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RH - G1A - U2 - L4 - Green - Frog - 200525103828

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Objectives: Build up the sense of what to learn.

Have a brief introduction of the reading skills in this


Foundational Skills 15%

1. Review and apply the spelling words with blends fr, gr,
6% Vocabulary and Language tr.
2. Read the high frequency words.
Learn and use science vocabulary
Listening and Speaking 15%
Learn to retell a story.

54% Writing 10%

1. Decode read the story Green Frog Write a new ending for the story.
with proper expression
2. Use a Character-Setting-Plot Chart
to comprehend the story
Objectives: Review the big question. Learn to retell a story.
1. Ask and answer the guidance questions. Talk about what you
know about living and nonliving things.
Retell a Story
2. Listen to a story. Gather information to fill in the blanks. Model
how to use the sentence frames to retell the story. Then, have
students use it.
1/3 Is this dog a living or
3. Talk about what living things need to do. Model how to use the
sentence frame. Then, have students use it.
nonliving thing? How do you
Language Frame:
I know that living things _____.

2/3 Listen to the story about a

living thing.
Gather information to fill in the
blanks. (Click to show the answers.)
I drink
_____ water and _______ breathe air.
I _____eat
food. I am a dog. I am a
living thing
3/3 What do living things need to
Language Frame:
When is something Living things need to _____ and _____.
BIG alive?
Question 4
Objectives: Learn and use the science vocabulary words.
1. Ask and answer the guidance questions. Read and have
students repeat the science vocabulary words after you.
2. Model how to use the sentence frames. Then, have students use

Parts of a Plant
1/3 How to grow a plant?
sun (Click to show the word seed.)

2/3 What does a plant need to

(Click to show the word sun.)

3/3 What parts does a plant

petal leaf (Click to show the words bud, petal, leaf, flower.)

Language Frames
• We plant a _____ in the
• A plant needs air, water, and
• A plant has _______.

Objectives: Learn to segment and add sounds.
1. Review how to recognize the sounds in one word.
2. Learn to segment sounds in one word.
3. Learn to add sounds in one word.
2/2 We
1/2 How addsounds
many soundsare
to get a new
in the word.
word “seed”?


s ee d

s ee d s

Objectives: Review the blends: gr, fr, tr.
1. Ask and answer questions. Read and have students repeat the
spelling words after you.
friend 2. Pay attention to the blends.

Green Frog

tree log

2/2 What happened to him?

(Click to show the word.)
Then, say: A truck comes! Splash!
Green Frog does not grin any
more. 3
Objectives: Review and use the high frequency words.
1. Read and have students repeat the high frequency words after
2. Use these words to give captions for these pictures.
Can you use the words below to give captions for these pictures?
(Click to show the captions.)

there, are, by first, more all

1 2 3

There are frogs by the All the frogs grab bugs.

The first frog grabs a bug.
rock. Yum!
Then he grabs more. 3
Objectives: Learn to use a Character-Setting-Plot Chart.
It tells the names of 1. Explain the features of a Character-Setting-Plot Chart.
2. Gather information from a story to fill in the chart.
people or animals in a 3. Model how to retell the story with this chart. Then, have
story. 3/3
Who happens
are are to frogs?
the the the frogs?
Identify Plot

students do it.

Character: Character: 1/4 What elements are in a

There areChart?
Character-Setting-Plot frogs by
The first frog Other
Write frogs
the names of the (Click to highlight the elements.)

characters here.
the rock.
2/4 The plot is what happens in a
story. What can plots tell us?
Write where the story Setting: (Click to show the answers.)
happens here.
3/4 How can we use a Character-
by the rock
It tells when and where The first frog grabs
Setting-Plot Chart?
the story happens. a bug. Then he grabs
(Click to show the answers.)

4/4 How can more.

we identify the plot of a
Plot Write what happens in story?
the story here. (Click to review the short story and show the answers.)
The first frog grabs bugs.
:It tells important
events of a story.
All the frogs grab bugs. All the frogs grab
bugs. Yum!

Objectives: Preread the story. Monitor before reading the story.
1. Ask and answer the guidance questions.
2. Monitor before reading. Predict what will happen in this story.

Main Concepts
1. What is the title of
the story?

2. Who is the character
in this story?
3. What do you think
about the character?
4. Where does the story
take place?

5. What happens to the

Objectives: Close read the story.
1. Encourage students to find out and spell the spelling
words. These words start with blends fr, gr or tr.
2. Pay attention to the high frequency words. They are all,
are, by, first, there, and more.
1. Read and spell the
3. Ask and answer the guidance questions to better
spelling words.
understand the story.

Details (Click to show the answer.)

2. Where is the frog?
3. How does Green Frog
4. What does Green Frog
5. Where are the bugs?
6. What does the frog
think of the bugs?
Green Frog sits on a grey rock First, Green Frog sees bugs there Make Predictions
in front of grass. He is alone. He on a leaf. He thinks the bugs will 7. What will Green
has no friends.This is my family. taste great! Frog do next?
1 2
Objectives: Close read the story.
1. Encourage students to find out and spell the spelling
words. These words start with blends fr, gr or tr.
2. Pay attention to the high frequency words. They are all,
are, by, first, there, and more.
1. Read and spell the
3. Ask and answer the guidance questions to better
understand the story.
spelling words.

Details (Click to show the answer.)

2. How is Green Frog’s
3. What does he do with
his tongue?
4. What does Green Frog
see next?
5. Where are the grubs?

Next, Green Frog grins and grabs Then, Green Frog sits and Make Predictions
the bugs with his sees grubs on a tree log. 6. What will Green
This –islike
big, greasy tongue my that!
family. Frog do to the grubs?
3 4
Objectives: Close read the story.
1. Encourage students to find out and spell the spelling
words. These words start with blends fr, gr or tr.
2. Pay attention to the high frequency words. They are all,
are, by, first, there, and more.
1. Read and spell the
3. Ask and answer the guidance questions to better
understand the story.
spelling words.

Details (Click to show the answer.)

2. Which body part does
Green Frog use to grab
3. How can he grab the
4. Who does Green Frog
5. What does the dog
want to do?
Green Frog grins greedily and Then, Green Frog sees a dog
trot by. The dog is not his Make Connections
grabs more grubs – like that!
This is my family. friend. The dog wants to greet 6. Who is your friend?
What do you do with
5 him. 6 your friend?
Objectives: Close read the story.
1. Encourage students to find out and spell the spelling
words. These words start with blends fr, gr or tr.
2. Pay attention to the high frequency words. They are all,
are, by, first, there, and more.
1. Read and spell the
3. Ask and answer the guidance questions to better
understand the story.
spelling words.

Details (Click to show the answer.)

2. How does Green Frog

3. Does Green Frog want
to be friends with the
dog? How can you tell?
4. What does Green Frog
think of the dog?

Green Frog is grouchy. Gross! Make Conclusion

He knows it’s a trap! Green 5. Who is your friend?
Frog gets out This is my
of there. Hefamily.
is What do you do with
your friend?
7 free! – like that! 8
Objectives: Retell the story.
1. Ask and answer questions. Gather information to fill in
the chart. Retell the Story
2. Model how to (Click
retell the storythe
with the help of the chart.
to show answers.)
Then, have students do it.
1/3 Who are the characters in this
Character: Character: story?
Green Frog The Dog

2/3 Where does the story take place?


3/3 What happens in the story?
: Green Frog grabs lots of bugs.
A dog trots by. Green Frog gets
out of there. He is free!

Objectives: Oral reading test.
1. Have students read the passage one by one.
2. Use the timer to record time.

trot by.Frog
The sits
dog onis not
the his friend.
3. Record the number of their misspelling words. Use the
Green grass by a 80 words
7 words WCPM chart.

greydog wants
rock. He istoalone.
greet him, Green 86
13 words
sees bugsHe knows
there 91
18 words
by aa web.
bugsout of
will 97
25 words Oral Reading Test
there. He is free! – like that!
taste great! 104 words
29 words Set the timer for one
This minute. Have the students
a sunflower.
Frog grins Thatandflower
grabs 107 words
34 words
read the text in turns.
all the from a seed.
bugs with hisItbig,
lots of 113 words
41 words
Then input the number of
sunlight. It gets
tongue – like lots of water too. It
that! 120 words
45 words students’ errors in the
Then, and tilts its
Green Frogfacesitstoand
the sees
sun. 127 words
51 words WCPM chart.
grubs on grow
a treealog.
lot of sunflowers. 135 words
56 words Total: 147 words
Greenflower is big.greedily and
Frog grins 137 words
61 words
grabs more grubs – like that! 142 words
66 words
Then, Green Frog sees a dog 147 words
72 words

Click to start again. Click to move on. 2

Objectives: Learn to define what an adjective is.
1. Ask and answer questions. Point out the adjectives in the
2. Explain what an adjective is. Practice to find out the
2/2 An adjective describes the Where
color,are thehow
shape, frogs?
many, or how much, of a noun.
adjectives in the sentences. Tell what they are describing
or telling about.

Find out the adjectives in the

sentences. Tell what these
adjectives are describing.
(Click to show the answers. There will be 3 adjectives.)

The dog walks two miles.

Green Frog grabs lots of bugs.

The red apple is made into an
apple pie.

Two frogs sit on a blue and grey truck.

Objectives: Learn to write a new ending for the story.
1. Ask and answer the first question to review the characters
in the story.
Write a New Ending
2. Recall the ending of this story.
3. Model how to fill in the chart and create a new ending for
the story. Then, have students try it.
1/3. Who are the characters in
Character: Character: the story Green Frog? (Click to show the
Green Frog The Dog

2/3. What happens at the end of
outside the story? ( Click the picture to reread this page.)

: The dog is chasing after Green
Frog. Splash! They both get wet.
3/3. What will happen next?
Where will it happen? ( Click to show
the answers.)
Click to go back.
Objectives: Explain the homework.
Explain the homework to students. Remind
students to shoot and post their writing.

• Online exercise

• My Writing Journal P13-16

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