Scheme of Work Final
Scheme of Work Final
Scheme of Work Final
Taxation is the act of imposing a compulsory levy or payment by the
government or its agencies on individual and firm or on good and services.
TAX: it is a compulsory contribution or payment imposed by government or its
agencies on individual and firms or an goods and services to ensure their social
and econ. Welfare.
The fact that taxation is compulsory does not mean it is meant to be paid by all.
It is only meant to be paid by all.
It is only meant for a class of people called tax-able persons
1. Task base: it is the item or object which is taxed. that is, taxes have to be
levied on some or other basics
Three main tax bases are used in Nigeria
namely: personal income Tax
a. Income
Company Tax
b. Capital – capital gained tax
c. Consumption Exercise duties
a. Direct tax b. indirect tax
1. Direct tax: is a type of tax imposed directly on the income of individual or
organizations by the government or its agencies such income include wages
and salaries, profit, rent and interest. The tax payers are usually aware of
the payment of such tax the burden of these tax is borne by the payer
a. Personal income tax: this levied an income of individuals
b. Company tax (corporate tax ) is tax levied on profit made by company
c. Capital gained tax: is a tax levied on the gain or profit derived from the sales
of the land and capital assets
d. Capital tax: is a tax levied on property or capital asset
1. Progressive: it is usually administrated with a graded scale. I.e. the higher
the income the higher the tax
2. They are won inflationary: they are not increase price because money is
taken away from customers and their purchasing power.
3. Reduced in inequality income: it is used to ensure the redistribution of
income as the poor pay less while the rich pay more.
4. It is easy to estimate revenue accruing to the government from direct tax
5. Tax liability is certain: the tax payer knows what to pay and governments
know what is expected to collect
6. They are convenient to pay
7. They are cheap to collect
1. They reduce the purchasing power of the tax payer
2. High incidence of taxation can discourage hard work as they believe that the
more someone work hard, the higher the ta the person has to pay
3. They discourage investment : high taxes on individuals or corporate bodies
ma discomfort other potential investors
4. It discourages saving
5. They are prone to tax evasion
Indirect tax are taxes levied on goods services the producers or sellers bear the
initial burden of the tax before shifting then to the final consumer in form of
higher prices the tax payer under indirect tax are usually not aware o the
amount paid as tax
1. Custom DUTIES OR TARIFE: groups in 2
a. Import duties: are taxes levied on goods brought or imported into a country
from other countries the importer bears the initial burden
b. Export duties: are taxes levied on goods exported to other countries the
exporter bears the initial burden
2. Sales tax: these are taxes levied on the sale of certain commodities the tax is
collected either at wholesale or retail stage and passed on to the customers
in form of higher prices
3. EXCISE DUTIES: theses is a tax levied on certain goods within a country
4. Purchase tax: are taxes levied on certain consumer goods/commodities e.g
cars, television
5. (VAT) value added Tax: this is a tax imposed on goods and services of each
stage of production the burden of this tax is finally borne by final consumer
1. AD VELORED TAX: this is a form of tax impose on commodity in accordance
with their respective value at specific percentage of tax than essential goods
2. Specific tax: in this type a fixed amount or sum is levied per unit of
commodity irrespective of its value e.g equal percentage Is levied on both
luxury and essential commodities
1. source of sustainable revenue for government
2. protection of infant industries by imposing heavy taxes on imported goods
3. to correct balanced of payment deficit
4. easy and cheap to collect because the tax is paid as soon as a consumer
purchases a tax commodity
The incidence of taxation could be (1)
Formal incidence 2. Effective incidence.
---- FORMAL INCIDENCE: This refer to the initial first effects of tax on the object
i.e. the tax payer. It shows where the initial burden of taxation lies. For example
the incidence or payer and in indirect tax, the producer bears the initial burden
---- EFFECTIVE INCIDENCE: It makes refers to who finally bears the burden of
taxation indirect tax, the tax payer bears the full (Initial or formal) burden of
In seller, buyer or booth of them will shame it depending on the elasticity of
demand for the commodity.
When demand is perfectly elastic, the incidences of indirect tax will fall in
the seller.
When demand is fairly elastic, the incidence of tax is share between buyer
and seller.
If demand is inelastic, the tax burden fall only on the buyer of the taxed
A debt is a contractual obligation of owing or accumulated borrow with a
promise to pay back at a future date.
National or public debt: This is the sum total of debt owned by the gov’t
of a country both internally and externally. The debts may or may not be with
interest. Loan/Borrowing constitute some of the sources of funds to the gov’t
DEBT RELIEF: Is the total or partial forgiveness of debt or the stopping of debt
growth owed by individual, corporation or nation From at antiquely through the
century it refers to domestic debt in particular agricultural debt and freeing of
debt slaves.
Capital consumption allowance 218.08
Indirect business tax 250.20
Compensation of employers (salaries/ Wage)
Form of social loans pension etc. 1570.40
Rent 52.32
Interest 100.40
Proprietors income 168.40
Corporate income tax 111.80
Undistributed corporate profit 50.80
Dividends 55.60
G.N.P 25.78
C= private consumption expenditure
X= Exports
M= Imports
ITEMS Amount
Agriculture, Forestry and fishing 840
Mining, quarrying 200
Transport and communication 150
Manufacturing 410
Building and construction 170
Banking finance and insurance 210
Wholesale and retail trade 120
Government services (health Education, Defence) 205
Community social and personal services 63
Other services 60
G>D>P 2428
Net income from Abroad 140
G.N.P 2,578
1. DEBENTURE: These are long term loan. It represent the
document which shows or acknowledge rate of interests
Supply of money: this is the total amount of money available for
the use in the economy of a given period of time. They include the
total value of bank deposit both current account and fixed deposit
account of commercial banks with the total amount of cash in bank
notes and coins circulating outside the banking system.
The supply of money is determined by the
Amount of money put into circulation by central bank
Credit policy of banks and
People desire to hold currency and deposit.
Bank note
Cash Reserve
Economic situation/demand for excess reserve
Professor Irving Fishing is a leading quantity theorists. The
theory states thatv an increase in the quantity of money in
circulation will bring about a proportional rise in the price of
goods and services.
He re-modified the quantity theory of money into VELOCITY
OF CIRCULATION OF MONEY which means the speed at
which money circulates within the economy by changing
from one hand to another.
1. The theory tries to explain the effects an imbalance between
the demand for and the supply of money. If there is excess
supply of money, the surplus would be spent by household
and firms on currently produced goods and services.
But if the demand for money is higher than the supply they
would reduce their expenditure in goods and service and
their reduce their price level.
2. The theory also explains the relationship between the price
level: the supply of money, is also determined by variable of;
i. the rate which money circulated
ii. The output of goods and services other than the price
3. The theory attribute the cause of change on aggregate
demand for currently produced goods and services to the
effects of equilibrium between the demand for and the
supply of money.
Therefore prices could rise without any change in the
quantity of money. If a S price occurs in the velocity of
circulation. On the other hand, prices may remain unchanged
even through there has been a corresponding increase in the
output of goods and services.
4. It also explain that increase in price are not as a result of
profit earning on the part of producer or seller.
Taxi driver
The N500 has returned to where it was before the transaction took
place. In the case, the same currency (N500) has been used for
different transaction. That is to say N500 demand for work of
N900 in the course of a year, each unit of money is used many
Therefore, velocity of money is the rate at which the stock of
money is turning over per year to consumer income
transaction. If the stock of money is turning over very slowly
so that the rate of currency (Naira) spending per year is low
then “V” will be low but if people spend as quickly as they
earned the “V” will be high.
The value of money is the quantity of goods and services a given
sum of money can buy.
That is the purchasing power of money. If a given sum of money
can purchase more goods and services, it means that the value of
money has increase and vice –versa.
For example, if it cost 70k to buy 3 tubers of yam and 20k to buy 3
mudu of beans. How to buy a tuber of yam is N300. We can say the
value of money has decrease or fall.
1. Price Level: the value of money is inversely related to the
price level.
The higher the price level, the smaller/lower the quantity of
goods and services that a given sum of money can buy hence
the lower value of money – inflation.
On the other hand, the lower the general price level, the
greater the quantity of goods and services money can buy
and the value of money – Deflation.
2. Supply of money and it speed: an increase in the supply of
money without a corresponding increase in the supply of
commodity reduce the value of money while, a decrease in
money supply increase it value.
3. The quantity of available goods and services - increase in
supply of commodity increase the value of money while a
decrease in supply would reduce the value of money.
1. The Supply of Money: An increase in money supply increases
the price level.
2. The quantity of goods and services available: Larger quantity
of goods without an increases in money supply reduces price
3. Market demand and market supply: An increase in market
demand relative to supply increase the price level and vice-