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Academic Text

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Jeanilyn C. Abrea
What is a text? /tekst/
As a noun
* A book or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content
rather than its physical form.
E.G. "A text that explores pain and grief"
* The main body of a book or other piece of writing, as distinct from other
material such as notes,
Appendices, and illustrations.
E.G. "The pictures are clear and relate well to the text"
Other Definitions:
1 . According to Merriam dictionary, a text refers to the actual words of an author's work.
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/text .

2 . According to Oxford dictionary, a text is the main body of printed or written matter on a page. It could
refer to a textbook, a Bible passage that is the subject of a sermon, or a text message.

3. According to YourDictionary.com, a text of a book is the main part of it, rather than the introduction ,
pictures . It refers to the main body of matter in a manuscript, book, newspaper, etc., as distinguished
from notes, appendixes, headings, illustrations, etc. https://www.yourdictionary.com/text

4 According to Cambridge dictionary, a text refers to the written words in a book, magazine, etc., not the
pictures: 2. a text message: 3. the exact words of a speech, etc https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/text

5. In linguistics, the text definition includes the original words of something written, printed, or spoken;
or any coherent stretch of language. https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/text

6. In information technology text is a human readable sequence of character s and the words they form
that can be encoded into computer readable formats.

What is an academic text?

Academic text is defined as critical, objective,

specialized texts written by experts or
professionals in a given field using formal
language. Academic texts are objective. This
means that they are based on facts with solid
What is academic writing?

Academic writing is a particular style used in formal essays and other assessments
for the course. It requires formal language, a logical structure and is supported by

Academic writing is clear, concise, focused, structured and backed up by

evidence. Its purpose is to aid the reader's understanding. It has a formal tone and
style, but it is not complex and does not require the use of long sentences and
complicated vocabulary.

Academic writing refers to a style of expression that researchers use to define the
intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and their specific areas of expertise.
What is academic reading?

Academic reading differs from reading for pleasure. You will often not read every
word, and you are reading for a specific purpose rather than enjoyment.

This lesson explains different types of purpose and how the purpose affects how
you read, as well as suggesting a general approach to reading academic
What is academic language?

Academic language is the language needed by students to

do the work in schools. It includes, for example, discipline-
specific vocabulary, grammar and punctuation, and
applications of rhetorical conventions and devices that are
typical for a content area (e.g., essays, lab reports,
discussions of a controversial issue.)
Importance of academic writing

The skill of writing is a necessity to be able to communicate using the

appropriate language needed in formal communication.
Since the goal of academic writing is to communicate, it is very
important to apply the appropriate language, learn the rules and practice the
skills of writing for academic and professional purposes.
It is important because it is a measure of one’s professionalism as it seeks
to simplify complex messages providing common understanding with the
target audience. It is important because it is fundamental in achieving higher
education. It serves as the window of one’s thoughts. It aids in one’s
understanding of the intended message or text.
Characteristics or features of a text (FECOS)

 F -formal or informal. A text used for academic and professional purposes make use of a
formal rather than informal language.

 E- explicit or implicit. A text used for academic and professional purposes make use of
explicit or observable, clear and precise facts or objects rather than implicit, unclear,
unspecified facts.

 C- complex or simple. A text used for academic and professional purposes is simplified to be
able to reach or connect its target audience or readers.

 O- objective or subjective – A text for academic and professional purposes uses behavioral
objectives that could be seen and touch by the senses. Text with subjective or unclear purposes
could be used in other purposes rather than for the purpose of producing an academic text.

 S- specific or holistic - An academic text could be written using either of the two approaches,
parts to whole approach (specific) or whole to parts approach (holistic).
Features of academic writing (CFPO)

 Complexity - Through written language, complex ideas could be simplified using a simple
language or commonly used idioms that are understandable to a specific target audience.

 Formality - Academic writing uses formal language rather than slang or informal language.

 Precision - In academic writing, facts and figures could be quoted from exact sources for
further reference.

 Objectivity - Written language could provide more explicit or objective purpose of

Characteristics of Good Academic Writing
Good academic writing is transparent: right from the start, the reader should have a
clear understanding of the author's purpose, argument, and structure.

1. Use Good Ideas.

Your ideas are the most important element of your project, especially as it takes
shape. But before you show your final drafts to other readers, you need to pay attention
to style, grammar, and mechanics.

Mechanics include your punctuations, capitalization and margins

Characteristics of Good Academic Writing

2. Has Clear Sense of Audience, Genre, and Purpose.

Keep in mind the rhetorical purpose and academic standards under which you write:
(a) Who is your audience?
(b) What is your purpose? and;
(c) What is the genre of what you are writing?

Approaching the “So What” Question. Academic Writing is considered successful when it answers the “So What”
question or problem statement, best described by the following guidelines to be answered in the text:

(a) What is the issue?

(b) What are the specific questions surrounding the issue?
(c) What is the context and background of the issue? and
(d) Why does the issue matter? If the work you produce answers these questions and tackles the answers by
paying attention to both higher- and lower-order concerns, and adds new information (called the value-add) to
make the writing even more compelling, the paper will be successful.
Characteristics of Good Academic Writing

3. Use appropriate conjunctions for ideas to flow logically using a certain pattern

Use transitions words, signal phrases, and verbs that tell the reader (the audience) your
stand based on the given evidence from verifiable source/s.

Each paragraph, and your paper as a whole, should follow this format:
(a) Introduce the main idea that will be discussed,
(b) Provide the evidence used to prove your argument, and
(c) Outline the significance of the evidence you have provided.
Characteristics of Good Academic Writing

4. Choose sources judiciously.

Choose appropriate authentic sources of information and decide:
(a) How much information to provide, (b) What kind of information to provide,
and (c) How to sequence the information you provide.

5. Use clear and direct. Use strong verbs, rather than nouns and adverbs.
Use strong verbs, such as “to speed,” rather than “to drive quickly,”

6. Specific and detail-oriented prose.

Explain with specific examples and elaborate if needed.
Characteristics of Good Academic Writing

7. Be consistent in tone and style.

Voice and verb tenses used in the text need be consistent from start to finish. In the
Sciences, passive voice is often used (the chemicals were mixed), whereas in the
Humanities, active voice is used (the assistant mixed the chemicals). Use the appropriate
tone and style needed to communicate.

8. Use compelling strong voice. Write with conviction to the target audience.

9. Be mechanically competent: Cite references and acknowledge the source of

information. Failure to do so could be a case of Plagiarism. Plagiarism is a “no-no” to
academic writing.
Performance/Task to do:
Take your cp camera with you. Go around the different corners of the school,
then take a picture of people that interests you. Ask yourself if you could
relate to it. Then make a narrative applying the guideline #2. Has Clear Sense
of Audience, Genre, and Purpose.
Consider the following while writing.
(a) What is the issue?
(b) What are the specific questions surrounding the issue?
(c) What is the context and background of the issue? and
(d) Why does the issue matter to you?

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Types of written text based on genre:
• There are many types of written text based on genre or form. This
1. Fantasy 6. Bill
2. Biographies 7. Brochures
3. Memoir 8. Maps
4. realistic fiction 9. Magazines
5. Forms 10. Articles, etc

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Types of written text based on structural pattern and
• Structure is the way the text is organized and presented. It includes:
1. Description
The main topic of a paragraph or article is described in descriptive texts. Authors use descriptive text rather than
other text structures to teach the reader about a specific topic.
Identifying a descriptive text structure:
• A topic sentence is a sentence that introduces a central theme or topic.
• Sentences describing the central theme or topic
• Descriptive words are those that help the reader visualize the subject.
• The author’s goal is to educate the reader on a specific topic.
• The author is describing facts about a particular subject. They provide information so the reader can visualize
and learn from the text.

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Types of written text based on structural pattern and
2. Chronological/Order and Sequence
The text in Order and Sequence is written in chronological order. Authors use order and sequence to quickly
convey the order of events when narrating a true story or process.
You can identify “order and sequence” structures by observing the following:
• Events or instructions that occur sequentially
• A topic sentence that initiates a series of events
• A final sentence that summarizes the final event
• Words like “at first,” “finally,” “first,” “second,” and “third.”
• The author’s goal is to describe a process or a true story. As a result, biographies and how-to books
frequently use order and sequence text structures. Authors of biographies typically write about a person’s
life from birth to death (or present day), including each event in the order that it occurred in their life.

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Types of written text based on structural pattern and
3. Cause and Effect
A cause-and-effect structure employs the “If… Then…” pattern. If ABC occurs, then XYZ will occur. The author
intends to explain a primary event and the events that follow it in cause and effect.
You can identify “cause and effect” structures by observing:
• A major event
• Additional events that occurred as a result of the main event
• Words like “because,” “because of,” and “as a result of”
• Cause and effect text structures can be found in various nonfiction writing styles. Biographies? Yes. How-Tos?
Yes. What about historical nonfiction? Yes. What about scientific nonfiction? Yes. Persuasive writing? Yes!
• Some students may be perplexed by the Cause and Effect text structures. The number and significance of the
main event’s “effects” vary. You could have one event that triggers three or four others, or you could have only

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Types of written text based on structural pattern and
4. Compare and Contrast
One of the most common text structures is compare and contrast. Compare and Contrast is a
technique authors use to highlight the similarities and differences between two (or more)
Compare and contrast by observing:
• A topic sentence that contrasts two subjects or topics
• Sentences that alternate between describing two distinct subjects
• Keywords like “likewise,” “in contrast,” and “both.”

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Types of written text based on structural
pattern and purpose:
5. Problem and Solution
Authors use “Problem & Solution” to describe problems and potential solutions.
Identify problem and solution structures by observing:
• A problem-initiating topic sentence
• Sentences that suggest possible solutions are provided below.
• Words like “problem,” “solution,” “therefore,” “so,” and “then.”
We are constantly exposed to “problem and solution” text structures as adults. It is a typical
persuasive writing structure.
Authors frequently explain the issue at hand (problem) and how people attempt to solve those
issues in those texts (solution).

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Content refers to the subject matter of the text and the concepts that are
important to understand.

1. Fiction -Content may be related to the setting or kinds of problems

that characters experience.
2. Non-fiction -Content are the factual texts. The more a reader knows
about the topic, the easier it is to comprehend the text

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1. Concrete and accessible -The text that can be verified by the sense of
sight, hearing and touch.

2. Complex and abstract -The text can be imagined and not necessarily
accessible in a certain point in time. It needs supporting ideas to clarify
the complexity of ideas.

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1. Written language -It refers to a written text for a certain audience and purpose.
2. Spoken language -It is an oral text like dialogue, interview, conversation,
small talk, public speaking, debate, panel discussion, reporting, making
presentation or introductions, etc.
3. Figurative language -It is the use of figures of speech like simile, metaphor,
personification etc. to convey message either done orally or in written form.
4. Literary language -It is the use of literary structures such as character, setting,
and plot.

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Expository – Writing in which author’s purpose is to inform or explain the
subject to the reader.

Persuasive – Writing that states the opinion of the writer and attempts to
influence the reader.

Narrative – Writing in which the author tells a story.

Descriptive – A type of expository writing that uses the five senses to paint a
picture for the reader. This writing incorporates imagery and specific details

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