Ipbt CB 6
Ipbt CB 6
Ipbt CB 6
Required Outputs
Result of the Exit Quiz
Certificate of Completion
Photo Documentation
Compilation of
Required Tasks
Module 1
Salaries, Wages
and Benefits of
Session 1
Respond to the situation-based questions below. Write
down your answer/s on the space provided and discuss it
with your mentor
Scenario 1: Teacher Lani, a Senior High School Teacher, gave birth to her fifth child. Can she
avail of maternity leave? If yes, how long? Will she still receive a salary even if she is on leave
for a reason already mentioned? Explain your answer.
ANSWER: She is permitted to take 105 paid days off. No matter how frequently you
are pregnant, you are eligible for maternity leave. Even if your pregnancy ends
prematurely or you have a miscarriage during the two months off, you are still
eligible to take advantage of this maternity leave. You are eligible to file claims for
both maternity benefits and prorated vacation pay. (Act of the Republic No. 11210 of
May 1, 2019)
Scenario 2: One of the teachers in Dela Paz Elementary School was suffering from domestic
violence. Allegedly, her husband was having an affair with other women, resulting in the
withdrawal of financial support for their three (3) children. The teacher wants to take some time
off to file a case against her husband, but she is worried that she has already incurred too many
absences, leaving her with no more service credits. What will you advise the teacher?
ANSWER: The ten (10) days of leave are available to any woman employee in the
government service, regardless of job position, whose child is a victim of abuse and
who is under the age of eighteen (18) or over the age of eighteen (18) but unable to
care for themselves. It might be done continuously or sporadically to cover the days
they need to take care of legal and medical issues. (Republic Act 9262, Section 43, MC
No. 15, 2006)
Module 1
Salaries, Wages
and Benefits of
The Department of Education values the vital role of teachers in
nurturing the holistic being of the learners to become productive citizens of
the nation. It ensures teachers just compensation, incentives, benefits, and
rewards for them to live a decent life. As a new member of the DepEd
family, how can you show appreciation to this effort of the government?
The area in which I desire the most improvement is the curriculum and
planning/content pedagogy since, as teachers, we always place the
greatest emphasis on raising the caliber of our courses. particularly
the methods and approaches used in instruction.
Read RA 10912 and give examples for each type of activity that
can be considered as a CPD program.
1. formal learning • Completing or participating in a structured activity
either as a delegate, speaker, panel member or other
• Participation in staff development training
courses/activities provided by employers
• Sharing professional knowledge in a formal setting
• Writing relevant books, articles and papers
2. non-formal • Reading,
learning • researching information via the internet,
• reviewing books or articles for professional purposes
3. informal learning Mentoring is a common informal learning example that
encourages growth to both mentor and mentee through
shared knowledge and experiences.
Are Senior Citizens exempted No. The Law does not provide any
from CPD Requirement exemption from CPD compliance
for the renewal of Professional
Identification card.
Analyze each given scenario. Apply your learning on CPD
Operational Guidelines and identify whether the statements are True
or False.
1. Teacher Gilda has served in her school for six years. Her Professional
Identification Card (PIC) expired two months ago. She actually thought of
skipping the errand for renewal because of her workloads. She changed her
mind after knowing the new system of the Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC) on renewal. Whenever there is an available professional
program offered by a certified provider online, Teacher Gilda prioritizes
participation in it. This helps her a lot in writing articles to a monthly teacher
magazine. Her contribution in teaching innovations has been recognized not
just in her school but in the Schools Division as well.
The published articles of Teacher Gilda TRUE There are activities like self-
in the teacher magazine may also directed learning in which it is
provide her credit units for renewal of applicable or considered as
professional license CPD units and one of this is
publishing a book or magazine.
Teacher Gilda shall present a duly TRUE Provided, however,that these
notarized copy of certification from the real estate service practitioners
awarding body if she intends to include shall submit a copy of a duly
her recognition points as part of notarized Certificate of
accumulated credit units. Attendance to an accredited
Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) program
administered by an accredited
Identify and prioritize your professional development needs with
the help of your mentor. Fill in the necessary details in the
template below. This will guide you on the activities to be
undertaken in order to meet the requirements prescribed in CPD
Self- Certificate as
August 10 units Participant and LAC SESSION
Flexibility Directed
Learning Copy of Program
University Certification
or Diploma from the
Master’s Formal September- 36 units College/ University Financial
Degree Learning November and Transcript of
Records (authenticated
Certificate as
Keynote Self- Speaker, Panelist,
Year round Sources
Speaker Directed 6 units etc. with program
Learning number
2. Medical Test
4. Submission of Research
5. CSC Screening
Module 3
Policies on
Promotion and
Opportunities for
Session 3
How did you deal with challenges on the first days of reporting in
your workstation? Write your answer in the field below and answer
the questions that follow.
I've faced challenges before, so Actually, I should have started with these
spices. Since it was a pandemic when I was initially employed, I can still
clearly recall that my first obstacle was a communication issue because
there was no way for me to personally meet my coteachers; instead, we had
a general classroom (GC) where all the material was displayed. The issue is
that, as a new instructor, I have no idea what the announcements are for. I
frequently inquire, "Kasali ba ako dun?" I'm trying to say that starting
public school is like "learning to swim." When you don't seek for advice, no
one will tell you what to do. This led me to recognize that "ahh, kelangan
magtanong para mainform ako," which is the reason behind.
Do research on professional associations for teachers. You may ask your mentor and co-
teachers about associations that they are part of or familiar with. You may also do further
research online. Choose three professional associations that appeal to your interest. Take
note of their activities and goals, and write the things that you like in each professional
association in the boxes below.
How often are you able to do these activities? Input your answer here.
How do you balance your work with social life or family/me time?
Input your answer here.
2. You are assigned by your The early Not able to eat Make a
principal to lead the Monday Flag schedule of breakfast and timeline of
Ceremony. The activity is scheduled the flag short time of schedule to
to start at 5:45 AM. Yet you wake up ceremony sleep. avoid rush in
late after doing overtime work the the morning
night before. You know how and practice
important it is to have breakfast time
before working. If you still take your management.
breakfast, you might be late going
to school.
3. As a pilot school in The planning is Everyone of you feels Request assistance.
the Learning and made more under pressure to do Speak with your co-
Development System, challenging by the assigned teacher, who may be a
your principal the fact that assignment. huge help with
received a notice that DepEd external planning.
DepEd external partners are Additionally, you may
partners are set for a scheduled to create welcoming
visit tomorrow. Your come tomorrow work environments.
grade level team is in- and your co-
charge of the teacher is not
preparations. While available.
working, one of your
co-teachers begged off
to render extended
time due to prior
commitments. This
teacher has knowledge
and skills in Events
Management. You are
all pressured to
accomplish the
delegated task.
Assess whether you are practicing the following health and wellness
habits that can be helpful in coping with stress. Tell the reasons why
you are doing or not doing it. Share your realization to your mentor
and co-newly-hired teachers in your learning discussion.
2. How much time do I’m having my Regular physical activity and exercise may:
you allot for exercise? exercise 2x 0 3x Aid with weight management. Exercise is
a week, crucial for weight management and avoiding
( 30 minutes ) obesity, in addition to food. Your daily calorie
intake and energy expenditure must balance
out in order to maintain your weight.
4. How long do you During Being sleep deprived at night might make you
usually sleep? weekdays I irritable the following day. Over time, not
sleep 6-7 hours getting enough sleep can affect more than just
and during how you feel in the morning. According to
weekends I studies, consistent, high-quality sleep can
assist with a wide range of problems, from
sleep as much
your blood sugar to your workouts.
as I want.
5. Do you take a few No I didn’t When I’m under pressure it is hard for me to
deep breaths every relax.
time you are under
6. What strategies do you When I am under When you are relaxed, you are
do to motivate yourself? pressure and peaceful and capable of navigating
stress, I generally daily life. It may be challenging to
go out to inspire do this if your life is hectic. The
myself. practice of relaxation methods may
be done practically anywhere and
has several advantages for both
physical and mental health.
7. Do you express your Yes, when I'm Responsible anger and pain release
feelings properly when at upset, I talk in can result in more personal
the height of anger? great detail about relationships with partners or
what I think and friends as well as higher self-
how angry I am. esteem.
8. Do you feel good about Yes I feel good Benefits of a strong sense of self-
yourself? about myself. worth When you appreciate
yourself and have a strong sense of
self-worth, you feel confident and
deserving. You typically have good
interactions with others and are
self-assured of your skills.
9. Do you talk to someone Yes. I usually talk Self-care has numerous advantages,
whenever about my anger to but one of them is that it increases
you have emotional my loved ones. your illness resistance. Allowing
challenges? your body to rest enables it to
replenish and regenerate, which
strengthens your immune system
and increases your resistance to
10. Do you take No I didn’t My relaxation does not include
meditation to attain inner meditation. But I am thinking
peace? about it.
11. Do you have a regular Yes I am having Studies have shown that praying
time to pray or reflect prayer and worship causes your heartbeat to get
spiritually? night at our stronger and your heart rate to slow
church. down. Although prayer is
undoubtedly a mental and spiritual
exercise, it can also have positive
effects on your physical health.
Practice the ABCs in managing stress from the given Activating
Events. Be able to provide your Beliefs and the possible
Consequences. Identify other stress-triggering experiences where you
could apply the principles of ABCs Formula.
You notice that there is no The first step to finding balance Employers will be impressed
rationalization of and achieving your job objectives and you'll be more valuable in
work in your Department. is acknowledging a heavy your area if you can handle a
Sometimes, when workload. The criteria for when a lot of work. But it's crucial to
the department gets busy, they task becomes excessive are be aware of your limitations
overlook workload distribution. arbitrary, but if your work is and do your best to maintain a
Since you are newly-hired, most of deteriorating or your work-life balance.
the work were given to you. employment is negatively
You extend time in school to meet affecting your personal life or
deadlines. You do not have enough health, your burden may be too
energy to prepare heavy..
lessons at home.
Being new in your school, you are Without workplace cooperation, Because teamwork that works
still adjusting with the culture and no effective organization can well is essential to getting
practices of your function. In the workplace, everyone on the same team.
co-teachers. You know how collaboration refers to people
important it is to work working together to address
collaboratively with them. But they issues that span departments,
do not approach you for levels of management, and
conversation. functional areas.
Complete the given Health and Wellness Plan. Put your personal goal
in ensuring positive health and wellness. Be able also to identify your
distress triggers, its effects, and the strategies or practices that you
commit to start doing to manage distress.
Unrealistic, Fear in making mistakes and it will Make an agreement with the
perfectionist create a vicious cycle that results boss ( MT OR PRINCIPAL and
expectations in burnout Key Coordinator ) before
starting a task or work. By this
way unrealistic expectation at
work can be avoided.
Worrying about Worrying too much can affect both By learning and practicing
future events mind and body in a variety of ways relaxation techniques, you will
such as: disrupted sleep be able to reduce intrusive
Headaches worry. You can do deep
Difficulty concentrating breathing and meditation.
Module 4
and Well-being
Session 2
Find out your current financial status by accomplishing the self-
assessment tool adapted from Money Management International (2015).
Tick the appropriate column in each item that describes your financial
practices and habits. Interpreted results of this assessment will provide
you information on how you manage your finances at this point. Make
this activity as an area of conversation with your mentor and co-newly-
hired teachers.
Read and analyze the given scenarios. Identify the main
problem in each financial situation and the possible effects
that it may bring.
1. Teacher Marie has a big family. She has four sons and two daughters. Her
husband has no regular work. Every month, there is an expectation from their
children that they will be going to the mall to spend time dining together. They
also buy the things that their children are requesting, even unnecessary ones.
Teacher Marie does not want to disappoint them. So, upon receiving her salary,
she always gives favor to them.
2. Principal Santos has observed the spending pattern of the newly-hired teachers
in their school. Their lifestyle includes passion for international travels,
fashionable clothes, and latest gadgets. They even invest part of their salaries to an
online business that is not authorized and does not provide sure income. No
wonder that they are always hopeful for paydays.
T – I will do this for 1 year, then continue for the next years
Craft a Personal Financial Development Plan using the provided
template. Apply the principles of financial literacy that you
learned from this session. You are encouraged to follow this plan
and monitor your progress to attain financially sound living. You
may use a separate Word document for this.
1. What is planning?