Evaluating Communication Strategies of International Business
Evaluating Communication Strategies of International Business
Evaluating Communication Strategies of International Business
of International Business
Table of content
Strengths Weakness
• Innovation and consistency in quality: R&D • Profitability: Operating profit and gross
investments produce high-quality, compact, profit both fell somewhat.
and reliable customer care software. • Channel and advertising investments:
• Financial stability: Fixed costs are managed Resulting in subpar unit sales numbers as
through wise spending decisions. compared to rivals.
• Market standing: all-around highest market • Branding: The current investment in
share and share price. advertising and the absence of a loyalty
Opportunities Threats
• Market data: After each period, the • Inaccurate market perspective estimates
volume of data increases. could prevent profitable market growth.
• Developing technology: It can • Technological advancement: It can
occasionally be a curse for the business. occasionally be a curse for the business.
• Political and economic change: Unexpected
• Advertising: Attractive communication political shifts, price variations, higher
costs and increasing market outlook- income taxes, and lower interest rates
driven advertising responses.
Comparison chart of communication strategies
between Bega Cheese and Ferrero Group
Bega Cheese Ferrero Group
The organisation adopt so many different For communication purpose many factors are
approaches like media marketing and social media depend on it like as , marketing objectives, sales
many more objectives, target and time
The customer connects with the brand's values Ferrero decided pull or push strategy
and the product they are purchasing
The marketing techniques they implements the Ferrero Group improve the communication
product extension. strategy in international marketing to protect from
others Market Company
After employing all of these marketing strategies, On behalf of Ferrero Group nutritionist were
the product extension serves to expand the market writing articles in women magazines about
for the product and service. Ferrero Group in order to increase the credibility.
Company also used strategies like rebranding and The primary goal of the push strategy is to raise
discounting stakeholder demand for intermediaries.
The company uses a variety of strategies, The main communication source used by the
including media marketing, social media. Ferrero Group is of TV and Advertisement.
• The companies should focus more on their communication strategies and try to make
them stronger. Businesses should concentrate more on strengthening their
communication strategy.
• The Ferrero Group has strong communication strategies then Bega Cheese. This
strong communication is also one of the reason that Ferrero Group becomes a multi-
national company rather than working only at national level.
• The Bega Cheese should also focus more on its communication strategies to become
more upgrade and to reach at international level. In order to improve and expand
internationally, Bega Cheese should concentrate more on its communication
• Besides the financial aspect, the human resources are crucial for every successful
campaign. So these are some ways or strategy which Ferrero Group used in international
market to increase your productivity or profitably in market etc.
• After employing all of these marketing strategies, the product extension serves to expand
the market for the product and service, which causes the market lifecycle to expand
exponentially as a result of factors like rebranding and discounting.
• So Ferrero Group improve the communication strategy in international marketing to
protect from others Market Company. On behalf of Ferrero Group nutritionist were writing
articles in women magazines about Ferrero Group in order to increase the credibility
• The report about the communication strategies about both the company.
• So by doing this research we can conclude that Ferrero Group has strong
communication strategies then Bega Cheese.
• This strong communication is also one of the reason that Ferrero Group
becomes a multi-national company rather than working only at national level.
• So company if wants to become and runs at national level then the company
must have strong communication strategies internally as well as externally in
order to become successful.
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