Conditional Probability and Medical Tests
Conditional Probability and Medical Tests
Conditional Probability and Medical Tests
• True Positive: The patient has the disease and the test is positive
• False Positive: The patient does not have the disease but the test is positive.
• True Negative: The patient does not have the disease and and the test is negative
• False Negative: the patient has the disease but the test is negative
This example considers mammography screening for breast cancer. In Canada around 2020, the prevalence of
breast cancer for women over 40 was 0.35%
Introductory Statistics for the Life and Biomedical Sciences by Julie Vu & David Harrington
Disease Present Disease Absent
Test + 312 6,976
Test - 39 92,673
What is the chance the screening test fails to detect a case of cancer? That is what is the probability of a false
negative (FNF)?
Disease Present Disease Absent
Test + 312 6,976
Test - 39 92,673
What is the chance the screening detecting a case of cancer when it is not present? That is what is the probability
of a false positive (FPF)?
Disease Present Disease Absent
Test + 312 6,976
Test - 39 92,673
If a patient tests positive, what is the chance they have cancer (PPV)?
PPV and NPV depend on disease prevalence
Banoo, S., Bell, D., Bossuyt, P., Herring, A., Mabey, D., Poole, F., ... & Ramsay, A. (2007). Evaluation of diagnostic tests for infectious
diseases: general principles. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 5(11), S21-S31.
PPV and NPV depend on disease prevalence
This is a good screening test. Sensitivity and specificity are reasonably high. PPV is low because breast cancer is
very rare.
Key Points
• Ideally, we want specificity and sensitivity to be as close to 100% as
• In practice though, there is a trade-off. Increasing the sensitivity of a
test often decreases the specificity.
• Sensitivity and specificity are intrinsic to the test. They do not depend
on the population being tested.
• Positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and overall
accuracy are not intrinsic to the test. They depend on disease
prevalence in the population being tested.