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Forensic Chemistry

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Forensic Chemistry
Prepared By:
PCpl Sarah V Sibayan
Forensic Chemistry
- is a branch of chemistry that deals with the application of chemical knowledge and principles in the
solution of legal problems in connection with the administration of justice.

Forensic Toxicology - is the use of toxicology principle to aid medico legal investigation of death and

Forensic Chemist - a licensed chemist, is a person who is expert in forensic chemistry tasked to analyze
specimen using analytical method available.

Forensic Chemist - a licensed chemist and a person
who is expert in forensic chemistry tasked to analyze
specimen using analytical method available.
Forensic Chemical Officer - chemical engineer or
medical technologist.
Forensic Toxicologist - licensed chemist, is a
person who investigates and detects poisons in an
alleged poisoning.
Founding Father of Forensic Chemistry and Forensic Toxicology

Prof Matheiu Orfila- a chemist, is the father of modern forensic Toxicology after testifying in court as
expert witness against Madam Marie Lafarge, after poisoning her husband, Charles Lafarge with



He used the technique "Marsch test" to identify arsenic from the body of Charles Lafarge.
The PNP Crime Laboratory
ISO 9001-2008 (Quality Management)

"The fight against crimes cannot be won by arms alone, but by scientific techniques."
Practice of Forensics in the Philippines
• By virtue of Royal decree 188 by King Philip of Spain.

The creation of "Medicos Titulares", a title given to Forensic Physicians to be assigned in Philippine provinces to
perform public sanitary duties and Medico-Legal aids.

• 1939: PC Chemical Laboratory, Medico Legal Div, PC

• 1945: Fingerprint record Section, G2 div, Military Police Command
• 1946: Crime Lab Branch, G2 div. Military Police Command
• 1948: Technical Lab Branch, Crim Invest Service, PC
• 1955: PC Forensic Laboratory
• 1960: PC Central Crime Lab
• 1985: PC/INP Crime Lab Service
• 1991: PNP Crime Lab Service
• 1996: PNP Crime Laboratory
• 2000: Physical Science Div, PNPCL separated to Chemistry Div and Physical Identification Div
• 2012: Proposed new name: "ForensicScience Center", PNP
• 2021:
Forensic Laboratories in the Philippines
•Philippine National Police Crime Laboratory
•NBI Crime Laboratory
•UP PGH, Manila
•PDEA Laboratory Service
•Marine Environmental Protection Command, Philippine Coast Guard
Forensic Chemistry/ Physical Identification Examinations
A. Drugs
B. Explosives
C. Gunshot residue
D. Distance determination
E. Toxicology
F. Fake Products
G. Blood Alcohol
H. Drug Test
I. Clandestine Lab Invest
J. Trace Evidence
K. Lecture
L. Research
M. Testify
N. Advice &Consultancy
O. Other function
 Conduct qualitative and quantitative examination/ determination of dangerous drugs, volatile substance and
drug paraphernalia.

Drug Control Agencies

Penalties on Drugs
I. Sec 15 of RA 9165: Use of Dangerous Drugs
• A person apprehended or arrested who is found to be POSITIVE for dangerous drug after
confirmatory exam.
 Penalty
• First offense: Min of 6 months rehabilitation
• Second offense: imprisonment from 6 years and 1 day to 12 years and fine of P50T to P200T.
II. Sec 11 of RA 9165: Possession of Dangerous Drugs
• A penalty of life imprisonment to death and fine ranging from P500T to P1OM shall be imposed to any
person, unless authorized by law, who posses any dangerous drug in the following quantity:
50 grams or more of shabu 500 grams or more of MJ
10 grams or more of opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine and salt,
Marijuana resin and oil, ecstacy.
 Upon Seizure of drugs, controlled substance and paraphernalia

• Inventory and photograph the item (suspect, media, DOJ, elected public official).
• Properly marked, sealed or packed.
• Estimate the weight

Bringing drug evidence to crime lab

• Within 24 hrs upon seizure, drugs must be submitted to a Forensic Laboratory for examination
Chemistry Division SOP, PNP Crime Lab

•If six hours have lapsed from time of apprehension, the examiner shall refuse to accept the request unless
accompanied by explanation from DD of DAIDSOTG justifying the delay of submission.
•Actual weighing of bulk evidence must be witness by requesting party.
Initial laboratory report is available after 2 hrs of receipt of request.

Manner of Packaging before submission of evidence to the laboratory

1. Tape-sealed carton box 3. Self-sealing transparent plastic bag

2. Heat-sealed transparent plastic bag 4. Knot-tied

Consideration in the reception of specimen

•Sufficiency of samples
•Chemical standard for comparison
•Maintenance of Individuality (to prevent
•Proper labelling and sealing.
SOP in Seized Drug Exam

• Receiving of request for lab exam by duty chemist

• Examination using a qualitative and/or quantitative
• Report writing of the result of examination
• Evidence storage via chain of custody forms
• Receipt of Lab result by the request1n1party for inquest
• Retrieval of report and evidence for court presentation.
• Disposal
Items suspected of containing drugs occur in four principal forms:

1. Powders/ crystals

, I,
• •

2. Tablets and Capsules

3. Living Plants or dried vegetable matter.

4. Liquids
Classification by Origin

1. NATURAL PRODUCT - extracted from plants or animals (Example is

opium, cocaine, THC, Ephedrine, Mescaline, LSD)

2. SEMI-SYNTHETIC - made from natural source but undergone chemical

process (Example: Heroin, Hormones and Steroids)

3. SYNTHETIC - produced in the laboratory through chemical process

(Example: Diazepam, Barbiturates, Methamphetamine)

AMPHETAMINE TYPE - Stimulants(ATS) and newly emerging drugs

- class of psychoactive whose primary backbone is amphetamine

or Phenethylamine
History of Methylamphetamine Hydrochloride (shabu) manufacture

• Methylamphetamine was originally synthesized from Ephedrine in

Japan by Dr Nagayoshi Nagai (1888).
• And was later synthesized in crystalline form in 1919 by Akira Ogata
via todoephedrine method.

Dr Nagayoshi Nagai (1844-1921) - Japaneseorganic chemist and pharmacologist

First doctor of Pharmacy in Japan
• It is since 1941 during the World War 2 that
Methamphetamine had been manufactured and sold for
medical supplies in Japan.

• Immediately following World War II, Crystal Meth was

extensively used to reduce fatigue and suppress appetite.

• After the war era, Meth tablets, referred to as "work pills"

were widely used in Japan.
C. Conduct Examination Of Firearms And Paraffin
Casts For The Presence Of Gunpowder Nitrates.

 Casting shall be done within 72 hrs from the time of

alleged firing, otherwise the request shall be denied.
 Embalmed cadaver shall not be subjected to paraffin
Factors Affecting The Result Of Paraffin Exam

• Types of caliber
• Types of firearm and its mechanism
• Wind ve1ocity and direction
• humidity
• Use of gloves
• 72 hrs. already lapsed
Bullet hole Examination: test for Lead and Copper
D. Conduct Gunpowder Examination Of Clothing For Possible Gunshot Range Determination.

Distance Determination classification

E. Conduct Chemical-toxicological Examination Of Human Internal Organs, Gastric Contents, Blood,
Water And Food Samples For The Presence Of Chemical Poisons.
- Require standards

Poison Investigation

• Most important is the sight and smell of scene..

1. Is the position appears to be poisoned?

-Two papers suggests that drug absorption is lowest in patients lying on their left side, so you might want to
consider placing an unconscious overdose patient in the left-sided recovery position prior to definitively
managing them in hospital.

2. The skin and mouth, lips, rectum, vagina and genitals?

3. The pupils of the eyes...

4. Odors present.
5. Possible skin marks via hypodermic -needle injections.

6. The hands for the presence of objects.

- - r--- - - -
Food Poisoning

• Symptoms of poisoning appeared soon after a drink or meal taken.

- the investigator should thoroughly see that all liquids, foods, and
medicines on the premises are preserved.
- These can be found at the medicine cabinet, pantry, refrigerator, and
even the reuse container.
• If many hours have elapsed after the meal was ingested, the possibility of
food as the source of poison may be eliminated.
When symptoms of poisoning occur, the investigator can reasonably
assume that the victim had taken the poison from on-half to one (1/2 to 1)
hour before the first symptoms appeared.
- In corrosive poisons, symptoms appeared immediately.
• One way of proving poisoning is by chemical analysis of stomach contents
and body fluids.
Preservation of Evidence

• The evidence (as biological in origin) can be preserved in a plastic or glass

container and stored in freezer 1o0 c or below. Sample can be discarded
according to the laboratory policies and SOP's.

F. Perform laboratory examination of fake products in comparison with

standard specification for cases of unfair trade competition. (ex Fake fundador,
adulterated cement, adulterated beer, fake chlorox, fake cigarette).
Fake Product Request

 Letter request for examination.

- Investigator is required to coordinate with the manufacturer

regarding standard sample, which will be used for comparative
analysis and possible used of their facilities in the examination of
questioned samples.

 For media presentation, a letter request is necessary addressed

to the Dir, Crime Lab.
G. Conduct Blood Alcohol determination.

Types Of Alcoholic Beverages:

1. Fermented - low alcoholic content, example beer = 4-6% ethanol

2. Wine - 8-14%
3. Distilled Spirits - high alcoholic content
a. 100 proof= 50% ethanol
b. 80 proof = 40% ethanol
4. Combination (fortified, port & sherry wines)

Blood alcohol level

• The amount of alcohol in the blood stream recorded in milligrams of alcohol per
100 milliliters of blood, or milligrams percent.
- BAL of .10 means that 1/10 of 1 percent (or 1/1000) of your total blood content
Blood Alcohol Level
H. Examine Urine And Other Body Fluids For Drug Metabolites

• PNP Mass promotions

• PNP Recruitment
• PNP Re-enlistment
• Persons apprehended under RA 9165

PNP Firearms License

• Other government employee under drug investigation

Mandatory Drug Testing

• Drivers and firearms license, military and law enforcers,

persons apprehended under RA 9165

Random Drug Testing

Drug Test vs Drug Dependency Test
Drug Test
Two (2) stages of examination:

1. Screening using test kits

detection limit: Meth = 1000 ng/ml
MJ = 50 ng/ml

2. Confirmatory

a)Thin Layer Chromatography

b) Instrumentation-Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS)

Factor Affecting the Presence of Drugs in the Body:

1. Type of drugs & its clearance rate in urine
2. Frequency of Intake
3. Metabolic Rate
4. Route of Administration
I. Conduct Clandestine Lab Investigation Clan Lab

• Small (1-10 kg)

• Medium (11-S0kg)
• Large scale (51kg above)

1. Ephedrine/ controlled precursor, dangerous drugs in pier, Manila

Function of Chemistry Division
• Give lectures to police training center and military investigative
schools, Universities and Colleges.
• Conduct research
• Testify as expert witness
• Respond to investigators queries on matters of assisting to develop
investigative leads.
• Perform other police duties.
Physical Identification
• Ultraviolet exam

• Macro Etching

• Hair fibers and paint analysis

Practice of Forensic Chemistry

1. Collection at the site and Reception of specimen to be examined

- the chemist should personally collect the specimen or supervise collector for
proper evaluation.
2. Conduct examination of the specimen
- Some specimen requires longer duration of examination due to the availability
of instruments, standards and method.
3. Report in writing the result of examination
- we do not give the result loosely to everyone.
4. Give advice or consultation with the requesting parties.
5. Testify in Court as an expert witness.
Becoming Forensic Professional

• Profession requires existence of associations that have recognized and

accepted authority within the profession.

- NAPOLCOM RESOLUTIONNO 99-115 dated August 26, 1999 subject

"Professionalizing the Crime Laboratory Services of the Philippine National Police
(PNP) Through the Implementation of a Certification Program for Technical
Personnel in the Field of Forensic Science".

• Forensic Examiner
• Forensic Specialist
• Forensic Expert

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