PB8MAT+Week 8 - Menu Engineering
PB8MAT+Week 8 - Menu Engineering
PB8MAT+Week 8 - Menu Engineering
Menu Engineering
Pertemuan ke 15 dan 16
Diadopsi dari sumber :
1. Pricing Menu Items
2. Menu Engineering Worksheet
3. Menu Classification
4. Recap of Menu Engineering
1. Pricing Menu Items
1.1. Pricing Meals
• Beside cost plus and cost percentage we could pricing a meals based on
bottom up aprroach. Means we calculate how many profit we desired
then we calculate how much revenue we need to gain!
• As we know in Restaurant income statement looks like below:
Food Revenue Rp. 300.000.000
Beverage Revenue Rp. 200.000.000 +
Total Revenue Rp. 500.000.000
Cost of Food Sold Rp. 125.000.000
Controllable Expenses Rp. 75.000.000
Fixed Charge Rp. 150.000.000 -
IBIT Rp. 150.000.000
Income Tax Rp. 50.000.000 -
Net Profit Rp. 100.000.000
1.2. Steps For Determining The Average Meal
Price At Restaurant
• Determine desired net income by multiplying investment
by desired ROI
• Determine pre-tax profit by dividing the desired net
income by 1 minus income tax profit
• Determine fixed charges and controllable expenses
• Determine food revenue
• Determine meals to be served or total guest by
multiplying days open by number of seat turn over for
the day
• Average Meal Price = total food revenue/total guest
1.2.1. Data to Calculate Average Pricing
To know how much price we need to set up in restaurant, we need to calculate, how
much profit we need to gain? How much the suitable price for restaurant offer to
guest for each menu? All of those data could be calculate by using below
• Owner investment: • Controllable
$200.000 Expenses:
• ROI: 12% $500.000
• Funds borrowed: • Cost of Food Sold:
$500.000 40%
• Interest Rate= • Seat Turn Over :2x
10% • Days open= 313
• Tax Rate=30% • Seat capacity= 100
• Fixed Charge=
1.2.2. How To Calculate Average Pricing
Meals to Achieve the Profit wanted?
Plow horse star
dog Puzzle
3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500
4. Recap of Menu Engineering
4.1. Strategi Untuk Kategori Makanan
• Sebagai tindak lanjut dari analisis menu perlu diambil langkah -langkah yang dapat meningkatkan
potensi makanan tersebut, sehingga makanan yang ditampilkan diminati oleh konsumen dan memberi
kontribusi margin yang optimal. Langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil adalah sebagai berikut (Sudiara,
2000 : 96) :
1. Kategori Star :
a. Mempertahankan kualitas dan harga makanan.
b. Menempatkan menu pada bagian yang paling strategis.
c. Menaikkan harga secara bertahap apabila jumlah permintaan meningkat.
2. Kategori Plow Horse :
a. Mempertahankan kualitas makanan.
b. Mengendalikan harga pokok makanan dengan pengawasan dan pelatihan.
c. Menaikkan harga secara bertahap dengan memperhatikan perkembangan permintaan.
3. Kategori Puzzle :
a. Menjual makanan melalui Special of the Day atau Table d’hote menu.
b. Meletakkan menu pada posisi yang strategis.
c. Menurunkan harga jual untuk memikat konsumen.
4. Kategori Dog :
a. Dihapuskan dari daftar makanan.
b. Kalau menu tersebut memanfaatkan trimming, dapat dipertahankan dan turunkan harga untuk
mencari popularitas.
c. Ganti dengan menu lain yang mengacu pada menu Star, walaupun bahan dasarnya sama.
4.2. Menu Revisions
• Popular and profitable items are ones you want to maintain on
your menu. Maintain the specifications of the item rigidly.
• Do not change the quality of the product served. Feature the
item in a prominent location on the menu. You want to sell this
item, so make sure that customers see it.
• Have servers suggestively sell the item. For example, when
asked for suggestions, they could say, “You may want to try
our Linguine Chicken. It is very popular. It has a cream sauce
with lots of fresh basil.” Test the possibility of increasing
prices by raising the price slightly.