Colour Vision
Colour Vision
Colour Vision
Theory and
What is colour vision?
+ At around the same time herring proposed an opponent theory of colour vision based on
many subjective observation of colour appearance.
+ These observations included appearance of hue’s ,simultaneous contrast, after images and
colour vision deficiencies.
+ He noticed that certain observations were never perceived to occur together.for example:-
colour perception is never described as reddish –green or yellowish-blue while
combination of red and yellow ,red &blue and green & blue are readily perceived.
+ This suggested him that there was something fundamental about the red green and yellow
blue pairs causing them to oppose one another.
Yellow -Blue
White- Black
Colour vision deficiency
Adler’s physiology
Types of color defect.
Adler’s physiology
Classification of color Vn defect
Congenital Acquired
Type 1 R-G
Anomalous Dichromatism Monochromatism deficiency
Type 2 R-G
Protenomaly Protanopia deficiency
Type 3 B-Y
Deuteranomaly Deutranopia
Rod monochromatism
Tritanomaly Tritanopia Cone monochromatism
+ Trichromatism:- all the 3 systems at present
+ Dichromatism:- one system is absent
+ Monochromatism:- two systems are absent.
Adler’s physiology
Principles of primary ophthalmology by Daniel Albert
Monochromatism or achromatopsia
+ Refers to individual who has only a single cone pigment or who lack
cone pigments altogether (rod monochromatism).
+ Rod monochromats can distinguish colored objects only in terms of
brightness have a poor acuity (around 20/100 to 20/200) because they
lack foveal cones.
+ These patients are photo for big and even ordinary illumination
dazzles them by saturating their rod system.
+ this syndrome should be considered in the the differential diagnosis
of the infant with poor vision and irregular pendulum nystagmus a
list that includes disorder such as optic nerve hypoplasia.
Principles of primary ophthalmology by Daniel Albert
+ Retinal diseases oftemonochromacy:+ relatively low deficiency
while optic nerve disorders show relative red green
deficiency(Still exceptions are there).
+ Cone monochromatism :- normal visual acuity(single type of
cone in the retina). Catagories of cone monochromacy:-
# Blue cone monochromacy,also known as S cone monochromacy.
# Green cone monochromacy,also known as M-cone
#Red cone monochromacy known as L-Cone monochromacy.
Adler’s physiology
Principles of primary ophthalmology by Daniel Albert
Clinical tests for colour vision defect
1. Pseudo isochromatic plate tests
+ Ishihara colour vision chart.
+ AOHRR plate.
2. Arrangement tests
+ Farnsworth Munsell-100 Hue test
+ Farnsworth D-15 test
3. Anamaloscopen
+ Nagel’s anamaloscope
4. Occupational test
+ Lantern test
1. Demonstration plate- both normal and Color vision patient can read.(1)
2. Transformation plate(2-9)
3. Vanishing plate(10-17)
4. Hidden plate(18-21)
5. Diagnostic plate(22-25)
6. Tracing plate(26-38)