Rws Lesson 5
Rws Lesson 5
Rws Lesson 5
(Read the paragraph on page 104 and determine whether the ideas
are arranged from least to most important or most important to
b) Order in Space c) Chronological Order
Otherwise known as spatial order, Also known as time order , here
this refers to the arrangement of the details are arranged according to
details in space which can either be the sequence of events.
from top to bottom or vice versa, from
near to far or vice versa, or from left to
(Read the sample paragraph on page 105 that uses (Read the text on page 106, How Sylvester Stallone
order in space.) Rose to Stardom)
C. Logical Order
This simply means reasonable flow of ideas and supporting details.
The arrangement of details is logical if it does not contradict reason or correct thinking.
(Read the sample paragraph on page 107) (Read the sample paragraph on page 107)
1. Proportion is devoting more
D. Emphasis aspect of greater importance.
It requires one’s ability to
identify which ideas are more
A characteristic of writing that
important than the other.
makes it interesting and forceful.
Emphatic writing can be achieved in (Analyze the sample essay (Vujicic,
three ways:
2013) on page 108 and identify which
1. Proportion
idea is given the biggest space.)
2. Position or arrangement
3. Repetition and parallel
2. Position or arrangement 3. Repetition and parallel structure
-refers to an arrangement of - it is another effective means of
sentences in a climatic order to achieve achieving emphasis. An important
emphasis. It means that the most word can be repeated to emphasize it
important ideas are found towards the or a similar pattern or sentence
last part in the essay. structure can be observed to highlight
a certain idea.
(Read the paragraph entitled “God’s Hand” on (Read the sample paragraph on page 107 taken from
page 107 and determine whether it follows a a speech of former University of the Philippines
climatic order) president Salvador P. Lopez.)
B. The second property of a well- written
text is cohesion
Cohesion refers to the process by which
ideas stick together through the use of cohesive
devices. Cohesive devices include conjunctions
(connectors), pronouns, synonyms, repetition,
and parallelism.
Cohesive Devices (Transitional Devices)
1. Conjunction
Conjunction is a part of speech that is used to connect words, phrases,
sentences, and paragraphs.
Functions Conjunctions
to show addition and, in addition, besides, moreover, furthermore
to show contrast but, yet, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the
contrary, otherwise, in contrast, while, conversely
Cohesion 10%