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The Evolution of Traditional To New Media: Media and Information Literacy

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Media and Information Literacy
Today’s lesson

The evolution of media.

01 a. Pre-industrial age (before 1700s)
b. Industrial age (1700s - 1930s)
c. Electronic age (1930s - 1980s)
d. Information age (mid 1900s-2000s)

02 The influence of media on the values and norms of

After going through this module, you are
expected to:

1. Explain how the evolution of media from

traditional to new media shaped the
values and norms of people and society.
Your Picture Here

Is any channel or ways of communication that

we use to transmit or communicate messages
(communication tools).
This can include anything from printed paper
to digital data,and encompasses art, news,
educational content and numerous other
forms of information.

In society, media plays a variety of roles, including the following;

a. It gets your message across to a wider audience,

b. Educates society,
c. Disseminate the information and knowledge, and
d. Provides true pictures and live telecast for various
Determine the period when the following types of media emerged
throughout the four ages in history

A.Pre-industrial age B.Industrial age C.Electronic age D.Information age

Industrial age

Information age
Cave Painting

Pre-industrial age
News paper

Industrial age
Transistor radio

Electronic age
Internet Explorer

Information age
Type Writer

Industrial age
Electronic age
Papyrus in Egypt

Pre-industrial age

Industrial age
The Evolution of Traditional to New Media
The development of media has occurred across time, from
the pre-industrial to the information era. The transition from
conventional to new media illustrates the history of the dev-
elopment of media technology, which enables people to
communicate and spread information in the most rapid and
effictive manners.The ideals and standards of individuals
and society were also shaped by the media.
Let’s recall what you have learned from the previous lesson about the
the introduction of media and information literacy.

1. It is the capacity of an individual to comprehend the function of media

and determine the relevant use and worth of media platforms.
-Media literacy
2. It involves a thorough way of gathering information, data, or facts
which relate to the use of media inforation.

-Information literacy
3. it refers to the skill of an individual to manipulate technology independently
or with the assistance of others in using technology in an efficient and siutable
-Technology literacy
4. It covers the necessary skills that let a person interact using
different media platforms and get access to information around
the globe.
-Media and Information literacy
5. this refers to a person who has huge followers who share their
post on social media to reach more poeple.
-Social Media Influencer
EVOLUTION The term “media” is described as means
OF of communication for people which inclu-
TRADITIONAL des newspaper, radio,televisions, and
TO the internet.
The media and information technology
THE are heavily used in society for commu-
EVOLUTION nication, information dissemination ,
OF remote learning, work-from-home oppor-
TRADITIONAL tunities, etc. As technology advanced,
TO people began to wonder how media
NEW MEDIA evolved over time and what kind of
media were prevalent in various historical
EVOLUTION Let’s now explore how media have
OF changed from the pre-industrial to
TRADITIONAL the information age to find out the
TO answers to thess question.
PRE-INDUSTRIAL AGE (before 1700s)

People discover fire, developed paper

from plants and forge weapons and
tools with stone, bronze, copper and

Pre-industrial is defined as the time before indust-

rialization. During this time period, most economic
activity took place at the subsistence level, in
which goods are produced for the consumption
and survival of one's family group.
The prehistoric inhabitants used
stone tools and metals as part of their daily
activities like hunting and gathering. They
also used crude stone tools to create things
considered rock art. These prehistoric arts
such as petroglyphs and pictographs were
considered the earliest forms of traditional
media (Magpile , 2016, p 17-18).
Pre-Industrial Age (Before 1700s)
Here are the lists of media that have evolved throughout the Pre-industrial age in

• Cave paintings (35,000 BC)

• Clay tablets in Mesopotamia (2400 BC)
• Papyrus in Egypt (2500 BC)
• Acta Diurna in Rome (130 BC)
• Dibao in China (2nd Century)
• Codex in the Mayan region (5th Century)
• Printing press using wood blocks (220 AD)
Cave paintings (35,000 BC)
Clay tablets in Mesopotamia (2400 BC)
Papyrus in Egypt (2500 BC)
Acta Diurna in Rome (130 BC)
Dibao in China (2nd Century)
Codex in the Mayan region (5th Century)
Printing press using wood blocks (220 AD)
Industrial Age (1700s - 1930s)

The industrial age occurs during the industrial revolution in Great Britain.
This period brought in economic and societal changes, such as the subs-
titution of handy tools with machines like the power loom and the steam
engine. The transformation of the manufacturing industry, and commer-
cial enterprise or mass production of various products occurred. Also,
distance communication became possible via telegraph, a system used
for transmitting messages. (Magpile, 2016, p. 19-20)
Industrial Age (1700s-1930s)
Here are the lists of media that have evolved throughout the Industrial age in

• Printing press for mass production (19th

• Newspaper- The London Gazette (1640)
• Typewriter (1800) Telephone (1876)
• Motion picture photography/projection (1890)
• Commercial motion pictures (1913)
• Motion picture with sound (1926)
• Telegraph
• Punch cards
Printing press for mass production
Newspaper- The London Gazette (1640) Typewriter (1800) Telephone (1876)
Motion picture photography/projection (1890)
Commercial motion pictures Motion picture with sound
(1913) (1926)
Telegraph Punch cards
Electronic Age (1930s - 1980s)

The electronic age started when people

utilized the power of electricity that made
electronic devices like transistor radio and
television work. The creation of the transistor
piloted the rise of the electronic age. The
power of transistors was used in radio,
electronic circuits, and early computers. In
this period, people made use of air access to
communication. (Teaching Guide for Senior
High School Media and Information Literacy, p.
Electronic Age (1930s - 1980s)
Here are the lists of media that have evolved throughout the Electronic age in

• Transistor Radio
• Television (1941)
• Large electronic computers- i.e. EDSAC (1949)
and UNIVAC 1 (1951)
• Mainframe computers - i.e. IBM 704(1960)
• Personal computers - i.e. HewlettPackard 9100A
(1968), Apple 1 (1976)
• OHP, LCD projectors
Transistor Radio Television (1941)
Large electronic computers- i.e. EDSAC (1949)
and UNIVAC 1 (1951)
Mainframe computers - i.e. IBM 704(1960)

OHP, LCD projectors

Personal computers - i.e. HewlettPackard 9100A (1968), Apple 1 (1976)
Information Age (1900s - 2000s)

The information age is a period also known as the digital age. This period signified the
use of the worldwide web through an internet connection. Communication became
faster and easier with the use of social networks or social media platforms such as
Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, among others.
Information Age (1900-2000s)

Web browsers: Mosaic (1993), Video chat: Skype (2003), Google

Internet Explorer (1995) Hangouts (2013)
Blogs: Blogspot (1999), Search Engines: Google (1996),
LiveJournal (1999), Yahoo (1995)
Wordpress (2003)

Social media: Friendster (2002), Facebook (2004)

Multiply (2003), Your Picture Here
Wearable technology
Microblogs: Twitter (2006), Cloud and Big Data
Tumblr (2007)

Portable computers-
Video: YouTube (2005) laptops (1980), tablets (1993)
Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality netbooks (2008),
The Influence of Media on The Values and
Norms of People
The anticipated standards of behavior in a
society are called norms, typical rules or

These standards call for conformist conduct

that follows societal criteria such as deference
to elders, education, marriage, and gender
roles. The set of rules starts at home and keeps evolv-
ing as we grow introducing
ourselves to society. People are no longer
insular due to the use of social media.

Restricted to his or her social circle and more

easily integrated into world society with various
standards and ideals.
The Influence of Media on The Values and
Norms of People
The information era has increased the impact of media
on various facets of peoples' lives. Media provide access
to ideas that are restricted in the past. Due to people’s
capability to relate, delib-
rate, and communicate freely online, the conven-tional
ideas are challenged. For instance, various women's
rights organizations use online channels to spread
awareness of the equality of women in our culture. In a
similar vein, the LGBTQ + movem-ent promotes social
acceptance and gender eq-uality.

As a result, development occurs establishing new social

rules to follow in the pursuit of tolerance
and equal opportunity.
Arias (2016) asserts that media influence can have two
types of effects: (1) personal or direct effects, and
(2) social or indirect effects. He suggested that the way
information is disseminated affects a person's views,
which in turn affects how they behave.

Information is extensively disseminated, which promotes

the development of shared knowledge and broadens its
influence on societal norms and values. This is consistent
with Bandura's Social Learning Theory (1986), which pro-
poses that instructional models are used by media to
operate. These instructional models, among other things,
transfer knowledge, values, and behaviors, which serve
important purposes.

The comprehension of widely held views is improved by

information that is acknowledged to be publicly available (Mutz,
Activity 1.1. Data Retrieval
Complete the table below by providing examples of media in each column. Then,
answer the questions that follow. Use a separate sheet of paper for this activity.
Thank you so
much guys!

Let’s have another activity!

Activity 1.2. Q&A
Answer the following questions and start your answer with the statement
I believe…

1. Given the available media that we have now, what are its roles and functions
to our society?
I believe...
2. How do social media affect the values and norms of the people around me?
I believe...
3. How do media influence my values?
I believe...
4. What are the positive effects of media to me?
I believe...
5. What are the challenges of media to me and how can I cope with this?
I believe...
For your Performance task make a “personal technology timeline”

Make a timeline of the means of communication that you have used.

You can draw or paste cut-outs of pictures from magazines or newspapers.

Your output will be graded based on the following rubrics:

Nokia 1100 example Loptop

2000 2010 2022


Nokia 3210 Desktop PC Smartphones

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following describes the pre-industrial

a. the early hominids used stone tools and metals
b. the substitution of handy tools with electrical machine
c. the utilization of electrical power to run devices
d. The use worldwide web through an internet connectivity
2. Which of the following describes the industrial age?
a. the early hominids used stone tools and metals
b. the substitution of handy tools with electrical machine
c. the utilization of electrical power to run devices
d. The use worldwide web through an internet connectivity

3. Which of the following describes the electronic age?

a. the early hominids used stone tools and metals
b. the substitution of handy tools with electrical machine
c. the utilization of electrical power to run devices
d. The use worldwide web through an internet connectivity
4. Which of the following describes the new information age?
a. the early hominids used stone tools and metals
b. the substitution of handy tools with electrical machine
c. the utilization of electrical power to run devices
d. The use worldwide web through an internet connectivity

5. The following are forms of media during the pre-indus-

trial age EXCEPT:
a. Papyrus
b. Clay Tablet
c. Photography
d. Cave Paintings
6. What changes have occurred during the industrial revolu-
a. societal and physical changes
b. political and economic changes
c. economical and societal changes
d. physical and behavioral changes
7. Which of the following substituted the handy tools during the
industrial age?
a. machines
b. stone tools
c. metal tools
d. electrical devices
8. Which period is defined as the substitution of handy tools with electrical
a. Prehistoric Age
b. Industrial Age
c. Electronic Age
d. New Information Age

9. The following are forms of media during the industrial age EXCEPT:
a. Newspaper
b. Computer
c. Typewriter
d. Printing press
10. Which of the following periods in human history started when electronic
devices like computers were used?
a. Prehistoric Age
b. Industrial Age
c. Electronic Age
d. New Information Age

11. Which is NOT true about electronic age?

a. People can access internet connectivity.
b. People use electronic circuits and early computers.
c. People apply the power of transistors for radios.
d. The creation of transistor piloted the rise of the electronic age.
12. The following are forms of media during electronic age EXCEPT:
a. OHP
b. Radio
c. Television
d. Internet Explorer

13. The Information age is also known as ______________.

a. Bronze Age
b. Digital Age
c. Old Stone Age
d. New Stone Age
14. The following described information age EXCEPT:
a. the used of stone tools
b. the used of world wide web
c. the used of fast internet connection.
d. the used of the social network sites

15. Which of the following is NOT a form of media in the information

a. Twitter
b. Facebook
c. Telegram
d. Instagram

Think About This!

How do social media affect you personally, academically, and socially?
Write your answer on a separate sheet for this activity

A. Personal

B. Academic

C. Social
Your output will be graded based on the following rubrics:
Thank you
for listening and cooperation


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