Communication Process
Communication Process
Communication Process
Promote health prevent illness of individuals family
and community by applying the principals of effective
communication in matters relating to health.
It means trying to establish commonness with
someone .its a means of trying to establish a common
Purpose of communication
Its important in whatever one endeavors to undertake
Orders or directive from health workers as well as
those from high ranking official are not transmitted
without communication.
Communication tries to establish a common
understanding thus its useful in motivating people to
act change adopt and achieve desired results.
Methods of communication
Verbal-its communication through which spoken
word is used.
Non-verbal-over 60% of communication is non-verbal.
It involves gestures, nodding ,body movement ,hair
styles, dressing code.
Components/elements of communication
Characteristic of the sender
The first stage of any communication I s
performed by the sender of communication.
The sender may be a person writing, speaking,
gesturing etc
It may be a group of persons or communication
organization such as newspaper.
The sender illustrates the communication action.
the sender must know his audience. He should
tune his message to his audience .The sender must
have a clear knowledge of his message.
This is the second stage in communication. the
message must be expressed in a language which is
understood by both the sender and the audience so as
to achieve commonness.
It may be the language used in day to day conversation
or in a highly technical language or the sciences or art
The channel makes the message perceptible
through five senses.
These are ways of presenting messages so that
they can be seen through ;-printed and visual
be heard through audio media
be seen and heard through the films ,television
field demonstrations and other audio visual aids
they can be touched smelt and tasted through
models exhibits spacemen's and other
He is also known as the audience ,decoder or
The audience may be made of only one individual a
group of people, crowd or members of an organization
The receiver must not have no doubt, biases or
prejudices of the sender and his message but he must
have an open mind.
For effective communication to occur a feedback is
important. this is the response from the receiver after
he/she has perceived and interpreted the message.
the meaning of the message is with the receiver.
Communication process
In communication process the sender must decide
message into an intelligible perceptible form and
He must choose proper channel secondly the
receiver must be prepared to receive the message
and the sender initiate the communication process
Successful communication must be a two way
process and the receiver should co-operate by
listening and responding.
In the process commonness is established
Goals of communication
To change
To adopt
To achieve
The difference between one way and two way
One way Two way
1.Sender dominates 1,The two people fully
communication participate in the
communication process
2.There is no feedback 2.There is feedback
3.Evaluation is not 3.Evaluation is possible
4.If message not clear 4,clarification is possible
one is not able to make
a clarification
5.Its less effective 5.Its effective
Know it all
The negative personality
The impatient type
How to overcome barriers in general
First you know your audience. The people you are communicating to would like
to act,think,feel,understand and adopt the things you want them to do.
Every audience is unique
Know the audience background
Study the audience thoroughly and use a language that anyone will understand.
The audience must remove his own barriers
Establish complete knowledge of the subject
Establish good relationship with the audience.
Make good qualitative and quantitative assessment of the audience so as to
choose the right channel of communication.
One can use a combination of media during presentation but these should be
used on the right way.
Its quite important to use visual aids because psychologist tell us that we learn
11% through hearing,83% through sight. we retain 20% of what we hear and we
retain 50% of what we see and hear.
Modes of communication
a) Intrapersonal communication
Can be defined as communication with one’s self
a) self-talk
b) acts of imagination
c) visualization,
a) Large audience
In the era of messaging people still prefer personal
meetings or phone calls (skype calls) because they are
effective and convenient
The higher up an organization you go, the better should be
the verbal skills that you have.
It is because you need to ensure speech is precise and does
not leave any scope for any misunderstanding.
An M.D may be giving a television interview which is
being watched by stakeholders
Their speech and verbal communication need to be precise
so that they are not misunderstood.
Even in tough times, the verbal communication skills of
these leaders play a major part in consoling the crowd.
i.e Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi
b)Written Communications
b)Written Communications
In contrast to verbal communications, written business
communications are printed messages.
Examples of written communications include memos, proposals,
e-mails, letters, training manuals, and operating policies.
They may be printed on paper, handwritten, or appear on the
b)Written Communications
assess the social skills of job candidates with the sound turned off.
They watched the rate of gesturing, time spent talking, &formality
assess the social skills of job candidates with the sound turned off.
They watched the rate of gesturing, time spent talking, &formality
“It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it”
3) Gestures
We wave, point, beckon, and use our hands when we are
arguing or speaking animatedly
we express ourselves with gestures often without thinking.
However, the meaning of gestures can be very different
across cultures and regions
so it is important to be careful to avoid misinterpretation.
4)Eye Contact.
Eye contact is an important form of nonverbal
The way you look at someone communicates interest,
affection, hostility, or attraction.
Eye contact is also important in maintaining the flow of
conversation and for gauging the other person’s response.
Touch is another important part of nonverbal com.
an understanding of the cues you are sending and reading the cues
others are sending
If you are planning what you are going to say next, daydreaming,
or thinking about something else, you may miss nonverbal cues &
other subtleties
You need to stay focused on the moment to fully understand what
is going on.
Importance of non-verbal communication
If handled carefully, it can be a powerful technique in
Improves confidence
Better research skills
Stronger deductive skills
Ability to advocate for causes
How to become a good public speaker
It just takes some know-how and some effort
To help you become better at public speaking, we'll take a look at
If you don't feel confident when giving your speech, your
listeners may pick up on that, making your presentation less
Fortunately, there are some techniques that'll help most
people manage their fear
3. Practice the Speech
Even if not afraid of public speaking, practicing speech is
still an important step to having an effective speech.
If you're in a rush, you may be tempted to skip practicing
your speech to save time.
While skipping practice may seem like a good idea, it's
really not.
By practicing speech not only does it improve public
Watch recordings of your speeches
4. Give the Speech
Think positively
Presentation of health messages
Lecture method
Group discussion
Role play
Visual aids
Audio visual aids
Therapeutic communication technique
Using silence
Giving recognition
Offering self
Using broad opening
Using general leads
Placing the event in time or sequence
Making observation
Encourage description pf perceptions
Giving information
Seeking clarification
Presenting reality
Voicing doubt
Seeking concentual validation
Verbalizing the implied
Encourage evaluation
Attempting to translate into feeling.
Phases of therapeutic communication
Pre interaction phase
Orientation (introductory)
Working phase
Termination phase
Interpersonal skills and technique
L-listen actively
O-open and approachable
L-lean towards clients
E-eye contact
S-sit squarly and smile
Communication theories