efektif. Tekanan aksial dibatasi 0,1 N/mm2. Jika
diameter luar permukaan gesek 1,4 kali diameter
dalamnya, hitung dimensi permukaan gesek.
Diasumsikan keausan merata dan koefisien gesek = 0,3.

• Multi-disc clutch mempunyai 3 disc pada poros penggerak

dan 2 disc pada poros yang digerakkan. Dia luar
permukaan kontak 240 mm dan dia dalam = 120 mm.
Dengan asumsi keausan merata dan koefisien gesek =
0,3, hitung intensitas tekanan aksial maksimum antar
disc, untuk meneruskan daya 25 kW pada 1575 rpm.
1. A multiple disc clutch has three discs on the driving
shaft and two on the driven shaft, providing four pairs of
contact surfaces. The outer diameter of the contact
surfaces is 250 mm and the inner diameter is 150 mm.
Determine the maximum axial intensity of pressure
between the discs for transmitting 18.75 kW at 500
r.p.m. Assume uniform wear and coefficient of friction as
2. A multiple disc clutch employs 3 steel and 2 bronze
discs having outer diameter 300 mm and inner diameter
200 mm. For a coefficient of friction of 0.22, find the
axial pressure and the power transmitted at 750 r.p.m.,
if the normal unit pressure is 0.13 N/mm2. Also find the
axial pressure of the unit normal pressure, if this clutch
transmits 22 kW at 1500 r.p.m.
Centrifugal Clutch

• The centrifugal clutches are usually incorporated into the motor

pulleys. It consists of a number of shoes on the inside of a rim of the
pulley. The outer surface of the shoes are covered with a friction
material. These shoes, which can move radially in guides, are held
against the boss (or spider) on the driving shaft by means of springs.
• The springs exert a radially inward force which is assumed
constant. The weight of the shoe, when revolving causes it to
exert a radially outward force (i.e. centrifugal force).
• The magnitude of this centrifugal force depends upon the speed
at which the shoe is revolving.
• When the centrifugal force is less than the spring force, the shoe
remains in the same position as when the driving shaft was
stationary, but when the centrifugal force is equal to the spring
force, the shoe is just floating.
• When the centrifugal force exceeds the spring force, the shoe
moves outward and comes into contact with the driven member
and presses against it.
• The force with which the shoe presses against the driven
member is the difference of the centrifugal force and the spring
Centrifugal Clutch

• m = massa tiap sepatu

• n = jml sepatu
•r = jarak titik berat sepatu
dari pusat spider
• R = jari-jari dalam rim puli
• N = kecepatan operasi puli,
• ω = kec angular operasi puli, rad/det
= (2.π.N)/60
• ω1 = kec angular saat clutch mulai terhubung
Gaya sentrifugal dan pegas
Gy. Sentrifugal pd tiap sepatu pada kec. Operasi

Kec. Saat sepatu mulai terhubung biasanya diambil ¾

kec. Operasi, maka gaya ke pusat karena gaya pegas:
Torsi yang diteruskan
Gaya radial ke arah luar netto yg menekan sepatu ke
rim pada kec. operasi:

Gaya gesek yg bekerja arah tangensial pd tiap sepatu:

Torsi gesek pd tiap sepatu:

Torsi total yag diteruskan :

Ukuran sepatu
•l = panjang kontak sepatu
• b = lebar sepatu
• R = jari-2 kontak sepatu (=jari-2 dalam rim)
• θ = sudut sepatu terhadap pusat dlm radian

l 
  rad  l  R  R
R 3
0 
dg asumsi   60  rad
Ukuran sepatu
• Luasan kontak sepatu

A  l b
• Gaya penekan sepatu pada rim

 A p
 l b p
Dengan p = intensitas tekanan yg bekerja
pd sepatu, diambil sebesar
0,1 N/mm2.
Ukuran sepatu
• Karena gaya yang menekan sepatu pada rim
pada kecepatan operasi adalah (Pc-Ps), maka:

Pc  Ps  l  b  p
• Dari pers. Tersebut lebar sepatu bisa diperoleh.
Automatic transmission clutch
Example 24.14
• A centrifugal clutch is to be designed to transmit 15 kW at
900 r.p.m. The shoes are four in number. The speed at
which the engagement begins is 3/4th of the running
speed. The inside radius of the pulley rim is 150 mm. The
shoes are lined with Ferrodo for which the coefficient of
friction may be taken as 0.25.
• Determine:
1. mass of the shoes.
2. size of the shoes.
Cone Clutch
Cone Clutch
1. Cones: female cone (green), male cone (blue)
2. Shaft: male cone is sliding on splines
3. Friction material: usually on female cone, here on
male cone
4. Spring: brings the male cone back after using the
clutch control
5. Clutch control: separating both cones by pressing
6. Rotating direction: both direction of the axis are
Cone Clutch
Cone Clutch
• pn = intensitas tekanan yang menyatukan
perm. gesek (tekanan normal)
• r1 = jari-jari luar perm. gesek
• r2 = jari-jari dalam perm. gesek
•r = jari-jari rata-rata perm. gesek
= (r1+r2)/2
•α = sudut perm. gesek dg sumbu clutch
• μ = koefisien gesek antar permukaan
• w = lebar perm. kontak (muka clutch)
• Luas perm. kontak :
• A = 2.π.r.w
• Gaya normal antara perm. kontak :
• Fn = pn x 2.π.r.w
• Gaya aksial pegas yang diperlukan untuk
menghasilkan gaya normal yg mengaktifkan clutch :
• Fa = Fn sin α
• Gaya gesek arah tangensial :
• Ff = μ.Fn
• Torsi gesek yang dihasilkan clutch :
• T = Ff.r = μ.pn.2π.r2.w
1. Single plate clutch dengan kedua sisi efektif (n=2)
mempunyai diameter dalam 140 mm dan diameter luar
210 mm, dengan koefisien gesek antar permukaan
adalah 0.35. Jika clutch dioperasikan dengan gaya
aksial (W) sebesar 1230 N dan diasumsikan kondisi
keausan merata, hitung torsi (T) yang bisa diteruskan
oleh clutch dan intensitas tekanan aksial maksimum
(pmax) yang terjadi pada clucth.

2. An engine developing 22 kW at 1000 r.p.m. is fitted with

a cone clutch having mean diameter of 300 mm. The
cone has a face angle of 12°. If the normal pressure on
the clutch face is not to exceed 0.07 N/mm2 and the
coefficient of friction is 0.2, determine :
a. the face width of the clutch, and
b. the axial spring force necessary to engage the clutch.

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