Globalization of Economic Relations
Globalization of Economic Relations
Globalization of Economic Relations
economic globalization
The Globalization of trade of goods and services – When a country exports more than It
imports, it runs a trade surplus. When a country imports more than it exports, it runs a trade
deficit. The large trade deficits in the middle and late1980s sparked political controversy
Industries in the U.S. have petitioned governments for protection and societies have
debated the pros and cons of free and open trade. For last century and half, the principal
argument against protection has been the theory of Comparative advantage, the advantage in
the production of goods enjoyed by one country over another. That can produced at
Trade Barriers also called obstacles to trade, Three most common are Tariffs ,
Exports Subsides, And Quotas. All forms of protection shielding some sector of the
economy from foreign competition.
The Globalization of technology an d
Capital is not the only factor of production required to produce output labor
is equally important. To be productive, the workforce must be healthy.
Health is not the only issues but basic literacy as well as specialized
training in farm for example , can yield high returns to both individual
worker and the economy Education has grown become the largest category
of government expenditure in many developing nations. In part of
technology transfer and communication have become part of manpower
training in most agricultural countries this is so because of the belief that
human resources are the ultimate determinant of economic advance.
The globalization of
Free Trade Areas (FTA) - is formed when two or more countries agree to abolish
all internal barriers to trade among themselves. Countries that belong to a free
trade area can do and maintain independent trade policies with Respect to non-
FTA countries. A system of certificate of origin is used to avoid trade diversion on
favor of low-tariff members.
preferential trade
Custom Union - Represents the logical evolution of a free trade area. In
addition to eliminating internal barriers to trade members of a customs
union establish common external barriers.
The united states has sizeable trade deficit with china. in 2012 it
was $315 billion and in 2017 it was $375 billion.