Lecture 1.1.2 (File Based System)
Lecture 1.1.2 (File Based System)
Lecture 1.1.2 (File Based System)
Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
Database is not a new concept, it has been used as a record keeping system for managing
the data manually when the use of computer was not common.
Whenever an employee in the organization needed some information, he would search for
specific file/ folder serially starting from the first entry.
Traditional Approach to Data
File System Approach:
• File based systems were an early attempt to computerize the manual system.
• In this system, instead of centralized store of organization’s data, a decentralized
approach was taken where each department store and controlled its own data with the
assistance of data processing (DP) specialist.
• The main role of DP was to create the necessary computerized file structures, manage the
data within those structures and design the application programs that produced reports
based on the file data.
• These systems stored groups of records in separate file and so they were called file
processing system.
Poll Questions:
• Which of the following is not true for the traditional approach to information processing?
D. it is inflexible
Traditional File Processing System
Limitations of File Based Approach
Limitation of File System Approach:
1) Data redundancy
In computer system many files are likely in the different formats and the programs are
written in different programming languages. Moreover, the same information may be
duplicated in several files, this duplication of data is known as data redundancy.
2) Data inconsistency
In this system, data is not consistent. If a data item is changed the all the files containing
that data item need to be changed and updated properly. If all the files are not updated
properly there may be high risk of inconsistency
Poll Question: