Moradabad, in the state of Uttar Pradesh Established in 1600 by Murad, the son of
the Mughal Emperor Shahjahan Moradabad is also known as ‘Brass City’ or ‘Peetal
Nagri’. It has about 850 export units and 25000 metal craft industrial units in its
According to archeological records, brass was popular in India since the third
century BC and most of the idols of gods and goddesses were made of this metal.
Brass work in Moradabad bloomed in the early 19th century and British took the art
to foreign markets. Other immigrating artisans from Banaras, Lucknow, Agra and
many other places formed the current cluster of brassware industry in Moradabad.
In 1980’s various other metal wares like iron, aluminium etc were introduced to the
art industry of Moradabad.
Production Process
Brass metal is an alloy of copper and zinc and the quality of the metal
depends on the Percentage composition of both these metals. Various
processes involved in the manufacturing of brassware. The task of
making brassware requires a team of skilled artisans having
considerable expertise in various areas. For instance, a skilled engraver
is needed for the task of engraving, a skilled enameller is needed for
the task of enameling, similarly, many others are required for additional
responsibilities. Moreover, this Traditional craft is probably five hundred
years old and these artisans learned this traditional art form from their
ancestors and forefathers engaged into this practice from many
Stages for making a brassware are:
Mould Making- The first step is to make the mould or ‘master-piece’ from which multiple products
would be replicated (cast). These are usually made of wax, as it is soft and easy to work with.
Sometimes wood is also used. This master copy is always created in two (or more) detachable
halves to make sand casting convenient.
Melting- Brass is prepared by melting scrap-metal to approximately coal-fired furnaces. The raw
materials are a mix of many metals namely copper, zinc, lead, etc. in a specified ratio. A flux is also
added to remove the impurities. These are molten in a huge container for about twelve hours to
produce 350 kilograms of brass at one go. The molten metal is left to cool on basic iron molds to
form strips that are then sent to the casting craftsmen.
Casting Dhalai- Sand casting is the traditional method of making brass ware. Sand is used in the
two halves of the mould box to cast the metal which is prepared by packing sand (locally called
‘masala’) around the ‘master copy’ tightly. The chemical binder in the sand aids in holding the
shape of the mould after which it is removed, and molten metal poured in its cavity. After being
allowed to cool for a few minutes, the cast metal is removed from the mould box. The sand and the
‘gating’ (pathway made in the mold for directing the flow of molten metal into the cavity) are
broken from the cast using a hammer. These are re-used in the next casting.
Scraping- The cast metal is mounted on a cylindrical wooden block, which in turn is attached to the
headstock of the lathe machine. Various chisels and files are used to scrap the spinning cast and
smoothen its surface of any irregularities. Sometimes when the product is made in parts, it is first
welded together and then sent for scraping and polishing. Metal shavings are re- used in the next
Engraving- Nakashi and Dastakari- Engraving is the most refined and artistic of all the processes.
The design that must be engraved is first sketched on paper and then scaled-up according to the
size of the product. Measurement is an important aspect to make the pattern look harmonious and
lyrical. These are mainly inspired from different forms of nature like trees, flowers, birds, and
animals. The geometric ones have their influence from the Mughal architecture. First, an outline of
the whole design is done with a fine engraving tool hammered with a wooden block. After that,
broader tools are used to engrave the background and give depth to the pattern. These are often
filled with colorful lac or enamel.
Polishing Chilai - Polishing mainly includes cleaning the brass ware with a soft scrub and then
buffing it on the machine for golden sheen. The district has domestic units as well as large
industries engaged in the manufacture of metal goods. The work of washing, shaping and polishing
handicraft metal items is carried out in the domestic units.
The designs made on the brass products here display culture, heritage,
history and diversity. The patterns and designs used for decorating these
items are inspired from a variety of sources, varying from Hindu Gods and
Goddesses to paintings of the Mughal Era.
The range of brass products from Moradabad include idols for worship, flower vases and planters, surahis (round pots), tableware (plates, bowls, boxes etc.), ash trays,
diyas, candle stands, instruments, locks and fittings, hookahs, antique jewelry, furniture and trophies made by skilled artisans.
The items that are more popular of the art tradition of Moradabad artisans are flower vases, beautiful table taps, trays and candle stand. Items like ashtray, beer mug,
tables, bookend etc. of considerable variety are also produced by the artisans.
The brassware is exported to countries like the USA, Britain, Canada, Germany and to the Middle East and Asia.