• By: Fatima-tuz-zahra-rasul
• 2020-NTU-6055
• Supervisor : Dr. Anwaar Nazeer
• Co supervisor: Dr. Aqsa Imran
Table of
• Introduction
• Literature review
• Research gap & research
• Aims & objectives
• Methodology
• Results and Discussions
• Conclusions
• References
Stats about Eczema patients in Pakistan
and Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia: The prevalence of eczema in Saudi Arabia is estimated to
be around 15%. The study found that eczema was more common among
females (16.8%) than males (13.2%), and that the highest prevalence of
eczema was found among children aged 6-12 years old.
Pakistan: The prevalence of eczema in Pakistan is estimated to be around
13.9%. The study found that eczema was more common among females
(14.6%) than males (13.1%), and that the highest prevalence of eczema
was found among children aged 0-14 years old.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), eczema affects
about 15-20% of children and 1-3% of adults worldwide.
Literature review
Author Citation Key findings
C. Aldao, C. David, and E. C. Aldao, C. David, and E. Panagiotidou, “Analysing the Organic cotton is pesticide free & skin friendly
Panagiotidou Environmental and Social Impacts of H&Ms Supply Chain Through Its product.
Organic Cotton Collection,” pp. 1–134, 2009
Ali, Muhammad Adnan M. Adnan, A. Muhammad, and I. Sarwar, “Sustainable and People have less awareness about benefits of
Sarwar, Muhammad Imran Environmental Friendly Fibers in Textile Fashion A Study of Organic organic cotton for eczema patients.
Cotton and Bamboo Fibers,” 2010.
M. Abrar, S. A. Baig, M. Bashir, R. M. Abrar, S. A. Baig, M. Bashir, R. Shabbir, and M. Ayub, “Consumer Consumer behavior towards organic cotton
Shabbir, and M. Ayub attitude and purchase intention towards organic textile products,” products depends upon awareness & availability.
Amaz. Investig., vol. 7, no. 17, pp. 472–485, 2018,
F. Nassivera, S. Troiano, F. F. Nassivera, S. Troiano, F. Marangon, S. Sillani, and I. Markova Consumer knowledge & the knowledge of
Marangon, S. Sillani, and I. Nencheva, “Willingness to pay for organic cotton: Consumer sustainability make the availability of product easy.
Markova Nencheva, responsiveness to a corporate social responsibility initiative,” Br.
Food J., vol. 119, no. 8, pp. 1815–1825, 2017, doi: 10.1108/BFJ-12-
J. Maloney, M. Y. Lee, V. Jackson, J. Maloney, M. Y. Lee, V. Jackson, and K. A. Miller-Spillman, High price of the organic cotton product also
and K. A. Miller-Spillman, “Consumer willingness to purchase organic products: Application of affects availability.
the theory of planned behavior,” J. Glob. Fash. Mark., vol. 5, no. 4,
pp. 308–321, 2014, doi: 10.1080/20932685.2014.925327
Research gap & Research problem
Research gap
Research problem No significant work has been done to
Lack of awareness of organic cotton educate people about benefits of
benefits for eczema patients. organic cotton for eczema patients.
Less availability of organic cotton Work has been done to educate
clothing in the market. people about benefits of organic cotton
for eczema patients.
Aims & objectives
Aim Objectives
A qualitative approach to To analyze the factors of organic
analyze the impact of organic cotton affecting eczema patients.
cotton on eczema patients To develop an application/web
page to provide awareness
about benefits of organic cotton
for eczema patients.
Hypothesis generation:
On the basis of literature review hypothesis are generated.
H1: The use of O.C prevents eczema & its softness make its usage
H2: The more awareness of O.C, the more use of organic textile products.
H3: Environmental concerns will lead to the use of O.C products.
H4: More availability of the O.C products, the more use of organic textile
products, hence less eczema issues.
H5: Psychological issues can be reduced by the use of organic cotton in
eczema patients.
H6: personal relevance of eczema patients will lead to the use of O.C.
Population & sampling
Data collection
Analysis of data
Results and Discussions
1.Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)
To define the suitability of the data for EFA, we used the Kaiser-
Meer-Olkin (KMO) coefficient and Bartlett’s test. The KMO test
investigates the strength of the partial correlation between
variables, with higher values indicating better suitability for factor
analysis. The KMO values range from 0 to 1. Table 1 shows, The KMO
value was 0.802, which is good enough for factor analysis to
Bartlett’s test of Sphericity
Total Variance Explained in the component
Total variance Explained 17
Development of webpage for
• Eczema is a chronic skin condition that causes red, itchy, and inflamed skin, and its root cause is
unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
• Organic cotton is a potential solution for individuals with eczema due to its hypoallergenic and non-
irritating properties.
• Organic cotton is grown without harmful pesticides and chemicals, making it safer for people with
sensitive skin. It is also softer than conventional cotton, which can reduce friction and irritation on the
• A recent qualitative study was conducted in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to examine the impact of organic
cotton-based clothing on eczema patients.
• The study included surveys of eczema patients, medical practitioners, and caregivers and was based on a
literature review. Six hypotheses were developed and tested through a questionnaire of 18 questions.
• The statistical analysis of the data collected using SPSS software showed that each of the six hypotheses
was statistically significant, suggesting that organic cotton-based clothing has a positive impact on eczema
• The KMO value of the results is 0.802, indicating a strong correlation between the factors, and the value
of Bartlett’s test of Sphericity is less than 0.05, showing that the results are statistically significant.
• An informative web page was created to raise awareness about organic cotton, and the results of the study
suggest that individuals suffering from eczema may benefit from wearing organic cotton clothing. 20
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