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03 Presentation

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Presented by:
Esha Aslam(19-CS-02)
Nosheen Rasheed(19-CS-05)
Qadeer Ahmad(19-CS-18)
Rehman Yasin(19-CS-35)
What is JTAG?
It is a common name used for debugging
programming and testing interface typically
found in micro-controller.
JTAG is an industrial standard for verifying
design and testing printed circuit board after
What does JTAG stands for?
 It is a standard test access point (TCP) and
boundary architecture.
 It was initially designed for testing Printed
circuit board using boundary scan.
 And is still widely used for the application.
 The term JTAG has wide variety of meanings:

 Joint test action group

 IEEE-1149.x standard(Jtag port)
 Software Debugging/Emulation
 In-system Programming
 Boundary Scan/Structural board testing
 JTAG Embedded testing/functional test
 Embedded Instrumentation
 Xbox Hacking
 IEEE 1149.1, a standard 4 wire serial protocol
that established the details of access to any
chip with a JTAG port .
 Boundary scan testing of Integrated
Circuits(IC’s) and boards.
 Debug Embedded devices.
 System level debug capability
What can it be used for?
The standard defines instructions that can be used to
perform :

1. Functional Tests(each application work as per of

the software requirements)
2. Interconnect tests(test the networking infrastructure
within a network on which chip is presented)
3. Built-in self test procedures(IT permits a machine
to test itself).
The need for physical test points on the board
is eliminated leading to significant savings as a
result of simpler board layouts.

 Less costly test fixtures.

 reduced time on in-circuit test systems.
 increased use of standard interfaces.
 faster time-to-market.
Boundary Scan
 What is Boundary Scan?

Boundary scan is a methodology allowing

complete controllability and observability of
the boundary pins of a JTAG compatible
device via software control.
Boundary Scan Chip Architecture
The IEEE-1149.1 standard defines test logic
in an integrated circuit which provides
applications to perform:

•Chain integrity testing

•Interconnection testing between devices
•Core logic testing (BIST)
•In-system programming
•In-Circuit Emulation
•Functional testing
 How does it work?

The top level schematic of the test logic defined by IEEE Std 1149.1 includes three key blocks:

-The TAP Controller:

This responds to the control sequences supplied through the test access port (TAP) and
generates the clock and control signals required for correct operation of the other circuit blocks.

- The Instruction Register:

This shift register-based circuit is serially loaded with the instruction that selects an operation
to be performed.

-The Data Registers :

These are a bank of shift register based circuits. The stimuli required by an operation are
serially loaded into the data registers selected by the current instruction. Following execution of
the operation, results can be shifted out for examination.
JTAG Test Access Port
The JTAG Test Access Port
(TAP) contains four pins that drive the circuit blocks
and control the operations specified. The TAP
facilitates the serial loading and unloading of
instructions and data.
The four pins of the TAP are:
1. TMS – Test Mode Select
2. TCK – Test Clock n TDI
3. Test Data Input n TDO
4. Test Data Output
Traditional Test Method
 Bed of nails in-circuit tester
 Requires costly bed-of-nails test fixtures to access all
internal nodes of the board
 Requires keeping inventory of test fixture
 Requires fixture maintainance and verification
 Requires machine maintenance
 Requires highly trained personnel
Traditional Test Limitation

Loss of physical access by

traditional bed of nails testers
is the #1 driver for JTAG

Inability to place a probe on

high-speed signals is also
becoming a significant
JTAG Lifecycle Support

JTAG Lifecycle Support

Development Phase

Hardware Software Production Field and

Design Integration
Debug Debug service
IOT Software and Cloud
Components , Firmware of
IOT Software Components
Individual and master applications are responsible for
data collection, device integration, real-time analytics,
and application and process extension within the IoT

Data Collection
 Device Integration
 Real-Time Analytics
Data Collection
 This software manages sensing, measurements,
light data filtering, light data security, and
aggregation of data.
 hen it collects data from multiple devices and
distributes it in accordance with settings.
 The system eventually transmits all collected
data to a central server.
Device Integration
 Software supporting integration binds
(dependent relationships) all system devices to
create the body of the IoT system.
 They manage the various applications,
protocols, and limitations of each device to
allow communication
 It ensures the necessary cooperation and stable
networking between devices.
Real-Time Analytics
 These applications take data or input from
various devices and convert it into viable
actions or clear patterns for human analysis.
They analyze information based on various
settings and designs in order to perform
automation-related tasks or provide the data
required by industry.
Cloud computing Components
 These components typically consist of a front-end platform
back-end platforms (servers, storage), a cloud-based delivery,
and a network Combined, these components make up cloud
computing architecture

 Cloud computing architecture is divided into the following two

parts –

 Front End
 Back End
Cloud computing Components
Components of Cloud Computing Architecture
 1. Client Infrastructure
Client Infrastructure is a Front end component. It provides
GUI (Graphical User Interface) to interact with the cloud.

 2. Application
The application may be any software or platform that a
client wants to access.

 3. Service
A Cloud Services manages that which type of service you
access according to the client’s requirement.
 4. Runtime Cloud:
Runtime Cloud provides the execution and runtime
environment to the virtual machines.

 5. Storage
It provides a huge amount of storage capacity in the
cloud to store and manage data.

 6. Infrastructure
It provides services on the host level, application level,
and network level. Cloud infrastructure includes hardware and
software components such as servers, storage, network devices,
virtualization software
 7. Management
Management is used to manage components such as
application, service, runtime cloud, storage, infrastructure,
and other security issues in the backend and establish
coordination between them.

 8. Security
Security is an in-built back-end component of cloud
computing. It implements a security mechanism in the
back end.

 9. Internet
The Internet is a medium through which the front end and
back end can interact and communicate with each other.
Cloud Services Model:
Cloud computing offers the following three types of services:
 i. Software as a Service (SaaS)
It is also known as cloud application services. Mostly, SaaS
applications run directly through the web browser means we do
not require to download and install these applications.

 Platform as a Service (PaaS)

It is also known as cloud platform services. It is quite similar to
SaaS, but the difference is that PaaS provides a platform for
software creation, but using SaaS, we can access software over
the internet without the need for any platform.
Cloud Services Model:
 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
It is also known as cloud infrastructure services. It is
responsible for managing applications data, middleware,
and runtime environments.

Example: Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2, Google

Compute Engine (GCE).
 The firmware is a piece of code that resides in a non-volatile part of the
device that allows and enables the device to perform the functions for
which it was created. It consists of several components, such as the kernel,
bootloader, filesystem and additional resources.
There are numerous devices that use firmware include:
 Washing machine
 Camera
 Watch
 microwave

Can firmware be Updated..?

What is an IoT dashboard?

An IoT dashboard is one of the most important

elements in IoT app development. It’s a web-
based software that allows you to control your
ecosystem, get information from each device,
and manage its operation. An IoT dashboard is
basically an IoT control panel that can achieve
many different goals for any business.
Benefits of IoT dashboards

 Collect data from your devices

 Enhance data
 Monitor processes remotely
 Earn your customers’ behavior patterns. 
How to create a dashboard for your IoT application

 Step 1. Choose a network:-

The complexity of IoT networks requires a
specific architecture that consists of:

 Devices
 Gateways
 Data systems
Choose a network:-
Step 2. Choose a protocol

 MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry

is the most common protocol that allows for the
transmission of data from devices to applications
and middleware through three components:
subscribers, publishers, and brokers. A
subscriber receives data from the publisher that
collects it. MQTT is suitable for small, low-
power, and simple devices.
Step 2. Choose a protocol
 DDS (Data Distribution Services) are great
for more complex IoT monitoring systems, as
they enable real-time communication between
members of your ecosystem. They’re also
suitable for cloud computing.
Step 2. Choose a protocol
 Bluetooth:-
is a well-known technology present in most
consumer IoT devices, from smartphones to
smart clothing and speakers. Bluetooth provides
effective communication between devices within
a short range.
The most popular IoT platforms
 Google Cloud Platform
This is a paid IoT platform that has everything you need to
manage your IoT infrastructure, from device lifecycle
management and predictive maintenance to real-time device
tracking and management solutions for systems as big as smart
Amazon AWS IoT Core
An IoT platform from Amazon is a powerful solution
that will allow you to build a cloud IoT infrastructure of
any complexity. It supports different connection types,
including HTTP, MQTT, and lightweight
communication protocols.
Data Visualization

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