IIR Customers
IIR Customers
IIR Customers
SDQConnector allows to use any 3rd party Vendor for Data matching and Cleansing
Siebel Application Account/ Contact / Prospect Siebel Data Quality Universal Connector
Data Cleansing
Data Base
Oracle Confidential
ISS Server
ISS Schema
NSA Table
Place the license file under C:\InformaticaIR\licenses before startin the License Server
The OEM packa e file1003.dat can be found under the installer\data directory
* The populations will require a separate license for the postal directories
The SQL Scripts related to the database server used can be found under c:\InformaticaIR\dbscript directory
Sample idsuseri.sql
The tablespace should had been created prior runnin this script; for testin purposes 300MB is enou h.
Start the IIR Server in Confi ure Mode and then Console Client in Admin Mode
The service name orcl was supplied durin the software installation, but can be chan ed by modifyin the odbc.ini located under the c:\InformaticaIR\bin directory
This step is only done once and will create the rule base that will be used by the SiebelDQ system
And confi ure it as displayed above. This file is located under c:\InformaticaIR\bin directory.
And confi ure it as displayed above. This file is located under c:\InformaticaIR\bin directory.
And confi ure it as displayed above. This file is located under c:\InformaticaIR\bin directory.
The IIR installation has concluded, now needs to setup the Siebel side...
Lo in to Siebel...
The attribute ISS Set File Name determines where the exported XML file will be saved. Examples: ISSLoad Account: C:\InformaticaIR\ids\data\account.xml ISSLoad Contact: C:\InformaticaIR\ids\data\contact.xml ISSLoad Prospect: C:\InformaticaIR\ids\data\prospect.xml Note : If the Siebel Server and IIR Server are not co-located the files should be manually copied to a directory that IIR Server can read from when doin Load IDT; this is setup on the siebelDQ.sdf file
Set the ISS Set URL attribute with http:://<IIR_hostname>:1671 format This is related to the XML Sync Server service If the Siebel Server and IIR Server are co-located the ISS Set URL attribute can be set to http://localhost:1671 (between double-quotes) Below is the list of Action Sets that need to be chan ed: ISSSYNC DeleteRecord Account ISSSYNC DeleteRecord Contact ISSSYNC DeleteRecord Prospect ISSSYNC WriteRecord Account ISSSYNC WriteRecord Contact ISSSYNC WriteRecord Prospect
Lo in to Tools...
The relevant workflow processes belon to the DQ ISS Inte ration project 13 Workflow Processes should be listed
Modify the Workflow ISS Delete Record Sync in the Step Send Profile Attr to ISS via HTTP Chan e the Method HTTPRequest Method from GET to POST
Modify the Workflow ISS Launch Write Record Sync in the Step "Send Delete Ms to ISS via HTTP Chan e the Method HTTPRequest Method from GET to POST
Modify the Workflow ISS Write Record Sync in step "Send to ISS via HTTP Chan e the Method HTTPRequest Method from GET to POST
Modify the Workflow ISSErrorHandler in the Process Property File Name Chan e the Default Strin to appropriate value, example: C:\InformaticaIR\lo \isserror.lo
Choose Administration Business Process > Workflow Deployment, and then click on Active Workflow Processes tab
Choose Administration Business Process > Workflow Deployment, and then click on Active Workflow Processes tab
Activate the relevant WF Processes, so that the lower Activate Workflow Processes applet has all the 13 ISS* WF processes activated
In Administration Data Quality > Third Party Administration, set the DLL Name to ssadqsea for ISS
Account DeDup Record Type Contact DeDup Record Type List Mgmt Prospective Contact DeDup Record Type Parameter 1 Candidate Acquisition Process by Third Party
Account Contact Prospect "global", "iss-config-file", "ssadq_cfg.xml" Yes
In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ISS ensure the above Vendor parameters for ISS are present
Mapped Field
DUNSNumber Name PAccountCity PAccountCountry PAccountPostalCode PAccountState PAccountStrAddress RowId
In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ISS ensure the above field mappin s for Account
Mapped Field
BirthDate CellularPhone EmailAddress NAME HomePhone MiddleName Account City
In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ISS ensure the above field mappin s for Contact
Mapped Field
Country PrimaryPostalCode State StreetAddress RowId SocialSecurityNumber WorkPhone
In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ISS ensure the above field mappin s for Contact
Mapped Field
Account CellularPhone EmailAddress NAME HomePhone MiddleName City Country
In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ISS ensure the above field mappin s for Prospect
Mapped Field
PostalCode State StreetAddress RowId SocialSecurityNumber WorkPhone
In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ISS ensure the above field mappin s for Prospect
In Administration - Data Quality > Data Quality Settin s ensure the above settin s are confi ured
In Administration Data Quality > Third Party Administration, set the DLL Name to ssadqasm for ASM
Account DataCleanse Record Type Contact DataCleanse Record Type List Mgmt Prospective Contact DataCleanse Record Type Personal Address DataCleanse Record Type CUT Address DataCleanse Record Type DQ Send Empty Field To Third Party Vendor DQ Cleanse High Deliverable Address Parameter 1
Account Contact Prospect Personal Address CUT Address Yes Yes "global", "iss-config-file", "ssadq_cfgasm.xml"
In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM ensure the above Vendor Parameters are set
Data Cleansing Data Cleansing Data Cleansing Data Cleansing Data Cleansing
In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM ensure the above BC operations are set
Mapped Field
In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM, ensure the above field mappin for Account BC is set
Mapped Field
Contact.First Name Contact.Last Name Contact.Middle Name
In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM, ensure the above field mappin s for Contact BC are set
Mapped Field
List Mgmt Prospective Contact.First Name List Mgmt Prospective Contact.Job Title List Mgmt Prospective Contact.Last Name List Mgmt Prospective Contact.Middle Name
In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM, ensure the above field mappin s for List M mt Prospective Contact BC are set
Mapped Field
Business Address.City Business Address.Country Business Address.Postal Code Business Address.State Business Address.Street Address Business Address.Street Address 2
In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM, ensure the above field mappin s for Field Mappin s for CUT Address BC are set
Mapped Field
Business Address.City Business Address.Country Business Address.Postal Code Business Address.State Business Address.Street Address Business Address.Street Address 2
In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM, ensure the above field mappin s for Field Mappin s for Personal Address BC are set
Set to Search Server Port # Set the rule base server db settin s
Sample File:
Sample File:
AD4 postal files can be downloaded from here: ftp://ar on.oracleads.com/tmp/ISS_Installation/ASM_Country_Files/ AD4 Postal files o to C:\InformaticaIR\ssaas\ad\ad\db directory, as well as the AD4 license file. The license file name should be named key AD5 postal files can be download from here: ftp://siebel:siebel@sdct1000s001.us.oracle.com//sdc1003pil/home/mharada/iir28 07/ssaas/ad5/ad/db/DB5_USA5BI_100606.zip AD5 Postal files o to C:\InformaticaIR\ssaas\ad5\ad\db directory, as well as the AD5 license file. The license file name should be named key * AD5 files were provided by PM; should contact PM if other populations are needed for test purposes
License Keys:
OeYer Trm L eskya fo In rnl D vlomnadD mntraooly Kesa dp ydo O c mcinsnVM n a e , icneesre r te a ee p et n e os tinn . y re eloe n rale ah ead soly n. C s mrL eskyd tribtioisiad ccn cw Adres oto O c AV@ fo ac.cm uto e icnee is u n v iret otrat ith d sD c r, rale in rmtia o L itew rld w rld insm uM im d o is o m u: ins EX,AR ,BR G A,AU,BEL H EU BR A,IT L D H ,H ,J ,SG ZL T ,C E,D ,G ,FR A,PO,IN ,C N KG PN P,N PO srent cvre b ths kyadne tob reus d C a o oe d y ee esn ed e qeteto O c AV@ fo ac.cm foee PO o w e cs mrdta ue. rale in rmtia o r vry C r hreuto e a is sd U M e os tin v: ES \KD N VL SY2KAT 8 N C D mntraoAD 4 N AY3 Z8 J WZ7V5 U M e os tin v: 2 C D mntraoAD 5 WZP7W9Q 4 9 KFVVC 3 FTSFC M C 5 4YZE7 6 D Q P1ZC U M ee p et/Enierig po AD 4 M /7Q6FKJ4 SR H $ 2$ C D vlomn g en/Suprt v: ZU 7 27 $N D E5/36 n U M ee p et/Enierig po AD 5 WS75 UVU XC A9VPD PC C EVWA1C o ) C D vlomn g en/Suprt v: n 2Z3 6 A4 3 T D 9 V1 0 (w rld (lim d o ) itew rld (lim d o ) itew rld (lim d o ) itew rld Exira n5 0 01 p tio: /2/21 Exira n5 0 01 p tio: /2/21 Exira n1/3/21 p tio: 2 1 00 Exira n7 1 00 p tio: /3/21
Address Doctor
ASM lee gs esmIIR ky /IIR vraeth a e e. Pe e a 2 /2 sa s esm licnee fo a 2 /9 sa s esmlicnee fo a rptul, .7 .8hreth a e esky rmt, .9 .0 hreth a e esky rmt. 2 /2 L esky/ inta tiosre itetos gN tw rk te c C rdmcinsn . .7 .8 icnee s lla na lim d ine e o In rfae a ah eoly O c d tribteth licnee d c tothir cs mrssa o thir e raleis u s e esky iretly e uto e aprt f e -dlivrymcais . e e ehn m
T o oe eis w mdlsx t. 1 1 te pra ky hv be p v e toO c fo dlivryw th O toedcs mrs Tis detoreeu reon . 2 mo ryes ae en roidd rale r e e ith e EM n uto e . h is u vne cgitio te pra kyis6 dy. mo rye 0 as 2 Oeya s na ID licne(n ad nlfetu sa reus dyO c Suprt toIn rmticSuprt. . n er tadrd Q ess o ditioa a re) re qeteb rale po fo a a po
Informatica Data
2 0 1 0 5 / 2 0 11 Ke ys OracleDQv862.zip
* It is necessary to apply the FixL147 to enable AD5 and also modify the ssadq_cfgasm.xml
Navi ate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets, and activate the ISSLoadAccount, ISSLoad Contact and ISSLoad Prospect action sets; then choose Reload Runtime Events
Navi ate to Administration Data Quality Settin s, and modify Match Thresholds to tri related workflows er the ISSLoad*
The exported data should be found under c:\InformaticaIR\ids\data directory, as set in the attribute ISS Set File Name of the ISSLoad Account, ISSLoad Contact, ISSLoad Prospect action sets
Create a new System by clickin on New button, and then click on OK button
Enter the data as shown above , and then click OK to proceed with the system creation
The successful system creation should be confirmed by the job details as shown above; click on Close button to return to the previous screen
Click on Select button, and choose siebeldq from the dropdown list, and then click OK button to proceed
Click on the Load IDT button, choose siebel_dq_loadall from the dropdown list, and then click OK button to proceed...
Note: SQL*Loader is required; verify if you can run sqlldr from command-prompt
I nore the prospects load failure due to empty XML file, it will cause the job failure, but this can be i nored if Accounts and Contacts were loaded
Click on Tools button, click on Search Client, choose Search Client option, and then click on OK button to proceed...
Click on search-or button, and then search for a known existin Account to validate that Accounts load was successful
Click on search-person-name button, and then search for a known existin Contact to validate that Contact load was successful. The initial load process has finished.
Start synchronizer
Click on Synchronizer button, choose Run Synchronizer button, and click on OK button to display the Update Synchronizer screen; enter -t120ms in the Extra Options field, and then click on OK button to start the synchronizer
Lo in to Siebel, navi ate to Adminstration Runtime Events > Actions Sets, search for ISS*, enable all the Action Sets, except the ISSLoad* Actions Sets that are only used for initial load; choose Menu > Reload Runtime Events
To keep the data between Siebel schema and IIR schema synchronized, the Update Synchronizer should be runnin . Should any inconsistency appear, a system refresh and Load IDT will be needed.
a. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen > Servers view. b. In the Components list, select an object manager. For example, select the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) c. Click the Parameters subview tab. In the Parameters field in the Component Parameters list, apply the appropriate settings to the parameters in the table below. d. After the component parameters are set, restart the object manager Parameter DeDuplication Enable Flag DeDuplication Data Type Data Cleansing Enable Flag Data Cleansing Type Description
True (Indicates whether real-time data matching is enabled; default is False) ISS True (Indicates whether real-time data cleansing is enabled; default is False) ASM
Modify a Siebel record, and verify the information is updated on the IIR schema, if the synchronization is workin the modification should be reflected quickly
Enter a similar record, the deduplication result pop-up applet should be displayed
Navi ate to Administration - Data > Addresses, and enter an address and verify the result