Teaching Strategies - Part 1
Teaching Strategies - Part 1
Teaching Strategies - Part 1
By the end of this lesson presentation, you should be able to:
Describe the two main approaches to teaching and learning
#Teacher-Centred Approach
#Learner-Centred Approach
Outline various teaching and learning strategies under the two approaches.
Describe the principles underling each teaching strategy
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each teaching and learning strategy.
Explain how each of the teaching and learning strategy can be used effectively in
a lesson.
Approaches of Teaching and Learning
Teaching strategies are grouped into two main teaching approaches namely;
1. Teacher-Centred Approach
2. Learner-Centred Approach
Teacher-Centred Approach
Sometimes referred to as direct instruction, deductive teaching or
expository teaching.
More traditional in nature, focussing on the teacher as instructor.
Teachers play important roles in the learning process and controls what
is to be taught.
Teachers are information providers or evaluator to monitor students to
get the right answers.
Students are viewed as learners who passively receive information.
4. Teaching and assessing are separate 4. Teaching and assessing are intertwined
Techer-Centred Approach Student-Centred Approach
5. Emphasis is on right answers 5. Emphasis is on generating better questions and
learning from errors
6. Desired learning is assessed indirectly through the use 6. Desired learning is assessed directly through
of objectively scored tests. papers, projects, performances and the like.
8. Only students are viewed as learners 8. Teacher and students learn together
9. Assessment is used to monitor learning 9. Assessment is used to promote and diagnose
An oral presentation of information by the teacher.
Sometimes it is referred to as telling method.
It is the method of relaying factual information which includes principles, concepts, ideas, and all
theoretical knowledge about a given topic.
The teacher is always very active doing all the talking.
Form of classroom activity where the teacher talks to his students in an autocratic way.
In its pure form students have no opportunity to ask questions or offer comments during lesson.
Hence, this teaching strategy falls under the teacher centred approaches.
Lecture Method contd../
One of the oldest teaching methods because it was generally believed that a student was
an empty vessel ready to receive knowledge, ideas, skills, values, an adult would decide
to impart on him/her.
Recommended for students with very little knowledge or limited background knowledge
on the topic.
It is also useful for presenting an organised body of new information to the learner
Most helpful when introducing a new topic. The teacher needs to give background
information on the topic in order to help the students understand with less difficulty
the material to be covered in the coming lesson.
It is ideal for a large class. It permits a large number of students to receive at the
same time an organised perspective of goals and content to be covered in a particular
This method also helps the students to develop some skills. For instance, it provides
practice to students in senior classes to in taking simple notes.
It does not allow enough feedback from the students, hence, it is difficult for the teacher to
collect any misconceptions developed during the lesson.
Students rarely express their feelings and attitudes to what is going on.
The lesson is aimed at the average student and those with above average or below average
abilities are not catered for. Low achievers may get frustrated, high achievers may be bored.
Discipline can become a problem with students who are not interested because the work is
too hard or easy
The teacher should know the overall goals and specific objectives for using the lecture method.
The teacher should always try to relate his/her method to the developmental level of his/her
students, their needs, and interests, both in objective and content of his lesson.
The teacher should have a clear, logical plan of presentation. He/she should work out the essentials
of the topic. This should include planning of methodology, utilisation of teaching and learning aids
and some demonstration if possible.
It is advisable for a teacher to vary the classroom atmosphere of a total lecture method by using
interest-arousing teaching and learning aids such as charts, pictures, maps, models and any other
METHOD contd…/
The teacher should always avoid the monotony of lecturing by varying the stress of his/her
The teacher should allow an ample time for students to ask some questions during the lesson.
It is also advisable on the part of the teacher in the course of the lesson to watch and observe
his/her students for their reactions and attentiveness as this will reveal the effectiveness of the
presentation. If the students seem bored, a change of the method would be necessary.
At the end of the lesson the teacher should ask a few questions on the content covered to
check how effective the presentation has been.
A type of teaching strategy whereby a teacher performs an instructions activity
in the presence of his/her students in order to show them how to do it.
Therefore, demonstration means any planned performance of an occupation
skill, scientific principle or experiment.
Through demonstration a teacher presents a task requiring some skill before
the students.
The student’s role is that of the observer and recorder of information and skills.
For example in a computer studies class, the teacher can demonstrate how a
computer is switched on and off to form 1 students and expect the students to
perform the same task either individually or in small groups.
Involving students in demonstrations allow this method to be less passive as
compared with the lecture method.
It adds meaning to learning by giving the pupils the opportunity to see or hear what
is actually happening.
This method becomes influential when a teacher wants to illustrate ideas, concepts or
principles which words would be inadequate.
Demonstrations also discourages students from learning through trial and error where
time is limited.
Demonstrations may help in reducing accidents before the students begin experiments.
For example, when working with highly inflammable materials or breakable objects, if
the teacher demonstrates on how the objects are handled.
Demonstrations set performance standards and can be inspiring in such fields as art,
music and physical education.
They are especially beneficial in showing how skills are acquired. When the students are
expected to master a certain skill, demonstrations would help the students to master it.
Much time in planning and preparation is required for demonstration method to be
very effective.
This method may become ineffective if the teacher just “shows’’ and “tells’’ without
feedback from the students.
This method is limited to particular teaching situations only. Some teachers try to use it
where other methods would be better.
Practice and rehearse the activity in its entirety with an eye on time limitations.
During demonstrations make sure that the sitting arrangements are that every student is able to see and
hear what you are demonstrating.
At the end of a demonstration conduct a brief review of what has been demonstrated.