Lesson 1 Finals
Lesson 1 Finals
Lesson 1 Finals
Review of Functions of Government and Public Finance Sources of Government Revenue Nature of Power of Taxation Theories of Taxation Requisites of a Valid Taxation
recall and understand the functions of government and the role of fiscal policy in economic development; be familiar with the basic principles underlying taxation system of the country; and evaluate the existing system of taxation.
The Welfare State remains a basic principle of the Government. It is a commitment to: Health Education Employment Social Security (help for people who do not have enough money to look after themselves and their family)
Fiscal Policy
The use of government expenditure and revenue collection to influence the economy. Refers to the use of the government budget.
Taxes Duties imposed by the government on households and business. They primarily serve as source of fuel for government expenditure. In the Philippines BIR is responsible for tax collection Tariff It is a tax charged on either imported of exported good. The collection of tariffs is undertaken by the Bureau of Customs
3. Grants-in-Aid = The income of local government is given to the national government as a contribution of the different government agencies. Aids from different countries are also included.
What is Taxation?
Taxation is the inherent power of the State to impose and demand contribution for public purpose.
FOR PUBLIC PURPOSE means that taxation must have for objective the support of the government in the performance of various services and the satisfaction of recognized public network. Hence, proceeds of the tax must be used: a. for the support of the government; b. for some of the recognized objects of the government; c. to promote the welfare of the community.
TO IMPOSE AND DEMAND CONTRIBUTION means that taxation is not a voluntary payment or donation since its imposition is dependent upon the will or assent of the taxpayer.
The purposes of taxation are the following: To raise revenue To equitably distribute the wealth of the nation To pick new industries (by providing tax exemption new or pioneering industry) To protect local procedures (by imposing higher custom on cheap imported goods
2. Benefit Principle
Based on two ideas: Those who benefit more from the government services should be the ones to pay for them; People should pay taxes in proportion to the amount of services or benefits they receive. ex. Road users tax
3. Equal Distribution Principle
All types of consumers poor and rich, have the same products and services in their consumption list. They are paying the products and services with the same price including tax.
ax is important to