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PSFTP Batch 2021-03: Victoria Site

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PSFTP Batch 2021-03

 Investigation is one of the law enforcement functions of the Philippine
National Police. Police trainees will undergo investigation phase of
Field training program. This phase will discuss selected penal laws
being enforced by PNP and procedures on conducting investigations.

 Moreover, this phase will introduce materials used in investigation

including incident report form and blotter entry. In addition to this,
Police trainees will be exposed to scenarios thru simulation exercise,
table top exercise and even actual exercise in the field in order to gained
basic principles and develop their skills in investigation.

 A Police Blotter is a record of daily events occurring within the
territory/jurisdiction of a given police unit or command.

 It contains material details concerning the event for legal and statistical

 This police blotter is an informational record book that is utilized for

evidentiary or referral purposes.
 The Police blotter shall be a record book bound with hard covers and shall be
12 inches (12”) by 16 inches (16”) in size.

 The front cover of a police blotter shall contain the name or designation of
the police force and particular police district/station, together with the
designation of the specific police unit or sub-station, the volume or book
number, the series number and the period covered.
 The entry in the Police Blotter should answer the following cardinal
elements of a police report: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How and
the disposition of the case.
 In answering the 5 W‟s and 1H and the case disposition, all such
material details about the event, including the names of the suspects, the
victim, the witnesses, if any, the nature of the action or offense.
 The possible motive, the place, the date and time of occurrence and
significant circumstances that aggravate or mitigate the event or the
crime should be entered along with the identity of the officer to whom
the case is assigned (officer-in-case) and the status of the case.
 Accuracy – The report should be a true representation of the facts to the best
of the investigator's ability.

 Completeness – The question of “When, Who, What, Where, Why and

How?” should be answered.

 Brevity – Irrelevant or unnecessary materials should be omitted.

 Fairness – The investigator should take the facts as he finds them.

 Form and Style – The arrangement of the materials presented should be in a

manner which will make the report easy to read.

 Clarity – The language and format of a report are simple and to the point.

 Specific– Use of specific words that bring the reader close to firsthand

 Timeliness – Completion of a report promptly.

 Spot Report - is an immediate initial investigative or incident report
addressed to Higher Headquarters pertaining to the commission of
the crime, occurrence of natural or man-made disaster or unusual
incidents involving loss of lives and damage to properties.

 Progress Report - is an accounting of the actions or series of actions

undertaken in relation to an ongoing investigation of a case.
 Operation Report - is a report that may be rendered after any
successful police operation that leads to the arrest of any member or
some members of syndicated crime group.

 Final Report - is a thorough, in-depth and lengthy account regarding

an investigation into an incident or case as mandated by higher
authorities to establish a determination of the truth and/or how far it
could be determined based on the facts and circumstances with the
appropriate recommendation for the proper course/s of action/s to be

 Complaint - is defined as a sworn written statement charging a person

with an offense, subscribed by the offended party, any peace officer, or
other public officer charged with the enforcement of the law violated.

 Information - is defined as an accusation in writing charging a

person with an offense, subscribed by the prosecutor and filed with
the court.
 FirstResponder - the first person who arrives and responds at the crime
 Crime Scene - the place wherein the crime occurred.
 Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) – is the comprehensive inquiry of a crime
by conducting systematic procedure of various investigative methodologies
which involves recovery of physical and testimonial evidence for the purpose
of identifying the witnesses, and arrest of perpetrator(s) for prosecution.
 Investigator-on-Case (IOC)/Duty Investigator – refers to any PNP
personnel who is duly designated or assigned to conduct the inquiry of the
crime, assumes full responsibility over the crime scene during the conduct of
 Scene of the Crime Operation (SOCO) – a forensic procedure
performed by trained personnel of the PNP Crime Laboratory.
 Physical Evidence - the pieces of evidence to a particular crime tending
to prove the guilt or innocence of an individual including the suspect.
 Forensic Evidence - the physical evidence of a crime which are
commonly found within the crime scene and subject to forensic
laboratory examination.
 Dying Declaration – a statement by a person who is conscious and
knows that death is imminent concerning what he/she believes to be the
cause of death that can be introduced into evidence during a trial in
certain cases.

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