Chapter-5.pptx - New Sumi
Chapter-5.pptx - New Sumi
Chapter-5.pptx - New Sumi
• Continental rise
• Abyssal plane
• Deep-sea trench Deep ocean basin
• Midocean ridge
Fig: Ocean surface topography
Continental shelf
• Nearly flat plains at the top of the sedimentary wedge
• Average width : 60 kilometers
• Self bottom slope gently seaward at an angle of about
0.5 degrees
• Continental self end on their ocean side at the self
break where sea bottom steepens appreciably
• Self break occur at a water depth 130 meters ( on
• Bottom slope of the self break is about 1 to 4 degrees
Continental slope
• Seaward of the self break is a steeper continental
• Average angle is about 4 degrees
• Enormous pile of mud and sand eroded from
continent lies underneath the continental slope
• V-shaped submarine canyons are found on the
Continental rise
• The broad underwater plain of sediment at
the base of continental slope
• Larger continental rise extend about 500
kilometers from the base of the continental
Abyssal plain
• Flattest area found anywhere in the earth
• Having a regional slope of <0.5 degrees less
than 1 meter per km
• Land derived sediment are deposited in this
area ( mostly debris)
• Consist irregular volcanic topography
• Steep walled, pointy, extinct or active volcano
• Rise more than 1000 meters above the
adjoining ocean floor but not reach or extend
above the oceans water surface
• May occur as isolated peaks or be clustered
into groups
• Flat topped seamounts called Guyots
Deep-sea trenches
• Relatively steep-sided, long and narrow
• Trenches are the deepest region on the earth
• 3 to 5 km deeper than the surrounding ocean
• They are associated with active volcanoes and
strong earthquakes
Midoceanic ridges
• Midoceanic ridge occur along divergent plate
boundaries, where new ocean floor is created
as the earth’s tectonic plates spread apart
• As the plates separate, some molten rock rises
to the seafloor, producing enormous volcanic
eruptions of basalt and building the longest
chain of the volcanoes
Rocky shore
• Rocky shore:
• A rocky shore is an intertidal area that consists
of solid rocks
• It is often a biologically rich environment and
can include many different habitat types like
steep rocky cliffs, platforms, rock pools and
boulder fields
Sandy beach
• Sandy beaches are soft shores that are formed
by deposition of particles that have been carried by
water currents from other areas
• The transported material is in part derived from the
erosion of shores, but the major part is derived from
the land and transported by rivers to the sea
• Sandy shores or beaches are loose deposits of sand,
gravel or shells that cover the shoreline in many places
• They make up two-thirds of the world’s ice-free
Sandy beach