Effloresence What How and Cause
Effloresence What How and Cause
Effloresence What How and Cause
Causes of Efflorescence
Preventing Efflorescence
• This can occur in refractory castable and lead destructive coherence and bonding in the castable. It can also be
more an aesthetic problem giving the perception of material quality problem or that something is not right with
the installed quality. There are many different mechanisms that cause efflorescence, either as a destructive or
non destructive form and it is probably true to say they are not fully understood.
1. What is efflorescence?
2. How efflorescence occur
3. Cause of efflorescence
4. Preventing Efflorescence
5. Reference
1. What is efflorescence?
• Water Movement
The degree of water saturation influences the formation of • Figure 1: Concrete microstructure.
2. How efflorescence occur
calcium carbonate, on the surface or within the pores of the
3. Cause of efflorescence concrete. If carbonation takes place in the surface, then This simplified model of the near-surface zone of fully hydrated concrete
illustrates the presence and form of various components of the finished product.
4. Preventing Efflorescence efflorescence formed there. If air containing CO2 penetrate The black dots are gel particles and Ca(OH)2 crystals. The spaces between these
5. Reference and carbonation takes place within the pore under the particles are gel pores. The size of the gel pores is greatly exaggerated.
1. What is efflorescence? Seal Surface Is to protect the product with a water or react with
2. How efflorescence occur carbon dioxide from atmosphere with coating or vinyl . Beside the
3. Cause of efflorescence additional material costs, also an additional working step
4. Preventing Efflorescence
5. References
1. What is efflorescence?
2. How efflorescence occur
3. Cause of efflorescence
4. PT-KP castable condition
5. References