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Sec A

Section A: An introduction to equations and how to solve equations using the

concept of balance
Sec B

Section B: Backtracking and writing a simple algebraic equation to represent

situations and how to solve these equations
Sec C

Section C: Dealing with variations in layout of equations of the form ax + b = c.

Dealing with equations of the form ax + b = cx + d and variations of
this layout
Sec D

Section D: Forming an equation given a problem and relating a problem to a

given equation
Sec E

Section E: To show that equations can also be solved graphically

Section F: To solve equation involving brackets
Sec F

Section G: To solve equations involving fractions

Section H: For students taking higher level in the Junior Certificate the
Sec G

variables and solutions can be elements of Q.

Sec H

Section A: Student Activity 1

Sec A

Lesson interaction
• What do you notice about each of the following?
Sec B

Sec C

x = 4.
2x = x + x
Sec D

3x = 2x + x = x + x + x

• What does this picture represent?

Sec E
Sec F

• What is this apparatus called?

Sec G
Sec H

16/04/23 3

Sec A

• Did you learn about the Law of the Lever in science and if so what does

Lesson interaction
it state?
Sec B

• The weight multiplied by the length from the fulcrum is equal on both
sides if the balance is balanced.
Sec C

• The balance is balanced if the weights on either side of the fulcrum are
Sec D

equal and the balancing point (fulcrum) is at the centre.

• In mathematics we are going to place the fulcrum at the centre of

Sec E

gravity and place the weights at the same distance from the fulcrum on
both sides.
Sec F

• What happens to an empty balance that is currently balanced, if we add

a weight to the left hand side?
Sec G
Sec H

• Having added a weight to one side, what do we need to do to the other

side to keep the balance balanced?

16/04/23 4
Sec A

• Look at the equation 2x +5=11.

Lesson interaction
• Thinking about a balance what happens to the equation 2x + 5 = 11 if
Sec B

we remove the 5 from the left hand side?

Sec C

• How can we restore the balance keeping the 5 removed from the left
hand side?
Sec D

• Complete question 1 on Section A: Student Activity 1.

Sec E

• Note: all the balances in these questions are balanced unless told
Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

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Section A: Student Activity 1

Sec A

1. Describe the balances labelled a, b, c and d below in two ways:

Sec B

(i) using words and

(ii) using mathematical symbols.
Sec C
Sec D

• (i) Words:
the weight of three spheres is balanced by the weight of one cylinder
Sec E

• (ii) Symbols:
3s =c
Sec F

(Assume all balances in these questions are balanced unless told otherwise)
Sec G
Sec H

16/04/23 6
Append Sec H Sec G Sec F Sec E Sec D Sec C Sec B Sec A In

Sec A

Lesson interaction
• How do question 2(a) and 2(c) on the Student Activity differ?
Sec B

• When you have a problem what do you try to do?

• So if an equation is a problem, what do we try to do with it?

Sec C

• Sometimes when given an equation like 2x = 8, rather than saying find

Sec D

the value of x that makes this equation true, the question will state
solve for x.
Sec E

• Now solve 3x = 27 and write in your exercise book how you did this
Sec F

• Now make up examples of equations

Sec G

• Complete questions 2, 3 and 4 in Section A: Student Activity 1.

Sec H

16/04/23 8

Section B: Student Activity 2

Sec A

Lesson interaction
• We are now going to play a game.
Sec B

• I want you to think of a number but do not tell anyone what it is.
• Multiply your number by 2 and add 3.
Sec C

• What is your answer?

Lesson interaction

Sec D

Why are we all getting different answers?

o Divide into pairs with partners A and B.
Sec E

o A is to think of a secret number between 1 and 10.

o B is now to tell A to multiply their secret number by a certain
Sec F

number and add another number to their answer.

Sec G

o A is now to share their answer with B.

o B is now to calculate the number that A initially thought of and
Sec H

explain to A how they were able to do this.


o A and B are now to swap roles.

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Sec A

Lesson interaction
• What you have been doing is an action called “backtracking”
Sec B
Sec C
Sec D
Sec E

• Describe backtracking in your own words to your partner.

• Write a definition of backtracking in your copybooks

Sec F

• Complete question 1 on Section B: Student Activity 2.

Sec G
Sec H

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Section B: Student Activity 2

Sec A

Lesson interaction
1. Complete the table of rules for backtracking.
Sec B
Sec C
Sec D
Sec E

• If you add something to

Sec F

Start at the last a Number, to get back to

operation and the original number you
Sec G

do the opposite must subtract.

operation to • If you multiply first then
what was originally to get back you divide.
Sec H


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Sec A

• Note: if we have an equation of the type 3x = 15, we refer to the x as

Lesson interaction
the unknown. 3x and 15 are both terms.
Sec B

• Terms without unknowns (15 in this case) are called constants.

• If we have an unknown and multiply it by 3 we get 3x. If we then add
Sec C

5 and this is equal to 11.

Lesson interaction
• Write an equation to express this.
Sec D

• What are the terms in the equation 2y + 5 = 11?

• What is the unknown in this equation 2y + 5 = 11?
Sec E

• What are the constants in this equation 2y + 5 = 11?

Sec F

• How can algebra help with question 2 in Student Activity 2?

• Now complete question 2
Sec G

• What does it mean to solve an equation?

Sec H

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Section B: Student Activity 2

Sec A

1. Complete the table of rules for backtracking.

Sec B
Sec C
Sec D
Sec E

2. John thinks of a number, multiplies it by 3 and adds 2 to his

answer. The result is 11.
Sec F

a. Using backtracking, what number did he think of?

b. Write an equation to represent this problem.
c. Solve the equation.
Sec G

d. How are your answers for parts a and c related?

Sec H

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Sec A

• There are two possible ways to write out the solution to an equation:

Lesson interaction
• Method 1
Sec B

• What is the first step when solving 2x + 3 = 11?

Sec C

• How do we write this?

Sec D

2x + 3 - 3 = 11 - 3
• What is the next step?
2x = 8
Sec E

• What is our solution?

2x = 8
Sec F

2 2
Sec G


• How do we know if this value is correct?

Sec H

16/04/23 14

• Method 2 Stabilisers Method

Sec A

Lesson interaction
• Draw lines at the side of the equation as on the board. These are
referred to as stabilisers. This is a similar idea to bike stabilisers.
Sec B

-3 2x + 3 = 11 - 3
÷2 2x = 8 ÷2
Sec C

Lesson interaction
x =4
• When you got good at riding a bicycle, what did you do with the
Sec D

Sec E

• When you get good at solving the equations you can abandon the
Sec F

• Once again how do we check if this value is correct?

• If this was not true, what would it tell you?
Sec G

• Solve the equation 2x + 3 = 7 using either or both methods

Sec H

• Complete questions 3-7 Student Activity 2.

• How are parts a and c of these questions related

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Sec A

3. Sarah thinks of a number, multiplies it by 4 and adds 5 to her

answer. The result is 25.
Sec B

a. Using backtracking, what number did she think of?

b. Write an equation to represent this problem.
c. Solve the equation.
Sec C

d. How are your answers for part a and c related?

Sec D

4. Dillon thinks of a number, multiplies it by 3 and subtracts 5 from

his answer. The result is 7.
Sec E

a. Using backtracking, what number did he think of?

b. Write an equation to represent this problem.
c. Solve the equation.
Sec F

d. How are your answers for part a and c related?

Sec G
Sec H

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Sec A

5. Saoirse thinks of a number and divides it by 2 and adds 5 to her

answer. The result is 9.
a. Using backtracking, what number did she think of?
Sec B

b. Write an equation to represent this.

c. Solve the equation.
Sec C

d. How are your answers for part a and c related?

Sec D

6. Susan thinks of a number and divides it by 3 and subtracts 5 from

her answer. The result is 14.
a. Using backtracking, what number did she think of?
Sec E

b. Write an equation to represent this.

c. Solve the equation.
Sec F

d. How are your answers for part a and c related?

7. Solve the following equations and check solutions (Answers):

Sec G

a. 2x = 4 b. 3x + 1 = 13
c. 5x - 4 = 21 d. 4x - 4 = 44
Sec H

e. 11x - 5 = 3 f. 3x - 4 = 11

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Sec A

Lesson interaction
Sec B

• Write down what you learned about equations today.

• Write down anything you found difficult today.

Sec C
Sec D
Sec E
Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

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Section C: Student Activity 3

Sec A

Lesson interaction
• How do we solve the equation 4p + 3 = 11
Sec B

What is the solution of 4y + 3 = 11

What is the solution of 4p + 3 = 11
Sec C

Does the unknown always have to be x?

• What do you notice about these equations?

Sec D

3x = 6
6 = 3x
Sec E

3x = 2 + 4
Sec F

• If the question had been written in the form: solve 2x + 3 = 11, x ∈ N,

what would it mean?
Sec G

• If the question stated solve 2x + 8 = 4, x ∈ Z, what would it mean?

Sec H

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Section C: Student Activity 3

Sec A

Lesson interaction
1. Solve the following equations and check solution which will be a
natural number in each case:
Sec B

N.B. When asked to solve equations, always check answers.

a. 2x = 8 b. 40y = 160 c. 40z = 360
Sec C

d. 2s + 1 = 9 e. 2t - 1 = 7 f. 5r - 8 = 17
g. 2x - 9 = -1 h. 2y - 15 = 31 i. 1 - 2c = -5
Sec D

j. 8d -168 = -16

2. Solve the following equation 4s + 7 = 19, x ∈ N.

Sec E

3. Does the equation 6x + 12 = 8, x ∈ N have a solution? Explain.

Sec F

4. Does the equation 6x + 12 = 8, x ∈ Z have a solution? Explain.

Sec G

5. Is x = -1 a solution to the equation 2x + 10= 8? Explain your answer.

Sec H

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Sec A

6. Is x = 4 a solution to the equation 2x + 5 = 10? Explain your answer.

Sec B

7. Is x = 2 a solution to the equation –x + 3 = 1? Explain your answer.

Sec C

8. Examine this student’s work. What do you notice?

3x + 6 = 21
3x + 6 – 6 = 21
Sec D

3x = 21
Sec E
Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

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Sec A

Lesson interaction
• What is different about the equation 9 = 2x + 5 in comparison to the
ones we have dealt with earlier?
Sec B

• How can we solve the equation 9 = 2x + 5.

Sec C

-5 9 = 2x + 5 -5
÷2 4 = 2x ÷2
Sec D

2 =x
Sec E

9. Solve the following equations and check your solutions which will
be an integer in each case:
a. 3x - 7 = 2x b. 4t + 6 = 2t c. 1 + 2c = 7
Sec F

d. 42 = 7 – 5c e. -42 = 5m – 7 f. –p = 72 + 2p
g. 6 -3k= 0 h. -9y = -y - 48
Sec G

i. x = 5 j. x = -5
3 3
Sec H

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Sec A

10. Is x = 9 a solution to the equation 5 - 2x = -13?

Explain your answer.
Sec B

11. Is r = 2 a solution to the equation –6r + 3 = r?

Explain your answer.
Sec C

12. Examine this student’s work. What do you notice?

Sec D

5 – x = 21
5 – 5 – x = 21 - 5
Sec E
Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

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Sec A

• What is different about this equation? 2x + 5 = x + 9

Lesson interaction
• How do you think you would solve this equation?
Sec B

-5 2x + 5 = x + 9 -5
Sec C

-x 2x = x + 4 -x

Lesson interaction
x =4
Sec D

• If we get an equation like 2x + 3 = 5x + 6, write in your own words how

you would solve this equation.
Sec E
Sec F

13. Is t = 4 a solution to the equation 5t - 2 = 3t - 3? Explain your answer.

Sec G

14. Is x = -2 a solution to the equation –6x + 3 = -x + 13? Explain your answer.

Sec H

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Sec A

15. Examine this student’s work. Spot the errors, if any, in each case.
Sec B
Sec C
Sec D
Sec E
Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

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Section D: Student Activity 4

Sec A

Lesson interaction
• Think of a story represented by the equation 4x = 8
Sec B

• Think of a story represented by the equation 4x + 5 = 53.

Sec C

Lesson interaction
Sec D
Sec E
Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

16/04/23 26

Section D: Student Activity 4

Sec A

1.Brendan thinks of a number, adds 3 and the answer is 15. Represent this
Sec B

statement as an equation. Solve the equation and check your answer.

2. Joanne thinks of a number then subtracts 5 and the answer is 10.

Sec C

Represent this statement as an equation. Solve the equation and check your
Sec D

3. A farmer has a number of cows and he plans to double that number next
year, when he will have 24. Represent this statement as an equation. Solve
Sec E

the equation and check your answer.

Sec F

4. A new student enters a class and the class now has 25 students. Represent
this statement as an equation. Solve the equation and check your answer.
Sec G

5. The temperature increases by 18 degrees and the temperature is now 15.

Represent this statement as an equation. Solve the equation and check your
Sec H


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Sec A

6. A farmer doubles the amount of cows he has and then buys a further
three cows. He now has 29. Represent this as an equation. How many did
Sec B

he originally have?

7. Emma and her twin brother will have a total age of 42 in 5 year’s time.
Sec C

Represent this as an equation. How old are they at the moment?

Sec D

8. A table’s length is 6 metres longer than its width and the perimeter of
the table is 24 metres. Allow x to represent the width of the table write
Sec E

an equation to represent this information and solve the equation to find

the width of the table.
Sec F

Sec G
Sec H

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Sec A

9. Mark had some cookies He gave half of them to his friend John. He then
divided his remaining cookies evenly between his other three friends each of
whom got four cookies. How many cookies did Mark have?
Sec B

10. Chris has €400 in his bank account and he deposits €5 per week thereafter
Sec C

into his account. His brother Ben has €582 in his account and withdraws €8 per
week from his account. If this pattern continues, how many weeks will it be
Sec D

before they have the same amounts in their bank accounts?

11. The sum of three consecutive natural numbers is 51. What are the
Sec E

Sec F

12. A ribbon is 30cm long and it is cut into three pieces such that each piece is
2cm longer than the next. Represent this as an equation? Solve the equation to
discover how long each piece of ribbon is.
Sec G
Sec H

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Sec A

• Could the following story be represented by this equation x + 2 = 25?

Lesson interaction
“2 new students enter a class and the class now has 26 students”.
Sec B

• Why?
Sec C

• How does this differ from saying the number of students double?
Sec D

• In pairs develop problems that could be represented by the equations

given in question 13 of the Student Activity 4.
Sec E
Sec F

13. Write a story that each of the following equations could represent:
i. 2x = 10 ii. 2x + 5 = 11 iii. 3x – 5 = 13 iv. 3x – 5 = 2x + 13
Sec G
Sec H

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Section E: Student Activity 5

Sec A

Lesson interaction
1. Can you solve the equation 2x=2x+1? Why or why not?
Sec B

a. Make a list of 4 points on this line.
b. What is added to each x to give the
Sec C

y value?

Lesson interaction
c. So is it true to say the line has equation
Sec D

y = x + 3?
d. Solve the equation x + 3 = 0 by algebra.
Sec E

e. Can we read from the graph the point

where y = 0 (or x + 3 = 0)?
f. Do you get the same answer when you
Sec F

graph the line y = x + 3 and find where it

cuts the x axis as you get when you solve
Sec G

the equation x + 3 = 0 by algebra?

3. Complete the following table and draw the resulting line on graph
Sec H


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Sec A

3. Complete the following table and draw the resulting line on graph
Sec B
Sec C
Sec D
Sec E

a. Where does the line y = 2x + 2 cut the x axis?

b. What is the x value of the point where this line cuts the x axis?
Sec F

c. Solve the equation 2x + 2 = 0 using algebra.

d. Do you get the same answer for the x value of the point where the line
Sec G

y = 2x + 2 cuts the x axis and from solving the equation 2x + 2 = 0 using

Sec H


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Sec A

4. Complete the following table and draw the resulting line on graph
Sec B
Sec C
Sec D

a. Where does the line y = 2x -1 cut the x axis?

Sec E

b. What is the x value of the point where this line cuts the x axis?
c. Solve the equation 2x – 1 = 0 using algebra.
Sec F

d. Do you get the same answer for the x value of the point where the line
Sec G

y =2x -1 cuts the x axis and from solving the equation 2x -1 = 0 using #
Sec H

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Sec A

5. Given the table below find the solution to the equation 2x – 3 = 0.

Sec B
Sec C
Sec D
Sec E

6. Solve the equation 2x - 6 = 0 graphically.

Sec F

7. Solve the equation x + 5 = 0 graphically.

Sec G

8. Describe in your own words how to solve an equation graphically.

Sec H

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Section F: Student Activity 6

Sec A

Lesson interaction
• So we can now solve equations by algebra and by graph.
Sec B

• How could you solve 2x + 7 = 13 by trial and improvement

Sec C

• How do you prove that the solution you got is correct?

Sec D

• That was a simple one.

Sec E

• What about 2x + 5 = -1.

Sec F

• So while trial and improvement (Inspection) is a possible method of

solving an equation, it is often very difficult to use unless the answer
Sec G

is 1, 2, 3 etc.
Sec H

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Sec A

Lesson interaction
• How is the value of 2(3 + 4) found?
Sec B

• We can also have brackets in an equation for example: 2(x + 4) = 18.

• How do you think we would solve 2(x + 4) = 18?

Sec C

Lesson interaction
2(x + 4) = 18
Sec D

-8 2x + 8 = 18 -8
÷2 2x = 10 ÷2
Sec E

x =5
• How would we solve 3(x – 2) = 2( x – 4)?
Sec F

• Can you put in words what you do if brackets are present in an

Sec G


• Answer the questions in Section F: Student Activity 6.

Sec H

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Section F: Student Activity 6

Sec A

1. Solve the following equations and check your solutions:

Sec B

a. 3(y – 2) = 3 b. 4(x - 2) = 8
c. 2(4 - x) = 6x d. 5(t - 2) + 6(t - 3) = 5
Sec C

e. 4(x - 1) + 3(x - 2) = 4 f. 4(p + 7) + 5 = 5p + 36

Sec D

g. 5(q - 4) + 12 = 3(q - 3) h. 2(x + 3) - 3(x + 2) = - 2

i. 2(s - 1) + 3(s - 3) + s = 1 j. 3(x + 1) - (x + 5) = 0
Sec E

k. 2(d + 3) + 3(d + 4) = 38 l. (x + 1) + 5(x + 1) = 0

Sec F

2. Is y=5 a solution to the equation 2(y - 4) + 5 = 3(y + 2)? Explain

Sec G


3. Is y=2 a solution to the equation (y - 4) + 6 = 3(y + 2) - 7? Explain your

Sec H


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Sec A

4. 4. a. These students each made one error, explain the error in each
Sec B
Sec C
Sec D
Sec E

b. Solve the equation correctly showing all the steps clearly.

Sec F

5. Mary is 5 years older than Jack. Twice Mary’s age plus 3 times Jack’s
age is 125. Write an equation to represent this information and solve
the equation to find Mary’s age.
Sec G

6. The current price of an apple is x cents. The price of an apple

Sec H

increases by 4 cents and Alan goes to the shop and buys 4 apples
plus a magazine costing €2. His total bill came to €4.44.

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Sec A

7. Half of a number added to a quarter of the same number is 61. Write

an equation to represent this information. Solve the equation to find the
Sec B


8. Erica went shopping. She spent a quarter of her money on books, half
Sec C

of her money on shoes and €5 on food. She had €12 left. Write an
equation to represent this situation. Solve the equation to find how much
Sec D

money she had at the beginning of the day?

Sec E

a. Write an equation in terms of x to represent her total bill in cents?

b. Solve the equation. What does the answer tell you?

Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

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Sec A


Lesson interaction
Sec B

• Write down what you learned about solving an equation if there are
brackets present.
Sec C

• Write down any questions you may have.

Sec D

• Write down anything you found difficult today.

Sec E
Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

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Section G: Student Activity 7

Sec A

Lesson interaction
How does one add 1 1+
2 3
Sec B
Sec C

Lesson interaction
Equations can also involve fractions for example:
Sec D

x x 5 + =
2 3 6
Sec E
Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

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Section G: Student Activity 7

Sec A

1. Solve the following equations and check your solutions:

Sec B
Sec C
Sec D
Sec E
Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

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Sec A

1. Solve the following equations and check your solutions:

Sec B
Sec C
Sec D
Sec E
Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

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Sec A

2. Martha has a certain number of sweets in a bag and she gives half to
Mary and Mary gets 20. How can this be represented as an equation?
Solve the equation and check your answer.
Sec B

3. A father is x years of age and is twice the age of his daughter, who is
Sec C

now 23. Find an equation in terms of x to represent this situation and

solve the equation.
Sec D

4. There are three generations in a family: daughter, mother and

Grandmother. The daughter is half the age of the mother and the
Sec E

grandmother is twice the age of the mother. The sum of their ages is
140. Write an equation to represent this situation and solve the
Sec F

equation to find the ages of each member of the family.

Sec G
Sec H

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Sec A

5. A carpenter wished to measure the length and width of a rectangular

room, but forgot his measuring tape. He gets a piece of wood and
discovers the length of the room is twice as long as the piece of
Sec B

wood and the width of the room is half that of the wood. The owner
says that the only information he can remember about the room is
Sec C

that its perimeter is 50 metres. Write an equation to represent this

information, letting x equal the length of the piece of wood. Solve
Sec D

the equation and explain your answer.

6. Jonathan is half Jean’s age and Paul is 3 years older than Jean. Given
Sec E

that the sum of their ages is 43, write an equation to represent this
situation and solve the equation. What age is each person?
Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

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Sec A

7. A student took part in a triathlon which involved swimming, running

and cycling. He spent ½ the time swimming that he spent running and
3 times the time cycling as he spent running. His total time was 45
Sec B

minutes. Write an equation to represent this situation. Solve the

equation and state how long he spends at each sport.
Sec C

8. Kirsty has just bought a new outfit consisting of a skirt, a shirt and
shoes. She will not tell her mother the cost of the shoes, but her
Sec D

mother knows she spent all her pocket money of €220 on the outfit.
Through a series of questions her mother discovers that she spent 4
Sec E

times the amount she spent on the skirt on the shoes and she spent
half the amount she spent on the skirt on the shirt. Write an equation
Sec F

to represent this information and find the cost of the shoes using this
Sec G

9. There are x chocolate buttons in a bag. Dan ate 6 chocolate buttons.

Eamon then ate a quarter of the remaining chocolate buttons in the
Sec H

bag. There were now 90 chocolate buttons left in the bag. Write an
equation to represent this information and solve the equation to find

the number of chocolate buttons originally in the bag?

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Sec A

10 Simplify and hence solve for x.

Sec B
Sec C

11 Simplify
Sec D
Sec E

and hence solve for x.

Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

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Section H: Student Activity 8

Sec A

Lesson interaction
• Elements of Z: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 etc
Sec B

• What is another name for the numbers that are elements of Z?

Sec C

• Elements of Q? ½, ¼, ¾ , etc

Lesson interaction
Sec D

• What is the name for numbers that are elements of Q

Sec E

• Are negative and positive whole number elements of Q?

• Solve the equations the following equations

Sec F

2x + 5 = 8
3x – 7 = 17
Sec G

3x/5 = 13
2.5x = 45
Sec H

1.5x + 3 = 22

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Section H: Student Activity 8

Sec A

Higher level only Solution may be elements of Q.

Sec B

1 Solve the equation 2x = 9.

Sec C

2 Solve the equation 2x – 5 = -3x – 7.

3 Solve
Sec D

4 Solve the equation 2(x - 3) - 3(x - 2) = 15.

5 Solve the equation 5(x - 5) - 3(x - 2) + 4 = 0.
Sec E

6 Solve the equation

Sec F

7 An electric supplier has a fixed charge of €48 for every two months and
Sec G

also charges 9 cent per unit of electricity used.

(a). Write an equation to represent this information.
(b). The Gallagher family got a bill for €77.97 for the last 2 months. Use
Sec H

your equation to find how many units of electricity they used during this

16/04/23 49
Sec A

8 3 is taken from a number and the result divided by 4. This is then added to
half of the original number giving an answer of 47. Find the original number?
Sec B

9 Julie went shopping. She spent one sixth of her money on books, an eight of
her money on shoes and €5 on food. She had €13.50 left. Write an equation
Sec C

to represent this information. Solve the equation to find how much money
she had at the beginning of the day?
Sec D

10 The difference between a half of a number and a third of the same number is
Sec E

What is the number?

Sec F

11 The difference between one third of a number and 2 sevenths of the same
number is 2½
Sec G

Find the number.

Sec H

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Sec A


Work in groups and summarise what you know about equations, solving
Sec B

an equation and solutions.

Sec C

key words
Sec D

Make a list of key words you have learned and write an explanation for
each word.
Sec E
Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

16/04/23 51

Appendix A
Sec A

Internet sites that will aid the teaching of this topic:

Sec B

Sec C

Sec D

Sec E
Sec F
Sec G
Sec H

16/04/23 52

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