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Beauty gets the attention,

Personality gets the Heart….

MADE BY : Darji Bhagyashri H.

Hirani Tulsi H.
Personality is the total quality of an
individual’s behaviour as it is shown on his
habits of thinking, in his attitude, interests,
his manner of acting and his personal
philosophy of life.

Personality is more than the sum total of

an individual’s traits and characteristics.
nts :
1. Projective Techniques

2. Inventories
Techniques :
The basic idea of these tests is that the way people
respond to vague (on ambiguous) situation.

It is often a projection of their own feelings and motives.

They are intended to provide expression to unconscious

impulses and other aspect of personality in which the test
taken himself or herself not aware.
The following tests
are used:
• Rorschach Ink Blot Test
• Thematic apperception test (TAT)
• Children apperception test (CAT)
• Sentence completion test
• Word association test
Blot Test :
It is a psychological test in which subjects perception of inkblot are
rescorded and then analyzed using psychological interpretation , complex
scientifically derived algorithms ,or both .

Some psychologist use these test to examine a person personality

characteristics and emotional functioning .

It has been employ to detect an underlying thought disorder especially

in the case of where patients are reluctant to describe their thinking
process openly .
Who is Harmann
Rorchach ?
He was a swiss psychiatrist
whose interest included art
and psychoanalysis particular
work of Carl Jung . In 1913 ,
he published paper on how
analysis of patients artwork
could provide insights to
personality .
Hermann Rorschach, a Swiss psychologist
developed this test which is a practical tool
applied to study the unconscious factors of
behaviour and personality. It is based on the
principle that every performance of a person is
an expression of his total personality. In this,
the subject is responding to ink blots.
The test consists of 10 cards.
Some of the blots are coloured and some
are in black and white.
The subject is instructed to look at the
inkblots one at a time and report every
thing seen on the inkblot card.
5 → black and white

2 → red and black

3 → multi-coloured
Rorschach Ink
Blot Test :
The first phase adopts free association
and the second phase is inquiry.

The responses are interpreted and

analyzed as per significance of response.

The subject responses may be scored in

terms of three categories.
• Location: Does the response
involve the entire inkblot or some
small part?
• Determinants: Is the subject
responding to the shape, colour or
texture of the blot?
• Content: What does the response
represents? E.g. Animals, plants.
Steps of Administration
1. Introducing the subject to the
technique .

2. Giving the test instruction

3. The response phase

4. The inquiry phase

test (TAT) :
American psychologist Murray
developed TAT during year 1930.
It involves pictures of actual
scenes rather than inkblots. It
consists of 30 pictures from
which the psychologist usually
chooses a set for each person,
which seems likely to elicit
particularly relevant material.
In TAT, a person is asked to make up a story about
what is happening, what went before, what is going to
happen and what the people are thinking and feeling.
Most of the people identify themselves with one of the
characters in the pictures and reveal their perception.

The system of scoring and interpretation takes into

account of hero of the story, conflicts of the hero,
theme, content, style of the story, subjects attitude
towards authority and sex, emotional expressions and
conclusion of the story, etc.
How the Thematic
Apperception Test Works
The TAT involves showing people a series of picture
cards depicting a variety of ambiguous characters
(that may include men, women, and/or children),
scenes, and situations.
They are then asked to tell as dramatic a story as
they can for each picture presented, including:
•What has led up to the event shown
•What is happening in the scene
•The thoughts and feelings of characters
•The outcome of the story
•The TAT is different from the 
Rorschach Inkblot Test in that the Rorschach
uses inkblot images vs. being a detailed scene.
•The Rorschach also asks the person to only
explain the image, not to give an entire
•To assess someone for psychological
•The test is sometimes used as a tool to
assess personality or thought disorders.   
Why the Thematic
Apperception Test Is Used..
The TAT can be utilized by therapists in a number of different ways. Some of these
•To learn more about a person. In this way, the test acts as
something of an icebreaker while providing useful information about potential emotional
conflicts the client may have.
•To help people express their feelings. The TAT is often used
as a therapeutic tool to allow clients to express feelings in a non-direct way. A client
may not yet be able to express a certain feeling directly, but they might be able to 
identify the emotion when viewed from an outside perspective.
• To explore themes related to the person's life
experiences. Clients dealing with problems such as job loss, divorce, or
health issues might interpret the ambiguous scenes and relating to their unique
circumstances, allowing deeper exploration over the course of therapy.

•To assess someone for psychological conditions. The

test is sometimes used as a tool to assess personality or thought disorders.   
•To evaluate crime suspects. Clinicians may administer the test to
criminals to assess the risk of recidivism or to determine if a person matches the
profile of a crime suspect.
•To screen job candidates. This is sometimes used to determine if
people are suited to particular roles, especially positions that require coping with
stress and evaluating vague situations such as military leadership and law enforcement
Bellock and Bellocktest
designed it.

CAT is used on children who
have behaviour and adjustment
completion test:
In this there are sentences,
which are incomplete, and the
individuals have to complete the
For example,
• My mother……….
• When I am at a party……….
• My friends……….

On the basis of response given by the subject, the

personality is analysed.
Word association
In this test, there are number of selected words
from which the examiner will present a series of
words, one at a time to the subject and ask him to
respond as quickly as possible with the first word
that comes to his mind and the tone of feelings of
his response may reveal things about his mind.
Controlled and Uncontrolled Word Association Tests
are available.
Personality Inventories
The most popular techniques are paper-
pencil test in the form of questionnaire
or inventory.
It can be given to a large group of
The psychologists have constructed
a number of inventories.

• CPI and so on
Questionnaire consists of questions or simple
statements marked ‘yes’ or ‘no’, ‘true’ or ‘false’.
These questionnaires were first during World War I
to help emotionally unstable army-men.

To Quote Few Examples of Statements:

• I consider myself a very nervous person.
• I frequently feel moody and depressed.
The questionnaires can assess whether the individual
is an extrovert or introvert and neurotic or normal,
Minnesota multiphasic
personality inventory
The original MMPI has 566 statements
or items, for people to answer
The items can be answered as true or
false or cannot say.
It includes statements such as :

 “I enjoy books and magazines.”

 “Do you frequently feel sad?”

 “In public places I sometime see people

whispering about me.”
Sometimes MMPI is used in diagnosing certain
psychological problems. It is also used to assess the
personality trait of people who are not disturbed.
It is the most widely used test both for clinical
and research purposes.

This test has been revised by NIMHANS and

Mysore University. Prof. B. Krishnan revised the
Mysore University questionnaire. This revised
questionnaire has 100 questions only.
Eysenck type
personality Test
( EPI )
Hans Eysenck was born in
Germany in 1916 , fled to
England at the age of 18 .
Here he became a famous
psychiatrist .
He wrote 75 books ,until
he died in 1997 .
Eysenck devoted his life to the
study of tempartments.
This means that part of the
personality ,which is rootes in our
genes and biological processes .
His starting point was the classical
Greek four tempartments together
with pavlov’s studies of dogs .
Four Tempartments :
 Phlegmatic : Calm and Stable
 Choleric : Irascible and Quick Tempered
 Sanguine : Cheerful and Optimistic
 Melancholic : sad and Depressed
Originally Eysenck characterized an individual’s
personality on two scales.
Introversion-Extraversion and Stable-Unstable .

A person may thus be :

Introverted and Stable
Introverted and Unstable
Extraverted and Stable
Extraverted and Unstable
Beck Anxiety Inventory
he Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), created by Aaron T. Beck and
other colleagues, is a 21-question multiple-choice 
self-report inventory that is used for measuring the severity of 
anxiety in adolescents and adults ages 17 and older.
The questions used in this measure ask about common
symptoms of anxiety that the subject has had during the past
week (including the day you take it) (such as numbness and
tingling, sweating not due to heat, and fear of the worst
It is designed for individuals who are of 17 years of age or older
and takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
Several studies have found the Beck Anxiety Inventory to be an
accurate measure of anxiety symptoms in children and adults.
The BAI contains 21 questions, each answer being scored on a
scale value of 0 (not at all) to 3 (severely). Higher total scores
indicate more severe anxiety symptoms.
The standardized cutoffs are:

0–7: Minimal
8-15: Mild
16-25: Moderate
26-63: Severe
ttel’s personality inventory (CPI —16 PF
It is called 16- personality factors
questionnaire (16 PF).
Cattel and his associates used 4500
adjectives applicable to human behaviour.
Later they used 170 adjectives such as cool-
warm, trusty-suspicious, affected-emotionally
stable, shy-bold, practical-imagination, etc.
California psychological
inventory (CPI):
This scale measures some evidence of genetic
contribution to a large number of traits. It
shows high correlation on monozygote twins
than dizygote twins. For example
achievement, intellectual efficiency, etc.

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