• Extremely Chilly
• Worse winter
• General underfunction
• Hungry, hungry at night
• offensiveness of discharge
• Unusually well before an attack
• Prostration
• Unable to throw things off
• Sleep issues
• Offensive
• Said to be one of the Chilliest remedies in the Materia
Medica. they cannot bear to be cold.
• Even in Spring or Summer they may attend your clinic in
coat, hat and scarf.. they say no layers come off until
the thermometer is in the 80’s.
• At night they will often want an electric blanket or a hot
water bottle.
• if they get a chill it will take a lot to get them warm
• Extremely sensitive to the least draft of cold air
Worse Winter
• This of course could be because they feel the cold so
much, but there is more to it than just a low body
• They often feel their mood plummets as the days get
shorter and may present with Seasonal Affective
• their energy is also less and many of my patients who
need Psorinum will say they would like to
Hibernate… go to bed in November and not waken
again until spring
• Psorinum are often hungry.. they also might hoard
food, they like to see a full larder with plenty of
food to survive a winter.. or any possible disater
scenario. The more food you have in your house..
the more you are likely to need Psorinum..
• They are often Hungry in the night and may get up
to make themselves a sandwitch which they need
to eat before they can sleep again
• Possibly a tendency to Hypoglycaemia
• Psorinum comes from the pus of an infected scabiies vesicle and so
offensiveness runs through Psorinum in such a characteristic way
that is worth while mentioning it here; foetid odors, foetid breath
discharges and oozing from the skin smelling like carrion;
• stool so offensive that the odor permeates the whole house, in
diarrhea, summer complaint, cholera infantum;
• perspiration foetid;
• leucorrhoea abominably offensive;
• eructations taste as if be had eaten bard boiled eggs and they had
spoiled, and they smell so to others; stool flatus, and eructations
smell like spoiled eggs;
• offensive to sight and smell is the subject who needs this medicine.
• Body has a filthy smell even after a bath.
Weakness and Prostration
• Malaise : feels tired out.Constantly tired and sleepy ;
• Very little labor exhausts him ;
• Feel weak and tired in body, mind and spirit
• Knows what he wants to do but too tired to do
• Very weak and miserable after suppressed itch.
• A remedy for Chronic fatigue, when well indicated
remedies do not seem to be able to ‘get under’ the
weakness to start to lift it up
Unusually well before attack
• This could refer to almost anything. maybe the day
before a bad asthma attack the patient felt so well
they went for a run.. then were not sure whether
to put the asthma attack down to the run… or the
feeling they could run down to feeling unusually
well before an attack. My mother in law used to be
able to predict when her husband was going to
have a migraine as he would be busy and full of
energy and enthusiasm the day before the
headache came and lasted 2 days
Sleep HHM
• How does Psora sleep? He feels tired in the morning
because during the night he is thinking about his
problems, about everything he has to do, he worries,
“how is my bank account?, “ what will I say to my
mother”, “should I do one thing or the other”. The
thinking is boring and tiring but he cannot stop.. his
mind is going all noght , worrying how will he get
through the next day. he would like to have 10 hours of
sleep and even that is not enough. Henne Heudens Mast
• Also sleepless from intolerable itching
Clinical situations
• Asthma with dyspnoea > Lying down
• > Stretching arms away from body
• < Sitting up < open air
• Cough every winter, chronic, of years
• Asthma with hay fever
• Expectoration of green mucus < morning
difficult to expel
Hay Fever
• Clarke “noted that Psorinum cured more cases of Hay fever than any other
single remedy in my practise, Many cases have a psoric basis, and when the
basic taint is corrected the irritating agents have no effect.”
• Kent-”In the early stages of the coryza he blows it all the time, but there is no
discharge or relief. This state is so marked that some think of it as a
continuous hay fever, which runs all the year and rippens up in the Fall.It is
closely related to hay fever; stuffing up of the nose in the Fall; catarrhal state
of the eyes and nose.
• Hay fever is one of the most difficult conditions to fit a remedy to. It belongs
to a low constitution which must be built up before the hay fever will cease.
• It is an expression of psora which comes once a year, and the psoric miasm
must be changed. In a few years most subjects can be changed, but not in
one season, so do not be disappointed. In catarrhal states, hay fever often
dates back to low fever improperly treated.”
Hay Fever
• Richard Pitt- “The Hay fever symptoms of Psorinum are
very important. Intense seasonal hay fever often needs
Psorinum. especially if other remedies do not work or
fully cure. Often with hay fever not only are the local
symptoms intense but it seems to take over the whole
body, with feelings of despair and a feeling that it is
unbearable. The local symptoms are simply like Hay fever,
intense itching of the eyes, throat, nose and mouth and a
stuffed , plugged feeling in the nose with much discharge,
most important though is the despair and helplessness
brought about by the condition”
• Never Been well since…this could be unable to
recover after acute illness, pehaps many
people right now, stuggling to recover from
Corona virus could be helped by this.
• It is useful for anyone slow to recover their
health and strength and who feel desponsant
during convalescence
• it is also useful for debility after loss of fluids
• Ear infections that wont go away. Putrid
ottorhoea and rupture of drum that refuses to
• the skin around the ear can be rough, dry and
cracked and may even weep or ooze
• the Meatus of the ear may have eczema,
perhaps Seborrhoeic eczema which itches
intolerably and makes them want to poke things
onto their ears
• Awakens at night with pain as from blow on
• Chronic headaches;
• Hungry during attacks; with vertigo.
• Hammering pain; brain feels too large; worse,
change of weather.
• Dull, pressive pain in occiput.
Psorinum -Eczema
• The skin always looks dirty, even after cleansing.. Scaly
eruptions are typically due to eczema, producing large areas
of weeping skin or itchy, scaly patches of skin that may
• Despair from itching which can become intolerable
• the Eczema may be prone to infection and suppuration,
producing a foul-smelling yellow discharge.Skin generally
• eczema in and behind the ears
• Itching worse wool,heat of bed, washing and cold
• Pus-filled pimples, Pimples often come to a
yellow head,appearing on the face, neck,
scalp, and hairline. Prevalence is especially
common in teenagers (acne vulgaris) and
middle-aged women (acne rosacea) when the
face and nose have a high colour with
vascularity , often worse for coffee and spicy
• Amenorrhoea
• Fetid leucorrhoea with Debility
• Leucorrhoea with Backache
• period to late and scanty
• Obstinate vomiting of pregnancy that will not
yield to any other remedy
Post Misscarriage
• When a woman has passed through an abortion
(Misscarriage) and the placenta has come away,
but every few days a little gush of fresh, bright
red blood and clots,
• or going days and weeks with a little oozing of
bright red blood;
• every time she gets on her feet there is a new
start of the flow; no tendency to permanent
Men- Kent
• Men: There is prostration in some Psorinum cases;
prostration of the genitals.
• It is not such an unusual thing in the female to have
aversion to sexual intercourse, but man is not often
subject to the complaints that cause aversion to coition.
• Yet we have in man as well as in the woman actual
aversion or a state of no enjoyment. He can perform
the act and he has no difficulty in obtaining an erection,
so it is not impotence, but there is no enjoyment.
Impotence comes later.
• A major study was done on the treatment of Cancer using
Psorinum 6x for two years
• The study was conducted by the Critical Cancer Management
Research Centre and Clinic (CCMRCC) situated in Kolkata of
West Bengal, India. The study started from June 2001 and
completed in July 2009. The study protocol was approved by
the Institutional Review Board (IRB approval Number: 2001–05)
of the CCMRCC in conformity with the World Medical
Association (WMA) declaration of Helsinki and it is subsequent
amendments and the ethical guidelines of the Indian Council of
Medical Research (ICMR) for the biomedical research on human
• Regarding pancreatic cancer:
• 44 patients participated in the study with Psorinum
D6, 0,02 ml per kg body weight in the morning on
empty stomach. Survival after first year 34,
• after 2 years 28, after 3 years 27, after 4 years 21,
and after 5 years 17 of the patients were still alive,
equal to a 5-year survival of 39% - Probably the
highest ever recorded 5 yearr survival on
Pancreatic Cancer published so far in medicine
Psorinum For Cancer
• KOLKATA: Diagnosed with stage-IV pancreatic cancer in 2001, Minu
Dutta was in such an advanced stage of the disease that neither
surgery nor chemotherapy was possible, and her expected survival
was only about three months. As a last resort, she enrolled herself
into a clinical trial of psorinum therapy. Complete tumour
remission was observed within one year of treatment. After 10
years of diagnosis, she is still disease-free. “This is a new life for
me,” she gushed with relief.
• Psorinum therapy is an active-immunotherapeutic anti-cancer
treatment against six types of cancer – liver, gall bladder, stomach,
pancreatic, lung and oesophagus. The key medicine is Psorinum 6x
– a diluted alcoholic extract of pus found in scabies vesicles. The
medicine is liquid in form and administered orally.
Psorinum for Cancer
• “According to the pre-clinical data, Psorinum 6x activates different
immune-effector cells, for instance T-cells, and accessory cells like
macrophages, dendritic cells and natural killer cells that can trigger
a complex anti-tumor immune response,” explains Dr Aradeep
Chatterjee, who is also the research director of the Critical Cancer
Management Research Centre, Kolkata.
• Kashinath Saha’s case was very similar to Dutta’s. In 2003, he
learnt that he had stage-IV lung cancer and was told that his
expected survival was only about five months. “I had given up on
life. I couldn’t afford the expensive chemo and everything. So I
thought this is the end.” He was one of the 95 lung cancer patients
who participated in another of three clinical trials on Psorinum
Therapy. “I am now cancer-free and leading a normal life,” he
Small Cell Lung Cancer
• Psorinum in the treatment of Non Small Cell Lung
• In another phase 11 open level, single arm and single stage
study performed by Chaterjee et al, 95 participants were
• According to the AJCC TNM staging system, 58 (61.05%) of
them diagnosed at stage IV. (73.68%) survived at least 2 yrs,
58 (61.05%) survived at least 3 yrs, 49 (51.58%) survived at
least 4 yrs, and 42 (44.21%) of them survived at least 5 yrs.
• These participants did not receive chemotherapy, radiation
therapy, or any other investigational cancer treatments.
Participants reported no side effects from the drug psorinum.
Underactive Thyroid Psorinum
• Chilly. vital lack of heat • Chilly Vital lack of heat
• Tired, loss of energy • Tired, loss of energy
• Not firing on all • Not firing on all
cylinders cylinders
• Constipation • Constipation
• Dry Skin • Dry Skin
• General Undefunction • General Underfunction
The Elderly
• It is a remedy we can consider for the elderly. when
someone lives into their 80’s or 90’s it is obvious that
they come from Psoric stock
• when elderly people start to become, slow and tired this
can help. if they are slow to recover from colds or flu.
• we start to underfunction with age- our Hearts function
at bout 70%, our Kidneys filter less effectively, we
metabolise and excrete less well- perhaps a dose of good
old Psorinum will bring back a little bit more energy and