Cause & Effect: English Lesson
Cause & Effect: English Lesson
Cause & Effect: English Lesson
Cause & Effect
Examples :
• Due to heavy rain (cause), we can’t go to concert (effect).
• He got good grade (effect) because of his study
habits (cause).
• Because he was sick (cause), he did not cook well (effect).
Definition Of
Education is the learning
of knowledge, skills and
habits of a group of
people passed down from
one generation to the next
through teaching,
research and training.
Economic factors, most parents • Parents' attention to their children's
are economically weak so many education, parents who are very busy with
children help their parents work work so that there is no concern for their
so they don't go to school children, especially for their children's
• Parents' views on education, for parents
with low education think that school is
merely eliminating illiteracy, so that
education is not so important to them.
3. Non-Formal One would think that non-formal education would be similar to informal education
based on its name, but it has more in common with formal education in that it often
Education involves instruction from a teacher. However, it does not rely on a syllabus or any
other set structure. If there is a structure in place, it is malleable by the teacher and can
be customized to meet a student’s needs. Some examples of non-formal education
include job training, adult education courses, fitness courses, and any one-on-one
tutoring session that can be customized with the student in mind.
Conclusion & Solutions
Having discussed in the previous chapter, the author can draw the conclusion that As
revealed Daoed Joesoef about the importance of education: "Education is all areas of
livelihood, in selecting and fostering a good life, which is in accordance with human
dignity" And certainly from the statement we can conclude that education is very
important and can not be separated from life. Become a developed nation is certainly an
ideal to be achieved by each country in the world. It has become an open secret that
advance whether or not a country is influenced by educational factors. Once the
importance of education, so that a nation can be measured whether the nation forward
or backwards, because as we all know that an education course will print Human
Resources are of good quality in terms of spiritual, intelligence and skill and education
is a process of printing the next generation. If the output of this education process fails
then it is difficult to imagine how it could achieve progress.
Conclusion & Solutions
1. we need to make education more accessible to people. If we can make the cost of
education affordable, and if we can make it easy for people to access classes and
resources for their specific needs, then we will be able to help people who need it
2. Be a parent. Make sure they get there, aren't skipping classes, and doing their work.
3. Provide access to education for all. There are many ways to achieve this, but one of
the most important is through public school systems. By ensuring that everyone has
access to quality education from a young age, we can help level the playing field
and give everyone a chance to succeed in life. Investing in education is one of the
smartest things any society can do. It pays off in both the short- and long-term,
benefiting individuals, families, businesses, and entire economies. When we invest
in education, we are investing in our future.