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Salin2 PPT Proposal

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Transdermal patch formulation of gotu kola (centella asiatica L.

Group : 1 and garlic (alli sativum) extract on boils caused by bacteria
  (staphylococcus aureus)
Ratih lisdayanti  
Sarah azhari
Zulfikar azhar harahap
Indonesia is an archipelagic country which is located on the equator and has a tropical climate.
Indonesia has biodiversity, which includes plants, animals and microorganisms . Natural wealth in
the form of plants, some of which can be used as ingredients for pharmaceutical or medicinal
purposes. Medicinal plants are also an alternative treatment considering that not all diseases can
be overcome with medical assistance, but can be treated with traditional methods. In certain
dimensions, the use of plants as medicine is considered relatively profitable because they are
relatively easy to obtain, easy to mix and inexpensive, and the raw materials in the form of
medicinal plants can be grown alone in the yard of the house (Sulianti et al., 2006).
1. Skin
The skin is the largest organ in humans that has a protective function. In an adult
human weighing 70 kg, the skin weighs up to 5 kg and covers an entire body surface

1 area of ​2 m2 (McGrath, 2010).

Structure of the Skin Skin consists of 2 main layers, namely the epidermis which is
epithelial tissue derived from ectoderm and the dermis which is rather dense connective
tissue derived from mesoderm. Under the dermis layer there is a hypodermis which is a

2 looser connective tissue (Kalangi, 2013).

2. Boil

Boils (furuncles) are skin infections caused by fungal bacteria or

staphylococcus aureus bacteria, therefore boils can also be
interpreted as a local infection of the deep skin

Boils start as hard, red lumps that contain pus. Furthermore,

this lump fluctuates and forms a white or yellow pustule in
the center. If it bursts out pus and sometimes contains a little
blood. If furuncles often recur, the condition is called

Figur 1. Boil (furuncle)

3. Transdermal patch preparations

Transdermal patches are external drug preparations with adhesives containing medicinal ingredients that are
attached to the skin to provide treatment through the skin so that the treatment process is through the
bloodstream (Nurfitriani et al., 2015).

The advantages of transdermal patch preparations include avoiding first-

pass drug metabolism, avoiding drug degradation in the GIT, easily
removed when toxicity occurs, reducing the frequency of doses can
improve patient compliance, can be easily applied to children, elderly and
mentally disabled patients, transdermal The patch can be applied by the
patient himself
Common ingredients used for transdermal patch
preparations are as follows
a. Drugs / active substances
The drug is in direct contact with the release liner
b. Liners
Serves to protect the patch during storage
c. Adhesive
Serves to attach a patch to the skin for systemic drug
d. Penetration enhancers
Controls drug release
e. cover/support layer
Serves to protect the patch from the outside
There are several types of transdermal patches,

a. Single layer drugs

In this type the adhesive layer contains the drug. The adhesive layer is not
only an adhesive layer but also responsible for releasing the drug into the
skin. The adhesive layer is surrounded by a temporary liner and backing.

Single layer drug

b. Multi layer drugs

This type is the same as the single layer, except that the multi-layer drug
also contains a fast drug release layer and another layer that will control
the release with an adhesive layer. The adhesive layer is responsible for
drug release. This patch also has a temporary liner, but is permanently

multi layer drug

c. Matrix system
In this type the drug reservoir is formed by homogeneous dispersion of
the drug substance in a hydrophilic and lipophilic polymer matrix. Then
the drug polymer is printed into a disc with a certain area and thickness.

Matrix system

d. Microreservoir system
The drug reservoir is formed by suspension of the drug in an aqueous
solution of a water soluble polymer, then dispersed in a homogeneous
solid in a lipophilic polymer. Furthermore, with mechanical force
formed microscopic bubbles.

microreservoir system
4. Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola (centella asiatica) is a plant that has long been used as a
skin remedy, increases the body's resistance (longevity), cleanses the
blood, and improves digestive disorders. The pharmacological effects
of Centella asiatica include anti-infection, anti-toxic, fever-reducing,
urine laxative, anti-leprosy, anti-syphilis, anti-senile, to help deal with
stress and can be a revitalizer for a tired body and brain, for female
fertility, as well as an anti-senility (Kristina et al., 2009).

The chemical ingredients of gotu kola are asiaticoside, madecoside,

brahmoside, tannins, resin, pectin, sugar, B vitamins, mineral salts such as
potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, essential oils,
pectin and amino acids. The main constituent contained in gotu kola leaves is Figure 5 . Herb gotu kola
asiaticoside saponins (Kristina et al., 2009).
5. Garlic

Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a plant from the

Alliaceae family. Garlic contains about 65% water,
28% carbohydrates (fructans), 2.3% organosulfur
compounds, 2% protein (allinase), 1.2% free amino
acids (arginine) and 1.5% fiber (Santhosa et al,
2013 ). Garlic has a distinctive aroma, which is
produced from the sulfur contained in garlic (Strika
et al., 2017).

Garlic is known as antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, anticancer,

anthelmintic, antihypertensive, anti-atherosclerotic, antiseptic and
also anti-inflammatory (Bhatwalkar et al., 2021). garlic has been
shown to prevent infection in wounds, treat the common cold, Figure 6. Garlic
malaria, cough and pulmonary TB, hypertension, mental illness,
kidney disease, liver disease, asthma, to diabetes. Garlic has been
shown to have the same effect/activity as penicillin and modern
antibiotics including chloramphenicol (Garba et al., 2014).

1.Working hypothesis (Ha)

There is an anti-acne and boil transdermal patch effect from gotu kola leaf
extract and garlic towards consumers for drying boils and pimples.
2. Null Hypothesis (Ho)
There is no effect of transdermal behavior of anti-acne patches from gotu kola
and garlic extracts on consumers to dry boils and pimples.

1. There are still many people who use ointment and interfere
with daily activities because it is not suitable for use in hot
weather because the oinment wil become sticky and make you
2. There are still many people around who do not know the
benefits of garlic and its eforcement as an anti-bacterial and
Research quastions

1. How is the transdermal patch formulated with garlic and gotu

kola extract?
2. How to make a transdermal patch of garlic and gotu kola
3. How can the activity of garlic and gotu kola be used as a
medicine for boils caused by staphylococcus aureus bacteria?
4. What tests are performed in the manufacture of transdermal
1. To find out the formulation of transdermal patches of garlic extract and
gotu kola.
2. To find out how to make transdermal patches of garlic extract and gotu
3. to know the activity of garlic and gotu kola can be used as a medicine
for boils caused by staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
4. to find out the tests performed in the manufacture of transdermal
Gotu kola (centella asiatica) and Garlic (alli sativum)

Extract gotu kola (centella asiatica) and Garlic (alli sativum )

Transdermal patch formulation

Formula I Formula II Formula III

Base evaluation test and transdermal patch test

Results and discussion

Transdermal patch Test

1.Evaluate the base transdermal patch

2. Organoleptic test
3. Weight uniformity test
4. Test patch thickness
5. Test the pH
6. Multiple durability test
7. Moisture content test
8. Evaluation of the resistance of folding the transdermal patch
Microbial Contamination Test
- Total Plate Number (ALT)
-Yeast Mold Number (AKK)

-Antibacterial Activity Test

-Fractionation by Slow Column Chromatography
-Preparative Thin Layer Chromatography
-Identification of Isolates with Two-Dimensional TLC

The expected goals in this designed proposal are to

produce a new type of product in herbal medicine
and can benefit many people because in terms of its
use it is easy to use and can be applied on the surface
of the skin without interfering with activities and this
product can be used in all circles. ages and dosage
forms that are practical and easy to carry everywhere.
Gantt Chart
No Task name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Preparation of thetesis proposal                        

2. Presentasion of thesis proposal                        

3. Preparation & submission of thesis                        


4. Design & implemantation formulation                        

5. Data collection                        

6. Data analysis                        

7. Report writing                        

8. Submission of thesis                        

9. Presentation of thesis                        
The conclusion of the draft proposal made by gotu kola (Centella asiatica L.
Urban) is a wild plant that is often found around us. Centella asiatica can be
used primarily in the world of health such as treating kidney stones, tonsils,
fever, skin diseases, healing wounds, vomiting blood, improving memory,
coughing up blood, hepatitis, measles, bronchitis and senile dementia.
Processing of gotu kola (Centella asiatica L. Urban) varies from being
consumed directly as fresh vegetables, to being made into traditional and
modern medicines. And garlic contains active substances that function as
antibacterials, namely flavonoids which have a mechanism of inhibiting
cytoplasmic membrane function and inhibiting nucleic acid synthesis. This
content has been tested to be used as an antibacterial inhibitor and has
benefits as an anti-inflammatory
Thank you

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