Value Stream Mapping Training Materials
Value Stream Mapping Training Materials
Value Stream Mapping Training Materials
It indicates all the action s that are currently required to bring a product or
service through the main process steps that are essential to get it from it’s
origin to it’s final destination
The value stream map shows all the steps whether they are value added
(VA), non value added (NVA) or non value added but required (NVAR)
To look at the big picture so that we can focus in the areas that need priority
Eliminating all non value added activities and minimizing all the non value
added but required activities
Why is Value Stream Mapping Important?
To see the BIG PICTURE as opposed to any one single process step. You
can see the process flows
Helps to IDENTIFY WASTE and the sources of waste in your value stream
It focuses everyone’s attention and provides a COMMON BASE FOR
ANALYZING the process
Helps the management DEVELOP A MESSAGE AND VISION that will
need to be communicated to all employees
It makes it easy to see the IMPACT of changes
It ties together lean elements, roles and tools and helps to PREVENT THE
It forms the basis of an implementation plan and OUTLINES HOW THE
Type of waste:
7 Wastes
1. Over-production
2. over-Processing
3. WaitingTime
4. Inventory
5. Excess Motion
Any activity that consume
resources without creating 6. Un-acceptable items
value for the costumer
(the 7 Wastes)
7. Transportation
Operations Materials
Stream Waste Elimination
Value Stream Mapping Symbols
Properly define the product or process, grouping them will cause confusion and difficult
to develop current and future stream map
Collect the right data on the current state map. Without accurate, detailed information
you cannot hope to figure out how to improve flow
Pay attention to the information flow. A value stream should show both information and
material flows
Focus on the timeline at the bottom of the map, it helps you to prioritize improvement.
Remember: one of the major goals it to reduce lead times.
Draw the future state mam and followed with discipline, because it leads directly to a
comprehensive implementation plan
Keys to Value Stream Mapping Success
DO NOT put the map in your computer software. It’s a pencil and paper exercise.
Translate future state map into a plan and focus on implementing it
Conduct regular reviews
Assign a leader of champion. Leaving it in a group of departments will ensure very slow
Lean never ends. There is always more waste and continuous incremental improvement
must be the overriding philosophy
Continuously seek perfection