Work Study: Definition: Work Study May Be Defined As The Analysis
Work Study: Definition: Work Study May Be Defined As The Analysis
Work Study: Definition: Work Study May Be Defined As The Analysis
Is it necessary ? Yes/No
Purpose - What is achieved ? What else could be done ? What?
If yes - Why ?
Means - How is it done ? Why that way ? How else could it be done ? How ?
Place - Where is it done ? Why there ? Where else could it be done ? When ?
Sequence - When is it done ? Why then ? When else could it be done ? When ?
Person - Who does it ? Why that person ? Who else could do it ? Who ?
Developing Better Method:
With the present method or procedure for the job in mind, the
application of ‘critical analysis' highlights the essential part of
the job, for which alternative ways for its carrying out are
developed .
When developing alternative ways for doing a task the following
may be considered.
• Where and how to use ‘man' in the process?
• What better work procedure be adopted?
• What better equipment be used?
• What better layout of work station, shop or factory be used?
In deciding whether a particular element of work (operation, inspection, or
transportation) be carried out manually or with the help of a device, method
study engineer must be well aware of things which man cannot do or does in
inferior fashion than machine. Examples of such things are:
a.Exert large amount of force, as needed in metal cutting.
b.Exert force precisely or smoothly at a fixed rate as needed in metal forming.
c.Do high speed computations of complex nature.
d.Perform repetitive tasks without suffering from side effects like boredom,
fatigue, etc.
e.Move at high speeds for hours together.
f.Carry out several tasks simultaneously.
g.Respond fast to frequently changing control signals.
h.Perform satisfactorily in an environment where conditions relating to cold, heat,
noise, dampness, etc. are extreme.
In contrast, machines prove inferior generally when for carrying out a task it
is necessary to
a.Think creatively or inductively, b. Learn c. Generalize, d. Cope will
unexpected events.
In most cases, the relative roles of man and machine vary from one extreme
end in which entire process is manual to the other extreme in which the
process is completely mechanized with the presence of man only for
monitoring, trouble shooting, maintenance, and the like.
Man is readily available and extremely flexible tool, who has the
capability of doing a large number and type of tasks with learning and
practice that is generally less expensive than the cost of creating devices for
the same purpose. Man is therefore considered a strong competitor for low,
medium and even some high volume production tasks.
When an activity is decided to be carried out manually, the best work
procedure is determined by considering the principles of Motion Economy.
Equipped will the various alternative ways of carrying out essential elements
of task, method study engineer has now to choose the best alternative
method. He decides upon the criteria, which may be additional fixed costs
involved, running cost, production rate, operator's fatigue, operator
learning time, and the like. The weight to each criterion is fixed and
performance is predicted of each alternative with respect to each criteria. The
one which gets the maximum points is selected for adoption as a standard
Detailed specifications of this method are prepared with the description of
procedure, workplace layout and material/equipment to be used.
This is important for
• Communication of the proposed work method to those responsible for its
• Communication of the proposed method to those concerned with its
installation, for example instructors and supervisors who are actually
responsible for instructions to operators and setting up the machinery and
work place layouts.
• Official record of the work method.
Installation of Improved Method: When the proposals of the
improved method for a job are approved by the management of
the company, the next step is to put this method into practice.
Installation of method requires necessary prior preparation for
which the active support of everyone concerned is very
0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28
Sample 5 4 8 12 17 23 30 38 47 27 68 80 93
Sample 10 2 4 7 10 13 17 22 27 33 39 46 53
0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.50
Sample 5 107 121 137 154 171 190 210 230 250 273 296
Element Type M M P M M M M M
Average actual time 0.14 0.16 0.30 0.52 0.26 0.45 0.34 0.15
Elements No. 2 5 8
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4
Delay Allowance: This time allowance is given to operator
for the numerous unavoidable delays and interruptions that
he experiences every day during the course of his work.
These interruptions include interruptions from the
supervisor, inspector, planners, expediters, fellow workers,
production personnel and others. This allowance also covers
interruptions due to material irregularities, difficulty in
maintaining specifications and tolerances, and interference
delays where the operator has to attend to more than one
Fatigue Allowance: This allowance can be divided into two
parts: (i) basic fatigue allowance and (ii) variable fatigue
allowance. The basic fatigue allowance is given to the
operator to compensate for the energy expended for carrying
out the work and to alleviate monotony. For an operator who
is doing light work while seated, under good working
conditions and under normal demands on the sensory or
motor system, a 4% of normal time is considered adequate.
This can be treated as a constant allowance.
Personal Allowance: This is allowed to compensate for the
time spent by worker in meeting the physical needs, for instance
a periodic break in the production routine. The amount of
personal time required by operator varies with the individual
more than with the kind of work, though it is seen that workers
need more personal time when the work is heavy and done
under unfavourable conditions.
The amount of this allowance can be determined by making all-
day time study or work sampling. Mostly, a 5 % allowance for
personal time (nearly 24 minutes in 8 hours) is considered
Special Allowances: These allowances are given under certain
special circumstances. Some of these allowances and the
conditions under which they are given are:
Policy Allowance: Some companies, as a policy, give an
allowance to provide a satisfactory level of earnings for a
specified level of performance under exceptional circumstance.
This may be allowed to new employees, handicap employees,
workers on night shift, etc. The value of the allowance is
typically decided by management.
Small Lot Allowance: This allowance is given when the actual
production period is too short to allow the worker to come out of
the initial learning period. When an operator completes several
small-lot jobs on different setups during the day, an allowance as
high as 15 percent may be given to allow the operator to make
normal earnings.
Training Allowance: This allowance is provided when work is
done by trainee to allow him to make reasonable earnings. It may
be a sliding allowance, which progressively decreases to zero
over certain length of time. If the effect of learning on the job is
known, the rate of decrease of the training allowance can be set
Rework Allowance: This allowance is provided on certain
operation when it is known that some percent of parts made are
spoiled due to factors beyond the operator's control. The time in
which these spoiled parts may be reworked is converted into
Work Sampling
Work Sampling (also sometimes called ratio delay study) is a
technique of getting facts about utilization of machines or
human beings through a large number of instantaneous
observations taken at random time intervals. The ratio of
observations of a given activity to the total observations
approximates the percentage of time that the process is in that
state of activity.
Use of Work Sampling for Standard Time Determination:
Work sampling can be very useful for establishing time
standards on both direct and indirect labour jobs. The procedure
for conducting work sampling study for determining standard
Step 1 . Define the problem:
• Describe the job for which the standard time is to be
• Unambiguously state and discriminate between the two
classes of activities of operator on the job: what are the
activities of job that would entitle him to be in 'working"
This would imply that when operator will be found
engaged in any activity other than those would entitle
him to be in "Not Working" state.
Step 2. Design the sampling plan:
• Estimate satisfactory number of observations to be made.
• Decide on the period of study, e.g. two days, one week,
• Prepare detailed plan for taking the observations.
This will include observation schedule, exact method of
observing, design of observation sheet, route to be followed,
particular person to be observed at the observation time, etc.
Step 3. Contact the persons concerned and take them in
confidence regarding conduct of the study.
Step 4. Make the observations at the pre-decided random
times about the working / not working state of the operator.
When operator is in working state, determine his
performance rating. Record both on the observation sheet.
Step 5. Obtain and record other information. This includes
operator's starting time and quitting time of the day and total
number of parts of acceptable quality produced during the
Step 6. Calculate the standard time per piece.
Predetermined Motion Time System:
A predetermined motion time system (PMTS) may be
defined as a procedure that analyzes any manual
activity in terms of basic or fundamental motions
required to perform it. Each of these motions is
assigned a previously established standard time value
and then the timings for the individual motions are
synthesized to obtain the total time needed for
performing the activity.
Applications of PMTS are for
(i) Determination of job time standards.
(ii) Comparing the times for alternative proposed methods so as to
find the economics of the proposals prior to production run.
(iii) Estimation of manpower, equipment and space requirements
prior to setting up the facilities and start of production.
(iv) Developing tentative work layouts for assembly lines prior to
their working in order to minimize the amount of subsequent
re-arrangement and re-balancing.
(v) Checking direct time study results.