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How Can Weak Student Can Be Improve D?

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The key takeaways are methods like instilling positivity and confidence, scheduling practice, using tools to help with memory.

Some methods to help weak students excel include instilling positivity and confidence, scheduling practice, using tools to help with memory.

The steps to help weak students include trying to find the reason for poor performance, being sympathetic, providing opportunities for mental activities, emphasizing physical development, and not ignoring emotional health.


• While there are no hard and fast
rules, there are methods that
enable weak students to excel in
mathematics: instilling positivety
and confidence. Scheduling
practice. Tools to help with
Solutions For How To Help Weak Students In Studies
1.Try To Find The Reason.
2.Be Sympathetic.
3.Provide Opportunities For Mental Activities.
4.Pay Emphasis On Physical Development.
5.Don't Ignore Emotional Health.
6.Encourage And Motivate.
7.Identify The Learning Style Of The Student.
8.Repetition And Revision.
9.Individual teaching
10.Monitor grades
1.Try To Find The Reason.

•It is important to find out the reason why the

child is not performing up to the mark. The
child may not be physically fit e.g. weak eyes
are the common problem. It is found
sometimes that children don’t open up about
their physical discomfort. It is therefore advised
that teachers or parents should maintain a
rapport where students can feel free to discuss
their problems.
•IQ tests should be conducted on such
students. Sometimes home atmosphere also
adversely affects a child’s performance.
Interest, way of teaching and infrastructural
barriers can also be the reason for poor
performance. Hence one should find out the
2. Be symphetic
•Teachers and parents should be sympathetic
to weak students. They should not be labeled
as weak, dumb or duffer. Weak students are
also a soft target of bullies hence they should
be protected from such behavior. Their
dignity should be maintained.
3. Provide Opportunities
For Mental Activities
•Students should be provided with ample
opportunities for learning. The learning
should be activity-based where the child is
actively participating in the teaching-
learning process. Learning should start
from concrete and go to an abstract
concept for better understanding.
4. Pay Emphasis On Physical
•“A healthy body has a healthy mind” is an
old saying and it is scientifically proven that
a physically fit person can concentrate
better on cognitive activities. Hence the
physical health of students should be
maintained. There should be a regular time
for exercise.
5. Don’t Ignore Emotional Health
•A student can also perform badly when
he/she is not in a stable emotional state.
Emotional health can be disturbed due to
family reasons or peer pressure such as
bullying. The teachers must ensure the
emotional health of the child is good.
Schools should essentially include yoga and
recreation activities for emotional wellness.
The teacher should also support the child
rather than targeting him/her or calling
him stupid, dumb, etc.
6. Encourage And Motivate
•Weak students should be encouraged to
perform better. They must be given tasks
into chunks. The duration of the task should
be kept small. And after they successfully
complete the task they must be encouraged
and motivated. So that they take interest in
learning activities.
7. Identify The Learning Style
Of The Student
•There are individual differences among
students. Not every child learns in the same
way. Some children are audio learners,
some are visual learners and some are
kinesthetic learners i.e. they learn by doing
or experimenting. The teacher or parents
must understand the learning style of the
student. And should plan the teaching-
learning activities accordingly.
8. Repetition And Revision
•For weak students its necessary to repeat
and revise what is learned so as to retain it
into memory. Mentors must provide them
enough worksheets covering all the
necessary topics. Immediate regular tests
must be conducted to check the retention
ability of the student.
9. Individual Teaching
•Mostly it has been observed that weak
students found difficulty in understanding
lessons because his/her previous concepts
are poor. Personal teaching can help in such
a manner. It’s very obvious that good
students learn fast. So, educators usually
focus more on such students in the class.
Yet, one must care for the weak as well. In
addition, they must be provided personal
guidance from the tutors.
10. Monitor Grades
•Urge your child to talk to you about school
and assignments. Express a solid interest in
your child’s projects and assignments with
the goal that you can catch new problems
before they begin. Obviously, if your child is
doing great in school, monitoring your
child’s work will allow you to praise your
child and make them feel superior about
their prosperity.
• Help weak students to frame correct
sentence/write correctly i.e. starting from one
word sentence; one word sentence answer to 2-3
sentences answer.
• Help weak students to improve writing style i.e.
To teach correct formation of
letter/word/sentence(sensitize them regarding
weak “gap between two letters, gap between two
words, and number of words in a line).
students we • Help weak students to realize that you love them
and care them irrespective of their all
need: weaknesses.
• Help weak students to communicate with you
without far of punishment/scolding/threatening.
• Help weak students to speak in the classroom i.e.
initially one word to one sentence in different
Help weak students to develop interest of
attrentive listening in the class i.e. call him by his
name during lesson, ask most basic and known
facts related to the text so that she/he can reply
you with confidence.

Help weak student by asking answer supported

question in simple words/questions based on

To help a weak student to perform better in all

acedamic activities is a time taking process,
requires patience, persistence and consistent
desires to work for longer and for long time.
Few teachers would deny that motivated students are
easier to teach, or that students who are interested in
learning do, in fact, learn more. So how do teachers
motivate their students? Here are some practiced,
tried-and true strategies to get (and keep) your
How do you students interested in learning.
Here are some practiced, tried-and true strategies to
motivate get (and keep) your students interested in learning.
• Know your students' names and use their names as
academically often as possible.
weak • Plan for every class; never try to wing it.
• Pay attention to the strengths and limitations of
students? each of your students.
• If possible, set your room in a U-shape to encourage
interaction among students.
• Vary your instructional strategies; use lectures,
demonstrations, discussions, case studies, groups,
and more.
• Review the learning objectives with your
students. Be sure students know what they are
expected to learn, do, know, etc.
• Move around the room as you teach.
• Make your classes relevant. Be sure students see
how the content relates to them and the world
around them.
• Be expressive. Smile.
• Put some excitement into your speech; vary your
pitch, volume and rate.
• Give lots of examples.
• Encourage students to share their ideas and
comments, even if they are incorrect. You'll never
know what students don't understand unless you
ask them.
• Maintain eye contact and move toward your
students as you interact with them. Nod your
head to show that you are listening to them.
• Provide opportunities for students to speak to the
• Be available before class starts, during
break, and after class to visit with students.
• Return assignments and tests to students
as soon as reasonably possible. Provide
constructive feedback.
• Be consistent in your treatment of
• Make sure that your exams are current,
valid, and reliable. Tie your assessment to
your course objectives.
• Plan around 15-20 minute cycles. Students
have difficulty maintaining attention after
a longer period of time.
• Involve your students in your teaching. Ask
for feedback.
How a weak student became
Here are some essential tips that can help weak students to
become intelligent:
• Organising school material
• Individual teaching
• Encourage the weak students
• Complete work in time
• Attend classes in an attentive manner
• Set goals and timetables
• Stay positive
• Bond with teachers and classmate
• Participating in co-curriculat activities
• Private tusion
1. Organising school material
• To make it easier for weak students to study
and pay more attention to what they are
studying, they must organise all their
essential school material according to their
subjects. This saves time which is otherwise
wasted on looking for things here and there
and also enables the weak students to study
with more concentration.
2. Individual teaching
• Weak students usually do not understand
what is being taught in an easy manner
unlike the intelligent ones. To ensure that
the weak students understand what is being
taught, teachers can pay individual
attention to the students and teach them in
school in extra time. This helps the weak
students to grasp the concepts in a better
manner and they can become better at their
3. Encourage the weak students
• Parents as well as teachers of weak
students must make sure to encourage
these students so that they can stay
motivated to study and perform well.
Ziyyara Edutech opines that when weak
students are scolded and not appreciated
for what they do, they get demotivated and
disengage from studying. Encouraging the
weak students gives them the confidence to
perform well.
4. Complete work in time
• This is a great tip for weak students so that
they can perform better. Weak students
usually do not complete their class-work or
home-work in time and therefore are unable
to understand the subject-related concepts. If
these students complete their work in time,
they would be able to understand what is
taught in the class and will not lag behind in
their studies. This would further make them
do well in their academics.
5. Attend classes in an attentive
• Weak students to perform well
academically must attend classes in an
attentive manner. When they pay
attention to what is being taught in
the class, they register the concepts
well and are able to compete with the
intelligent students.
6. Set goals and timetable
• Weak students must make sure that they
set goals to achieve and follow a timetable
to do so. Setting goals motivates the weak
students to achieve them and they therefore
study in a better manner. Following a
timetable ensures that the weak students
study all subjects and not just one.
7. Stay positive
• It is important for weak students to develop
a positive attitude towards studying as well
as school. Research states that weak
students do not like to attend schools and
do not like to study as well and have a
negative impression of both. These students
need to develop a positive attitude and
must be motivated to attend school and
study by offering them some incentives.
8. Bond with teachers and
• Weak students shy away from teachers as
well as their classmates in school. This is
because they feel that they will not be heard
or paid attention to. However, this is a
wrong notion and weak students must try
and develop bonds with teachers and their
classmates so that they can discuss their
problems whenever needed. In addition, this
also makes the weak students wanted and
keeps them engaged in their studies.
9. Participating in co-
curricular activities
• Weak students must participate in co-
curricular activities as these activities make
the students develop a bond with other
classmates and also channelizes their
energies in the right direction. These
activities also enable students to put their
brains to work and make them smarter and
10. Private Tuitions
• Another tip that can help weak students
perform well is to make them attend private
tuitios from expert teachers either online or
offline. Ziyyara offers private online tuition
to weak students by expert tutors and helps
these students understand the concepts
better and practice these concepts using
mock tests and assignments. This helps the
students to perform better in school as well.
• No student is naturally weak and no
student is naturally genius. However,
some students take time to learn or
to do certain tasks, which doesn’t
mean they are weak. Every student is
born unique with different capacities
and capabilities. So we as a
parent/guardian/teacher should not
underestimate the strengths of any

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