Ankle Complex
Ankle Complex
Ankle Complex
(1) the congruity of the articular surfaces when the joints are loaded
• The ATFL, PTFL, and CFL support the lateral aspect of the ankle, while
the deltoid ligament provides medial support.
• The ATFL lies on the dorsolateral aspect
of the foot and courses from the lateral
malleolus anteriorly and medially
toward the talus at an angle of
approximately 45° from the frontal
• The ATFL prevents anterior
displacement of the talus from the
mortise and excessive inversion and
internal rotation of the talus on the
tibia. The strain in the ATFL increases as
the ankle moves from dorsiflexion into
plantar flexion.
• The ATFL demonstrates lower maximal load and energy to failure
values under tensile stress as compared with the PTFL, CFL,
anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament, and deltoid ligament.This
may explain why the ATFL is the most frequently injured of the
lateral ligaments.
• The CFL courses from the lateral malleolus posteriorly and inferiorly
to the lateral aspect of the calcaneus at a mean angle of 133° from
the long axis of the fibula.
• The CFL restricts excessive supination of both the talocrural and
subtalar joints.
• the CFL restricts excessive inversion and internal rotation of the
rearfoot and is most taut when the ankle is dorsiflexed.
• The CFL is the second most-often injured of the lateral talocrural
• The PTFL runs from the lateral malleolus posteriorly to the
posterolateral aspect of the talus.
• The PTFL has broad insertions on both the talus and fibula and
provides restraint to both inversion and internal rotation of the
loaded talocrural joint.
• It is the least commonly sprained of the lateral ankle ligaments
• The deltoid ligament, consists of four ligaments that form a triangle
connecting the tibia to the navicular, the calcaneus, and the talus. It
stabilises the ankle joint during eversion of the foot and prevents
subluxation of the ankle joint. [3]
• The anterior and posterior tibiotalar ligaments connect the tibia to
the talus.
• The tibionavicular ligament which attaches to the navicular anteriorly
and the tibiocalcaneal ligament which attaches to the calcaneus
• Talocrural joint possess one degree of freedom
• Motion occurs at axis passing through
• Body of Talus
• Tips of both malleoli
• The medial lateral axis is slightly deviated due to the inferior and
posterior positioning of lateral malleolus in comparison with the
medial malleolus
• Frontal plane- 10degrees
• Horizontal plane- 6 degrees
• Superior surface of talus rolls forwards
• Simultaneously slides posteriorly
• This allows talus to rotate forward without much anterior
• Elongates posterior capsule and achilles tendon which is capable
of transmitting the plantarflexion torque
• Stretches the calcaneofibular ligament
• The superior surface of the talus rolls backwards
• Slides anteriorly simultaneously
• Stretches anterior talofibular ligament
• Tibionavicular fibres of the deltoid ligament becomes taut at full
plantar flexion
• Stretches anterior capsule and dorsiflexors
Subtalar Joint Anatomy
• The subtalar joint is formed by
the articulations between the
talus and the calcaneus and, like
the talocrural joint, it converts
torque between the lower leg
(internal and external rotation)
and the foot (pronation and
• The subtalar joint allows the
motions of pronation and
supination and consists of an
intricate structure with 2 separate
joint cavities.
• The posterior subtalar joint is formed between the inferior posterior
facet of the talus and the superior posterior facet of the calcaneus.
• These ligaments, which cross obliquely through the canalis tarsi, have
been described as the “cruciate ligaments of the subtalar joint.”
• The peripheral ligaments of the subtalar joint include the CFL and
lateral talocalcaneal (LTCL) and fibulotalocalcaneal (FTCL) ligaments.
The CFL is integral in preventing excessive inversion and internal
rotation of the calcaneus in relation to the talus. While the CFL does
not normally connect the calcaneus to the talus, various attachments
of the anterior aspect of the CFL to the talus have been reported.
• The LTCL runs parallel and anterior to the CFL but only crosses the
posterior subtalar joint . While the LTCL is smaller and weaker than
the CFL, it helps prevent excessive supination of the subtalar joint.
Various shapes of the LTCL have been reported, and occasionally its
fibers are continuous with those of the CFL.
• The FTCL, or ligament of Rouviere, runs from the posterior surface of
the lateral malleolus to the posterolateral surface of the talus and
then to the posterolateral calcaneus. It lies distinctly posterior to the
CFL and assists in resisting excessive supination.
• Lateral ankle sprains most commonly occur due to excessive
supination of the rearfoot about an externally rotated lower leg soon
after initial contact of the rearfoot during gait or landing from a jump.
• Excessive inversion and internal rotation of the rearfoot, coupled with
external rotation of the lower leg, results in strain to the lateral ankle
ligaments. If the strain in any of the ligaments exceeds the tensile
strength of the tissues, ligamentous damage occurs. Increased plantar
flexion at initial contact appears to increase the likelihood of suffering
a lateral ankle sprain.
• The ATFL is the first ligament to be damaged during a lateral ankle
sprain, followed most often by the CFL.
• Cadaveric-sectioning studies have demonstrated that after the ATFL is
ruptured, the amount of transverse-plane motion (internal rotation) of
the rearfoot increases substantially, thus further stressing the remaining
intact ligaments.
• This phenomenon has been described as “rotational instability” of the
ankle and is often overlooked when considering laxity patterns in the
sprained ankle.
• Concurrent damage to the talocrural joint capsule and the ligamentous
stabilizers of the subtalar joint is also common with lateral ankle sprains.
Martin et al demonstrated significantly greater strain in the cervical
ligament after complete disruption to the CFL.
• The mechanism of recurrent ankle injury is not thought to be different than
that of initial acute ankle sprains; however, adverse changes that occur after
primary injury are believed to predispose individuals to recurrent sprains.
• Two theories of the cause of CAI have traditionally been postulated:
mechanical instability and functional instability. These 2 terms, however, do
not adequately describe the full spectrum of abnormal conditions related to
CAI. By further clarifying the potential insufficiencies leading to each type of
instability, we can better describe the full complement of potential causes of
CAI. Mechanical instability and functional instability are probably not
mutually exclusive entities but more likely form a continuum of pathologic
contributions to CAI
Arthrokinematic Impairments
• Another potential insufficiency contributing to mechanical instability of the ankle is
impaired arthrokinematics at any of the 3 joints of the ankle complex. One
arthrokinematic restriction related to repetitive ankle sprains involves a positional fault
at the inferior tibiofibular joint.
• Mulligan suggested that individuals with CAI may have an anteriorly and inferiorly
displaced distal fibula. If the lateral malleolus is indeed stuck in this displaced position,
the ATFL may be more slack in its resting position. Thus, when the rearfoot begins to
supinate, the talus can go through a greater range of motion before the ATFL becomes
taut. This positional fault of the fibula may result in episodes of recurrent instability,
leading to repetitive ankle sprains.
• The findings of 2 case studies and one pilot study present preliminary evidence for
restriction of posterior fibular glide after lateral ankle sprain, suggesting that the
lateral malleolus may be subluxated in an anteriorly displaced position.
• Hypomobility, or diminished range of motion, may also be thought of as a
mechanical insufficiency.
• Restricted dorsiflexion range of motion is thought to be a predisposition to
lateral ankle sprain. If the talocrural joint is not able to fully dorsiflex, the
joint will not reach its closed-pack position during stance and, therefore,
will be able to invert and internally rotate more easily. Limited dorsiflexion
in the closed kinetic chain is also typically compensated for by increased
subtalar pronation.
• Some evidence demonstrates dorsiflexion restrictions in athletes with
repetitive ankle sprains. Greene et al recently demonstrated that altered
arthrokinematics may limit dorsiflexion after acute ankle sprain. Patients
with acute ankle sprains who were treated with posterior mobilization of
the talus on the tibia recovered their dorsiflexion range of motion more
quickly than those not treated with joint mobilization.
• Denegar et al found restricted posterior talar glide in athletes 12 weeks
after acute ankle sprain. Interestingly, these athletes did not have
significantly decreased dorsiflexion range of motion as assessed through
standard clinical measures.
• This suggests that dorsiflexion may be returned to normal ranges in the
absence of normal arthrokinematics due to extensive stretching of the
triceps surae. Further research is needed to elucidate the clinical
implications of altered arthrokinematics after ankle sprain.
• Articular surfaces
• Convex medial surface of distal
• Concave fibular notch of the
• Joint type:
• Synarthoses
• Synovial membrane continuous
with the talocrural joint
• Interosseus ligament provides the
strongest bond between the distal
ends of tibia and fibula
• It is a distal extension of the
interosseus membrane
• Anterior and posterior tibiofibular
ligament reinforce the joint
• It is essential for the stability and
function of the talocrural joint
Distal Tibiofibular Joint
• Articulating surfaces
• Well curved talar head
• Capsule
• The capsule that encloses the
anterior articulation between the
talus and calcaneus also supports the
talonavicular articulation