Working Fathers Should Be Given Longer Paternity Leaves
Working Fathers Should Be Given Longer Paternity Leaves
Working Fathers Should Be Given Longer Paternity Leaves
Working Fathers
Should be Given
Longer Paternity
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Working fathers should be given a longer paternity leave because it can
refine the ties between father and children, break the gender stereotype
and it can help to stabilize the marital relationship.
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Refine the ties between father and children.
1. Fathers are committed to prioritizing their roles as parents given that parental leave provides
dedicated child-centered time at home.
a) Parental leave provides an opportunity for parents to be at home with their new child
a) Parents who take parental leave are rated as more communal, warmer and more like than
those who do not take leave (Fleischmann & Sieverding, 2015; Krstic & Hideg, 2019;
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Break the gender stereotype
1. Many fathers still hold onto traditional belief that their women are responsible to maintain the household, meanwhile,
men participate in contributing money for the family.
a) Fathers seem to rather do childcare activities rather than household chores.
b) Regardless, we are living in an urban society, still, the husband is still a product of traditional family nurture. Besides,
most traditional families still uphold a mindset influenced by gender inertia (Sponton, 2021).
2. The gender stereotype behavior can only be tamed with the absence of female family members during mother postpartum
a) The fathers need to take over the household helping their exhausted wife with childcare since not all of them can
afford to hire a formal caregiver.
b) According to Sponton A., (2021) stated that the involvement of fathers in childcare shall only be temporary since
apparently people tend to believe that stay-at-home fathers are bad fathers or a burden to a society which prevents
the situation from remaining permanent.
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Help to stabilise marital status
1. A longer paternity leave can help mothers to reduce their postpartum days.
a) Help to reduce 21% of mothers’ disability days on average of 105 days (Fontenay S & Tojerow I.,
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Thus, paternity leaves explicitly can refine the ties
between father and children, break the gender stereotype
and stabilise marital status.