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OS Process Synchronization Unit 3

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Chapter : Process Synchronization

 Co-Operating Process: that can affect or be affected by other
processes executing in system
 Concurrent access to shared data may result in data inconsistency
 Process Synchronization: Ensures coordination among processes and
maintains Data Consistency

 Process P1 Process P2
1. X=5
2. X=5+2
1. read(x);
2. x=x+5;

3. Printf( x);
Producer Consumer Problem
There can be two situations:

1. Producer Produces Items at Fastest Rate Than Consumer


2. Producer Produces Items at Lowest Rate Than Consumer

Producer Consumer Problem
Producer Produces Items at Fastest Rate Than
Consumer Consumes:

If Producer produces items at fastest rate than

Consumer consumes Then Some items will be

Eg. Computer  Producer

Printer  Consumer
Producer Consumer Problem
To avoid mismatch of items Produced or Consumed 
Take Buffer
Idea is: Instead of sending items from Producer to
Consumer directly Store items into buffer
Producer Consumer Problem
Buffer Can be:
1. Unbounderd Buffer:
1. No buffer size limit
2. Any no. of items can be stored
3. Producer can produce on any rate, there will always
be space in buffer

2. Bounded Buffer:
1. Limited buffer size
Producer Consumer Problem
Bounderd Buffer:

If rate of Production > rate of Consumption:

Some items will be unconsumed in buffer

If rate of Production < rate of Consumption:

At some time buffer will be empty
while (true) {

/* produce an item and put in

nextProduced */

while (count == BUFFER_SIZE)

; // do nothing
buffer [in] = nextProduced;
in = (in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;

while (true) {
while (count == 0) // buffer empty
; // do nothing
nextConsumed = buffer[out];
out = (out + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
count- -;

/* consume the item in nextConsumed

Race Condition
 When multiple processes access and manipulate the same data at the same
time, they may enter into a race condition.
 Race Condition: When output of the process is dependent on the
sequence of other processes.
 Race Condition occurs when processes share same data

 Process P1 Process P2
1. reads i=10
2. i=i+1 =11

1. P2 reads i=11 from memory

2. i=i+1 = 12
3. Stores i=11 in memory 3. Stores 12 in memory
Critical Section Problem
 Section of code or set of operations, in which process
may be changing shared variables, updating common
 A process is in the critical section if it executes code
that manipulate shared data and resources.
 Each process should seek permission to enter its critical
section Entry Section
 Exit Section
 Remainder section: Contains remaining code
Structure of a process
Locks are set here // Entry Section

Critical Section ( a section of code Critical Section

where processes work with shared
// Exit Section
Locks are released here

Remainder Section
} until false.
Solution to: Critical Section
1. Mutual Exclusion:
It states that if one process is executing in its critical section, then
no other process can execute in its critical section.
2. Bounded Wait:
It states that if a process makes a request to enter its critical
section and before that request is granted, there is a limit on
number of times other processes are allowed to enter that
critical section.
3. Progress:
It states that process cannot stop other process from entering
their critical sections, if it is not executing in its CS.
Peterson’s Solution
• Two process solution (Software-based)
• The two processes share two variables:
– int turn;
– Boolean flag[2]
• The variable turn indicates whose turn it is
to enter the critical section.
• The flag array is used to indicate if a
process is ready to enter the critical section.
flag[i]=true implies that process Pi is ready!
• Only 2 processes,
• General structure of process Pi (other process Pj)
do {
entry section
critical section
exit section
reminder section
} while (1);
Algorithm for Process Pi
do {
flag[i] = TRUE;
turn = j;
while ( flag[j] && turn == j);


flag[i] = FALSE;


} while (TRUE);
Critical Section Problem solution

• Now prove that this solution is correct.

We need to show that:
– Mutual exclusion is preserved.
– The progress requirement is satisfied.
– The bounded-waiting requirement is met.
Synchronization Hardware
Hardware Solution to C.S.
 Many systems provide hardware support for critical section code

 Uni-processors – could disable interrupts

 Currently running code would execute without preemption

 Modern machines provide special atomic hardware instructions

 Atomic = non-interruptable
 Either test memory word and set value
 Or swap contents of two memory words
Hardware Solution to C.S.
1. Interrupt Disabling

1. Process leaves control of CPU when it is

2. Solution is:
1. To have each process disable all interrupts just
after entering to the critical section.
2. Re-enable interrupts after leaving critical section
Hardware Solution to C.S.
 Interrupt Disabling


Disable interrupts


Enable interrupts

Remainder section
Synchronization Hardware

• Having the support of some simple hardware

instructions, the CS problem can be solved very
easily and efficiently.
• The CS problem occurs because the
modification of a shared variable of a process
may be interrupted.
• Two common hardware instructions that
execute atomically
– Test-and-Set
– Swap
Synchronization Hardware

• Test and modify the content of a word


boolean TestAndSet(boolean &target) {

boolean rv = target;
target = true;

return rv;
Mutual Exclusion with Test-and-Set
• Shared data:
boolean lock = false;

• Process Pi
do {
while (TestAndSet(lock)) ;
critical section
lock = false;
remainder section
Synchronization Hardware

• Atomically swap two variables.

void Swap(boolean &a, boolean &b)

boolean temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
Mutual Exclusion with Swap
• Shared data (initialized to false):
boolean lock; /*global variable

• Process Pi
do {
key = true;
while (key == true)
Swap(lock, key);
critical section
lock = false;
remainder section
 Synchronization tool that maintains concurrency using variables
 Semaphore S is a integer variable which can take positive values
including 0. It is accessed from 2 operations only.
Operations On Semaphore:
 wait() and signal()

1. Wait Operation is also known as P() which means to test

2. Signal Operation is also known as V() which means to increment

 Entry to C.S. is controlled by wait()

 Exit from C.S. is signaled by signal()
 Can only be accessed via two
indivisible (atomic) operations and
 For critical Section problem
semaphore value is always 1
 P(S) and V(S):
wait (S) {
while (S <= 0)
do skip ; // no-op}
S- -;
signal (S) {
S++; }
Semaphore as General Synchronization Tool

Types of Semaphores:
 Counting semaphore – when integer value can be
any non-negative value
 Binary semaphore – integer value can range only
between 0 and 1
 Also known as mutex locks
Semaphore and Busy Waiting

Disadvantage of Semaphore: Busy Waiting

 When a process is in C.S. and any other process that wants to

enter C.S. loops continuously in entry section.

 Wastes CPU cycles

 Semaphore that implements busy waiting is known as: Spin

Semaphore Implementation with no Busy waiting

 With each semaphore there is an associated waiting queue.

Each entry in a waiting queue has two data items:

 value (of type integer)

 pointer to next record in the list
Semaphore Implementation with no Busy waiting

Instead of waiting, a process blocks itself.

 Two operations:
 block – place the process invoking the operation on the
waiting queue.
 wakeup – remove one of processes in the waiting queue and
place it in the ready queue.
Semaphore Implementation with no Busy

 Implementation of wait:
wait (S){
if (value < 0) {
add process P to waiting queue
Semaphore Implementation with no Busy

 Implementation of signal:

Signal (S){
value++; //“value” has -ve value i.e -1 here
if (value <= 0) {
remove a process P from the waiting queue
wakeup(P); }
Deadlocks and Starvation
The using of semaphores may cause deadlocks
P0 (Initially, A=B=1) P1 wait(B);
wait(B); wait(A);
S0 deadlock S1
signal(A); signal(B);
signal(B); signal(A);

Starvation – indefinite blocking. A process may

never be removed from the semaphore queue in
which it is suspended
For example: waiting queues are implemented
in LIFO order.
Drawbacks of Semaphores
• Semaphores provide a convenient and effective
mechanism for process synchronization.
• However, incorrect use may result in timing errors.
signal(mutex); wait(mutex);
... incorrect order
critical section (not mutual exclusive)
critical section
... ...
wait(mutex); forgotten

wait(mutex); ...
typing error
... critical section
critical section ...
... signal(mutex);
Classical Problems of Synchronization

 Bounded-Buffer Problem

 Readers and Writers Problem

 Dining-Philosophers Problem
Readers-Writers Problem
 A data set is shared among a number of concurrent
 Readers – only read the data set; they do not perform
any updates
 Writers – can both read and write.

 Problem – allow multiple readers to read at the same time.

Only one single writer can access the shared data at the
same time.

 Shared Data
 Data set
 For Readers: Semaphore mutex initialized to 1.
 For Writers: Semaphore wrt initialized to 1.
 Integer readcount initialized to 0.
Readers-Writers Problem (Cont.)

 The structure of a writer process

while (true) {
wait (wrt) ;

// writing is performed

signal (wrt) ;
Readers-Writers Problem (Cont.)
 The structure of a reader process
while (true) {
wait (mutex) ;
readcount ++ ;
if (readcount == 1)
wait (wrt) ; //( don’t allow writers)
signal (mutex); //(allow other readers to come)

// reading is performed

wait (mutex) ; // (one by one readers leave the C.S.)

readcount - - ;
if (readcount == 0)
{ signal (wrt) ; } // last reader will do this
signal (mutex) ; // mutex=1 (for readers to exit and writer to
wait(wrt); if (readcount == 1) wait(wrt);
... signal(mutex);
writing is performed ...
... reading is performed
signal(wrt); ...
if (readcount == 0) signal(wrt);
update signal(mutex);
Dining-Philosophers Problem
Five philosophers, either
thinking or eating 3
3 2
to eat, two chopsticks are
required 4
taking one chopstick at a
time 4 1
Shared data 1
semaphore chopstick[5]; 5
Initially all values are 1
Dining-Philosophers Problem
Dining-Philosophers Problem

philosopher i
get chopsticks
do {
wait(chopstick[(i+1) % 5]);
... free chopsticks
signal (chopstick[(i+1) % 5]); right
deadlock !
} while(1);
Dining-Philosophers Problem
Possible solutions to the deadlock problem
 Allow at most four philosophers to be sitting
simultaneously at the table.
 Allow a philosopher to pick up her chopsticks only if
both chopsticks are available (note that she
must pick them up in a critical section).
 Use an asymmetric solution; that is,
 odd philosopher: left first, and then right
 an even philosopher: right first, and then left
Besides deadlock, any satisfactory solution to
the DPP problem must avoid the problem of
Schematic view of a Monitor

Only one process at a time can be in monitor

 The monitor construct is not sufficiently powerful for modeling some

synchronization schemes.

 So, we need to define additional synchronization mechanisms.

 These mechanisms are provided by the condition construct.

 A programmer can define one or more variables of type condition:

condition x, y;

The only operations that can be invoked on a condition variable

are wait () and signal().

Condition Variables
 Two operations on a condition variable:

 x.wait () – a process that invokes the operation is suspended until another

process invokes x.signal()

 x.signal () – resumes one of processes (if any) that invoked x.wait ()

There could be different conditions for which a process could be waiting

Monitor with Condition Variables
Solution to Dining Philosophers (cont)

 The distribution of the chopsticks is controlled by the monitor


 Each philosopher ‘ i ’ invokes the operations pickup() and putdown() in

the following sequence:

dp.pickup (i)


dp.putdown (i)
Solution to Dining Philosophers
monitor DP
enum { THINKING; HUNGRY, EATING) state [5] ;
condition self [5];

void pickup (int i) {

state[i] = HUNGRY;
if (state[i] != EATING)
self [i].wait;
void putdown (int i) {
state[i] = THINKING;
// test left and right neighbors
test((i + 4) % 5);
test((i + 1) % 5);
Solution to Dining Philosophers (cont)

void test (int i) {

if ( (state[(i + 4) % 5] != EATING) && (state[i] == HUNGRY) &&
(state[(i + 1) % 5] != EATING) )
state[i] = EATING ;
self[i].signal() ;

initialization_code() {
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
state[i] = THINKING;

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