Chapter 8 - Tut-4
Chapter 8 - Tut-4
Chapter 8 - Tut-4
Thermodynamics – Chapter 8 1
Troom 25o C
Gas 500 K
W elec
Radiation +
Filament1000 K
glass 400 K
Thermodynamics – Chapter 8 2
C.V.1: Filament steady-state
Energy Eqn. :dECV / dt = 0 =W elec -Q rad - Q cond
Q rad Q cond
Entropy Eqn. : dSCV / dt 0 S gen
TFil TFil
Q rad Q cond
W elec
50 W
0.05 W/K
TFil TFil 1000 K
C.V.2: Bulb including glass
dQ (10 W) 40 W
S gen 0.11 W/K
T 1000 K 400 K
C.V.3: Total Room, all energy leaves at 250 C
Q Total 50 W
S gen 0.168 W/K
Twall 298 K
Thermodynamics – Chapter 8 3
(8.104/Q) A rigid container with 200 L is divided into
two equal volumes by a partition, shown in Fig. Both
sides contain nitrogen; one side is at 2 MPa and 2000C,
while the other is at 200 kPa and 1000C. The partition
ruptures and nitrogen comes to a uniform state at 700C.
Assume the temperature of the surroundings to be 200C.
Determine the work done and net entropy change for the
process. Take constant specific heats.
Thermodynamics – Chapter 8 4
State A1: VA1 100 L, PA1 2000 kPa, TA1 200 o C
PA1VA1 2000 kPa 0.1 m 3
mA1 1.424 kg
RTA1 0.2968 kJ/kg.K 473.2 K
State B1: VB1 100 L, PB1 200 kPa, TB1 100o C
PB1VB1 200 kPa 0.1 m 3
mB1 0.1806 kg
RTB1 0.2968 kJ/kg.K 373.2 K
Thermodynamics – Chapter 8 5
TA 2 PA2 TB 2 PB 2
S A B mA C p 0 ln R ln mB C p 0 ln R ln
343.2 817
S sys 1.424 1.042 ln 0.2968 ln
473.2 2000
343.2 817
0.1806 1.042 ln 0.2968 ln
473.2 200
0.1894 kJ/K
Thermodynamics – Chapter 8 6
(8.88/8.88) A piston/cylinder setup contains air at
100 kPa, 400 K which is compressed to a final
pressure of 1000 kPa. Consider two different
processes (a) a reversible adiabatic process and (b) a
reversible isothermal process. Show both processes
in P-v and a T-s diagram. Find the final temperature
and the specific work for both processes.
C.V. Air
Energy equation: u2 u1 1 q2 1 w2
Entropy equation: s2 s1 1 s2 gen
Process : reversible 1 s2 gen 0
Engineering Thermodynamics 7
P1 100 kPa, T1 400 K, P2 1000 kPa
(a) Reversible adiabatic process (Isentropic)
q 0 s1 s2
1 2
1 1
T2 P2
T2 T1
T1 P1 P1
1000 1.4
400 772.3 K
w2 u1@ 400 K u2@772.3 K
286.49 570.21 (from table A 7.1)
283.72 kJ/kg
Engineering Thermodynamics 8
P1 100 kPa, T1 400 K, P2 1000 kPa
(b) Reversible Isothermal process T1 T2
For this process, taking air as ideal gas
u2 u1 and sT 2 sT 1 sT
0 0 0
0 T T
2 dT P2
w 1 q2 T s2 s1 T C p 0
1 2
R ln
1 T P1
0 P2
T sT 2 sT 1 R ln
R T ln 0.287 400 ln 10
264.34 kJ/kg
Engineering Thermodynamics 9
Engineering Thermodynamics 10
(8.90/8.75) Consider a small air pistol with a cylinder
volume of 1 cm3 at 250 kPa and 270C. The bullet acts as
a piston initially held by a trigger, shown in Fig. The
bullet is released so that air expands in an adiabatic
process. If the pressure should be 100 kPa as the bullet
leaves the cylinder, find the final volume and work done
by the air. Hint: Assume reversible process
C.V. Air
Energy equation : m u2 u1 0 1W2
Entropy equation: m s2 s1 1 s2, gen 0
Process : Adiabatic reversible => 1 q2 0, 1 s2, gen 0 and s2 s1 Isentropic
Thermodynamics – Chapter 8 11
k 1 0.4
P2 k
100 1.4
T2 T1 300 300 0.40.28575
P1 250
230.9 K
Thermodynamics – Chapter 8 12
(8.95/8.83) A piston/cylinder contains air at 1380 K,
15 MPa, with V1 =10 cm3, Acyl = 5 cm2. The piston is
released, and just before the piston exits the end of the
cylinder the pressure inside is 200 kPa. If the cylinder is
insulated, what is its length? How much work is done by
the air inside? Hint: Assume reversible process
C.V. Air and cylinder is insulated
Energy equation: m u2 u1 1 Q2 1W2 0 1W2
Entropy equation: s2 s1 1 s2 gen 0 1 s2 gen
P1 15000 kPa, T1 1380 K and P2 200 kPa, T2 ?
For getting T2 , assume this process is reversible.
1 s2 gen 0 s2 s1 0
Engineering Thermodynamics 13
State 1 : P1 15000 kPa, T1 1380 K
From table A.7 (by interpolation)
u1 1095.2 kJ/kg, sT01 8.5115 kJ/kg.K
P1 V1 1500 10 106
m 0.00379 kg
RT1 0.287 1380
State 2 : P2 200 kPa
1 s2 gen 0 s2 s1 0
s2 s1 0 sT 2 sT 1 R ln
0 0
0 0 P2
sT 2 sT 1 R ln
8.5115 0.287 ln 7.2724 kJ/kg.K
Engineering Thermodynamics 14
From table A.7, by interpolating
T2 447.2 K and u2 320.92 kJ/kg
1 1
2 2
V2 V1
T1 T2 T1 P2
100 447.2 15000
243 cm 3
1380 200
V2 243
L2 48.6 cm
Acyl 5
W2 m u1 u2
0.00379 1095.2 320.92
0.2935 kJ
Engineering Thermodynamics 15