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Effloresence What How and Cause

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What, How, and Cause

What is Efflorescence?

How Efflorescence Occur

Causes of Efflorescence

Preventing Efflorescence


2 December 4, 2013 REFRACTORY TEAM

1. What is • Efflorescence is the formation of salt deposits, usually white, on or near the surface of concrete causing a change
in appearance.
? • Required condition
Three condition that must be exist before efflorescence will occur:
1. There must be water-soluble salt present somewhere in the wall.
2. There must be sufficient moisture in the wall to render the salts into soluble solution.
3. There must be a pathfor the soluble salt to migrate through the surface where the moisture can evaporate,
thus depositing the salt which then crystalize and cause efflorescence.
All three condition must exist. If any one of those condition is not present, efflorescence cannot occur
• Three type of efflorescence
1. Primary efflorescence is efflorescence occurring during hardening of the concrete.
2. Secondary efflorescence is the efflorescence resulting from the weathering of the hardened concrete.
3. Cryptoflorescence is the deposition of salt within the pores of concrete below the exposed surface.

• This can occur in refractory castable and lead destructive coherence and bonding in the castable. It can also be
more an aesthetic problem giving the perception of material quality problem or that something is not right with
the installed quality. There are many different mechanisms that cause efflorescence, either as a destructive or
non destructive form and it is probably true to say they are not fully understood.

1. What is efflorescence?
2. How efflorescence occur
3. Cause of efflorescence
4. Preventing Efflorescence
5. Reference

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2. How  Chemical Proceess
Efflorescence Efflorescence occurs through one or a combination of the following processes.
Occur • Carbon Dioxide
Alkalis in the concrete react with carbon dioxide to
produce two forms of salts in castable: sodium and
potassium carbonate and calcium carbonate.
Sodium and pottasium carbonate appear as a white fluff
that can be easily removed (altough it may appear again).
Calcium carbonate appears usually as a white 'bloom'
diffused over certain areas.
Alkalies and calcium hydroxide in the solution migrates to
the surface, this migration depend on permeability, voids
and moisture content of concrete. At the water-air
interface atmospheric CO2 react with these hydroxide to
form sodium, pottasium, and calcium carbonate.
Step one:
• Sulphurous Gases it can be stated that of the most important minerals in water is calcium
that will react with silica in refractory castable. these minerals react
Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, under damp with water to form the glue, which hardens and gives strength to
conditions, react with the surface layer of the castable castable products.
and/or mortar joints in masonry construction forming 2[(CaO)3SiO2]+7H2O = (CaO)3(SiO2)2(H2O)4+3[Ca(OH)2]
1. What is efflorescence?
calcium sulphate crystals. [Calcium Silicate + Water = Calcium Silicate Hydrate+ Calcium Hydroxide (“free lime”)]
2. How efflorescence occur
3. Cause of efflorescence In industrial areas, the SO2 concentration in the Step two:
4. Preventing Efflorescence
atmosphere could be ten times the average value. is simply carbonation of the free lime that react with carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere
5. Reference
Ca(OH)2+CO2 = CaCO3+H2O
[Free Lime + Carbon Dioxide (from air) = Calcium Carbonate (efflorescence) + Water]
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2. How  Physical Proceess
Efflorescence The formation of efflorescence depends on a number of physical processes involving both salt
Occur and water transfer in and out of castable or masonry
•Solubility of Salts
The degree of saturation of salts contained in the castable at
the time of drying out will influence the occurence of
efflorescence. If saturation reached, efflorescence will occur
on drying out. Loss of water through evaporation will result
some of the salt being deposited

• Hygroscopicity (affinity to water)

Salts having greater affinity for water can pick up water from
the air and therefore, at normal outdoor temperature, they
are unlikely to dry and appear as efflorescence
• Pore Structure
In the context of efflorescence, open (that is,
interconnected) capillary pores and voids in concrete
provide the essential pathway by which efflorescence
becomes visible. If there are no open pores or voids present,
then carbonation of the free lime cannot occur.

1. What is efflorescence?
• Water Movement
The degree of water saturation influences the formation of • Figure 1: Concrete microstructure.
2. How efflorescence occur
calcium carbonate, on the surface or within the pores of the
3. Cause of efflorescence concrete. If carbonation takes place in the surface, then This simplified model of the near-surface zone of fully hydrated concrete
illustrates the presence and form of various components of the finished product.
4. Preventing Efflorescence efflorescence formed there. If air containing CO2 penetrate The black dots are gel particles and Ca(OH)2 crystals. The spaces between these
5. Reference and carbonation takes place within the pore under the particles are gel pores. The size of the gel pores is greatly exaggerated.

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3. Cause of Castable Curing
•Salts •Humidity
The main salt source of salts on castable is from the Curing in dry air (less than 65% RH) increases the risk of
mixing water. Especially if the water used is groundwater efflorescence.
that not yet processed (industrial water). For castable •Temperature
mixing should be used potable water (drinkable) At the same relative humidity, curing at 20°C gives almost
•Water the same resistance to efflorescence as when cured at
high water ratio results in porous with micro voids
becoming interconnected. Such microstructure
encourages the movement of water and salt solutions
through the castable giving rise to the potential to Environment
efflorescence •Temperature
Temperature affect the rate of evaporation. A high rate of
Quality evaporation does not necessarily cause efflorescence. It is
•Pore Structure the slow rate of evaporation which allows migration of
The higher absorption capacity have higher potential to salts to the surface.
efflorescence. The absorption capacity related to •Moisture
permeability and porosity of castable. Greater Moisture is the vehicle by which salts are transported to
permeability results in water easily penetrating the the surface where they accumulate as the water
evaporates. Rainy condition is the main source of moisture
•Ambient Condition
1. What is efflorescence? Variability in the quality (Differences in compaction or
Efflorenscence being more intense in winter than summer.
2. How efflorescence occur curing of the castable) can result in variation in water
Slower rate of evaporation allowing moisture to move to
3. Cause of efflorescence absorption capacity. Where water permeates more easily,
salts will be carried to the surface, then causes localised the surface before evaporating and leaving salts deposits
4. Preventing Efflorescence
5. References occurence of efflorescence. on the surface.

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4. Preventing  Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Reduce all soluble alkali salts, sodium sulfate, pottasium sulfate,

sodium carbonate, pottasium carbonate, calcium carbonate

Maintain water (water:castable) in the mix If cement content is too

low, then the product will be permeable to water ingress. This will
promote later age (secondary) efflorescence.

The mixture should be the one, which best ensures good

compaction of the product (measured by density), and thereby
reduces the quantity of capillary pores and voids.

1. What is efflorescence? Seal Surface Is to protect the product with a water or react with
2. How efflorescence occur carbon dioxide from atmosphere with coating or vinyl . Beside the
3. Cause of efflorescence additional material costs, also an additional working step
4. Preventing Efflorescence
5. References

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4. References • Aberle, Thomas. Keller, Adrian. Zurbriggen, Roger. Efflorescence Mechanisms of
Formation and Ways to Prevent. Elotex: Switzerland
• Cement Concrete and Aggregate Australia, Data Sheet. 2006.Efflorescence:
• Masonry Institute of America. Efflorescence: Cause and Control. Storm
• Parr, Chris. Calcium Aluminate Cement – What Happens When Things Go Wrong?.
TP-GB-RE-LAF-071. Kerneos Technical Paper: Paris
• QCL Group Technical Notes. 2009.The Origin of Efflorecence in Concrete and
Concrete Product

1. What is efflorescence?
2. How efflorescence occur
3. Cause of efflorescence
4. PT-KP castable condition
5. References

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Thank You

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