Week 9
Week 9
Week 9
Drug Enforcement,
Vice Control,
and Organized Crime
PNP CMC No. 01-2017 “PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Alpha
PNP CMC No. 01-2017 “PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Alpha
Project Tokhang
Not to be limited to barangay residences but
extended and expanded to the visitations of:
• PNP offices: Schools and Universities;
Government agencies, subdivisions and
condominiums, business establishments, etc..
PNP CMC No. 01-2017 “PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan : Double Barrel Alpha
Project Taphang
• group of people invited to a dialogue
convincing and persuading those in the group
to stop using and pushing
PNP CMC No. 17-2017 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Reloaded
1. References:
2. Purpose:
• clearing drug affected barangays
• reducing crime
• improving public safety
• cleansing the PNP of members who are
involved in illegal activities particularly in the
illegal drugs trade
PNP CMC No. 17-2017 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Reloaded
3. Situation:
4. Mission:
• to implement RA9165, shall orchestrate the
conduct of vigorous and unrelenting
campaign against illegal drugs focusing on
the clearing operations of drug affected
barangays and the accounting of HVTs
3. Definition of Terms:
PNP CMC No. 17-2017 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Reloaded
6. Concept of Operations:
• the CPO/CPS/MPS under the supervision of
the PPO shall continue with their area
studies and evaluation of the drug
affectation of the barangays under the
jurisdiction and subsequently implement
Oplan Tokhang and Oplan HVT Part 2 to
pave the way to a drug free community
PNP CMC No. 17-2017 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Reloaded
6. Concept of Operations:
• two-pronged approach:
a. Oplan Tokhang: Revisited (Part 2)
• lower barrel approach – drive against
illegal drugs in affected barangays
1. revisiting of drug personalities
2. visitation to those who have not
previously surrendered
• strictly done with Barangay
Chairman and/or Barangay Officials
(ADACs), Church Leaders or
representatives and shall be led by
the Unit Commanders
PNP CMC No. 17-2017 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Reloaded
6. Concept of Operations:
• two-pronged approach:
b. OPLAN HVT Part 2
• upper barrel approach – against high
value targets
1. targeting financers, distributors,
protectors, manufacturers, importers,
and traffickers
2. the PNP-DEG, RDEUs, DDEUs,
PDEUs, and CDEUs shall be created
3. three levels: National, Regional, and
Provincial/Chartered City Level
PNP CMC No. 17-2017 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Reloaded
7. Execution:
• directly controlled and supervised by the
CPNP as the Task Force Commander
• responsible in the implementation of the
PNP anti-illegal drugs strategies in close
coordination with the LGUs
PNP CMC No. 17-2017 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Reloaded
7. Execution:
• supported by the following committees:
1. PNPTF-AID Secretariat – administrative
2. Intelligence Fusion Committee – gather
report from the field and provide to the
operating units
3. Case Monitoring Committee
4. Field Inspection and Evaluation Committee
– national level, headed by the Chairman,
Oversight Committee will evaluate the
performance of the RD, DRDO, DD, and PD
PNP CMC No. 17-2017 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Reloaded
7. Execution:
PNP CMC No. 17-2017 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Reloaded
7. Execution:
PNP CMC No. 17-2017 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Reloaded
7. Execution:
c. Task
d. Coordinating Instructions
1. conduct Oversight Committee meetings
2. establish Validated Baseline Data
3. regularly weekly crime assessment
4. personnel assigned with DEUs/DETs
shall be subjected to CBI and should be
clear of any derogatory records
5. drug operations shall be coordinated with
PNP CMC No. 17-2017 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Reloaded
7. Execution:
d. Coordinating Instructions
6. only members of DEUs/DETs are allowed to
conduct drug operations; but others can
conduct in coordination with DEUs/DETs for
joint operations
7. planned operations shall be approved by the
unit commander prior to the operations
8. any modifications made on the watch lists
should be validated and approved by the DI
PNP CMC No. 17-2017 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel Reloaded
7. Execution:
d. Coordinating Instructions
9. MG, ASG, and local PNP Units in
coordination with the LGU and
stakeholders shall establish respective
Inter-Agency Drug Interdiction Task
Group (IADITG) as countermeasures to
disrupt drug routes
Excerpt from memo from CPNP re PNP Modified Operational Guidelines in the Conduct of Tokhang Activities
Three Phases
A. Pre-Tokhang Phase
1. update/validate list with DI
2. create Tokhang Teams
3. COPs shall coordinate with PDEA
4. COPs together with Tokhang Team shall
craft Tokhang Activity Plan
Excerpt from memo from CPNP re PNP Modified Operational Guidelines in the Conduct of Tokhang Activities
Three Phases
Excerpt from memo from CPNP re PNP Modified Operational Guidelines in the Conduct of Tokhang Activities
Three Phases
Excerpt from memo from CPNP re PNP Modified Operational Guidelines in the Conduct of Tokhang Activities
Three Phases
Excerpt from memo from CPNP re PNP Modified Operational Guidelines in the Conduct of Tokhang Activities
Three Phases
Excerpt from memo from CPNP re PNP Modified Operational Guidelines in the Conduct of Tokhang Activities
Three Phases
Excerpt from memo from CPNP re PNP Modified Operational Guidelines in the Conduct of Tokhang Activities
Excerpt from memo from CPNP re PNP Modified Operational Guidelines in the Conduct of Tokhang Activities
Excerpt from memo from CPNP re PNP Modified Operational Guidelines in the Conduct of Tokhang Activities
Excerpt from memo from CPNP re PNP Modified Operational Guidelines in the Conduct of Tokhang Activities
Excerpt from memo from CPNP re PNP Modified Operational Guidelines in the Conduct of Tokhang Activities
Coordinating Instructions
1. no human rights of the subject are violated
2. shall be intelligence-driven and targets shall
be listed by the DI
PNP CMC No. 25-2019 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel (Revised 2019)
6. Execution:
Three components:
1. prevention
2. rehabilitation and reintegration
3. law enforcement operations
PNP CMC No. 25-2019 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel (Revised 2019)
6. Execution:
a. Concept of Implementation
1. Prevention
• attaining just and lasting peace
• ensuring security, public order and
PNP CMC No. 25-2019 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel (Revised 2019)
6 . Execution:
a. Concept of Implementation
1. Prevetion
Phases of Implementation
a. organizing
b. education
c. empowerment and mobilization
d. creation of community defense system
e. certification of mobilized barangay
PNP CMC No. 25-2019 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel (Revised 2019)
6. Execution:
a. Concept of Implementation
1. Prevetion
a. Community Organization
• 10 - 20 households will be organized
in clusters
• COP shall call for meeting with the
Mayor, Barangay Captains, and
• conduct barangay consultation and
PNP CMC No. 25-2019 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel (Revised 2019)
6. Execution:
a. Concept of Implementation
1. Prevetion
b. Community Information and Education
• to create awareness and sense of
responsibility in the members of the
1. patriotism
2. discipline and respect for authority
3. vigilance against illegal drugs, criminality,
terrorism, and corruption
4. correct concept of family
5. disaster preparedness and other public
safety concerns
PNP CMC No. 25-2019 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel (Revised 2019)
6. Execution:
a. Concept of Implementation
1. Prevetion
PNP CMC No. 25-2019 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel (Revised 2019)
6. Execution:
a. Concept of Implementation
1. Prevetion
PNP CMC No. 25-2019 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel (Revised 2019)
6. Execution:
a. Concept of Implementation
2. Rehabilitation
a. conduct of tokhang activities
• task of the clusters is to assist the PNP
b. rehabilitation
• low risk or mildly affected drug
personalities shall be accommodated in
the community-based rehabilitation
• high risk who need clinical and
psychiatric intervention shall be
handled by the DOH
PNP CMC No. 25-2019 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel (Revised 2019)
6. Execution:
a. Concept of Implementation
PNP CMC No. 25-2019 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel (Revised 2019)
6. Execution:
a. Concept of Implementation
PNP CMC No. 25-2019 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel (Revised 2019)
6. Execution:
a. Concept of Implementation
PNP CMC No. 25-2019 PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan: Double Barrel (Revised 2019)
6. Execution:
a. Concept of Implementation