Module-4 Shivam
Module-4 Shivam
Module-4 Shivam
c) Education HSC
• The first crop selected is Tomato which is cultivated in the season rabbi by
the farmer which are later sold to the agents , wholesalers , or taken into the
APMC market.
• Variety: Abhinav
• Area: 0.6 ha
• The second crop selected is Watermelon which is cultivated in summer
season by the farmer and which is later sold in the Market by the farmer in
cities and towns where there is more demand for the season. As it is a
seasonal crop.
• Variety: Sugar queen
• Area: 0.4 ha
Characteristics present suggested
Marketing Producer -> agent / trader -> retailer • Producer -> consumer.
channel -> Producer. • Producer-> retailer ->
• Producer -> processing
unit -> consumer
Grading Only basic grading practices Grading the commodity
followed. according to standard norms.
Packaging Primarily level of packaging. • Palatalizing the
• Packaging the produce
according to requirement
of forward linkage.
• Packaging should be done
according to requirement.
• Bringing together of smaller amounts of produce for greater convenience and economy in
• transporting or processing.
• Assembling occurs in the distribution of finished products. Wholesaler buy from many
processor to have on hand the commodities wanted by retailers to supply the consumers.
• Assembling of Tomato :
• Assembling of Watermelon :
• Grading of watermelon :
• 1 .A : watermelon weighing from 2 to 6 kg and having firm
shape and clean surface
• 2. B : watermelon weighing below 2 kg.
• 3. C : watermelon having uneven shape, spots and yellow
5.3 Branding of products
• Branding is the marketing practice of actively shaping your brand.
• That’s the basic definition, but there is so much more that goes into it.
• Branding is what your business needs to break through the clutter and grab
your ideal customer’s attention. It’s what transforms first-time buyers into
lifetime customers and turns an indifferent audience into brand evangelists.
It’s what you need to stand out, make an impact and take your business to
the next level.
1. Brand Name Search: A Brand Name search is the first step in the Brand Name
registration procedure.
2. Filing of Brand Name Registration Application: The second step in the Brand Name
registration procedure is filing of Brand Name registration application after getting the
positive search report.
3. Examination of Brand Name Registration Application: Third step in the Brand Name
registration procedure is issuance of examination report by the Registration office.
4. Publication of Mark in Trademark Journal: Fourth step in the Brand Name registration
procedure is the publication of the brand in the Trademark journal.
5. Trademark Registration:
6. This process can also done through online portal, as APEDA has started to provide
assistance for creating a brand.
6.2 Brand name of product
• Ideally, while finalizing a brand name, we should keep in my mind the following
points :
• Accessible: People can easily interpret it, say it, spell it, or Google it. (Even if you
have an unusual or bizarre name, it must be understandable.)
• Protectable: You can trademark it, get the domain, and “own” it, both legally and in
the general consciousness.
• Future-proof: It can grow with the company and maintain relevance—and be adapted
for different products and brand extensions.
1. For tomato these following type of cartons or plastic bags can be used with
brand name on it
2. For watermelon stickers or boards with brand name can be used for direct
selling to customer
6.3.Promotional Strategies for commodity
• Promotional activities that should be carried out by farmer are :
• Marketing of commodities should be done through various social media
platform like whatsapp, face book and also Instagram as to attract more
• Have suggested Online marketing of wheat on platforms like flip kart , amazon
• Online marketing of watermelon could be done on a web portal started by MSAMB which is .
• While selling Agricultural produce in APMC farmer should prefer E-NAM ( Electronic –
National Agricultural Market)
• It assurance transparency and the amount is directly transfered into bank account of farmer.
• Kisan market , farm fresh , on this online platforms farmer can easily register and sale
their produce.
• Linking to such web portals and registration has become easy now a days and can be done
within minutes.
• Creating a own web-portal will also benefit, but a large customer base is needed who will
visit daily to this online portal, but if wide range of products are made available throughout
the year it will eventually attract more customer base.
8.Transportation & Facilitative services
• Transportation is important as agricultural produce is perishable in
nature and has to be transported in market in time.
Capital investment for branding and Government subsidies are available for
advertising promotion , packing, branding PM