Curved Beams
Curved Beams
Curved Beams
The neutral axis lies between the centroidal axis and the
centre of curvature and always occurs within the curved
Bending stress in a curved beam.
It will be found that the neutral axis and the centroidal axis of a
curved beam, unlike a straight beam,are not coincident and also that
the stress does not vary linearly from the neutral axis. The notation
shown in the above figures is defined as follows:
Bending stress in a curved beam.
Where ………..
M = Bending moment acting at the
given section about the
centroidal axis,
A = Area of cross-section,
It is positive for the
distances towards the centree = Distance from the centroidal
of curvature and negative foraxis to the neutral axis = R – Rn,
the distances away from theR = Radius of curvature of the
centre of curvature. centroidal axis,
Rn = Radius of curvature of the
neutral axis, and
yi = Distance from the neutral axis to the inside fibre
= Rn – Ri , and
Ri = Radius of curvature of the inside fibre.
Bending stress in a curved beam.
yo = Distance from the neutral axis to the outside fibre
= Ro – Rn,
Ro = Radius of curvature of the outside fibre.
It may be noted that the bending stress at the inside fibre is tensile
while the bending stress at the outside fibre is compressive.
Formulae of Rn and R
for Different sectioned curved beams
Formulae of Rn and R
Formulae of Rn and R
Formulae of Rn and R
1. A punch press, used for stamping sheet metal, has a punching
capacity 50 kN. The section of the frame is as shown in fig.
Find the resultant stress at the inner and outer fibre of the