This document discusses different methods for collecting transportation data:
1. Revealed preference (RP) data collects information on people's actual travel behaviors and choices based on their current knowledge and options.
2. Stated preference (SP) data collects hypothetical choices people would make when presented with different travel options and attributes, allowing analysis of options not currently available.
3. Specific SP methods discussed include contingent valuation, conjoint analysis, and stated choice techniques. A case study demonstrates using contingent valuation to quantify people's willingness to pay for improved air quality.
This document discusses different methods for collecting transportation data:
1. Revealed preference (RP) data collects information on people's actual travel behaviors and choices based on their current knowledge and options.
2. Stated preference (SP) data collects hypothetical choices people would make when presented with different travel options and attributes, allowing analysis of options not currently available.
3. Specific SP methods discussed include contingent valuation, conjoint analysis, and stated choice techniques. A case study demonstrates using contingent valuation to quantify people's willingness to pay for improved air quality.
This document discusses different methods for collecting transportation data:
1. Revealed preference (RP) data collects information on people's actual travel behaviors and choices based on their current knowledge and options.
2. Stated preference (SP) data collects hypothetical choices people would make when presented with different travel options and attributes, allowing analysis of options not currently available.
3. Specific SP methods discussed include contingent valuation, conjoint analysis, and stated choice techniques. A case study demonstrates using contingent valuation to quantify people's willingness to pay for improved air quality.
This document discusses different methods for collecting transportation data:
1. Revealed preference (RP) data collects information on people's actual travel behaviors and choices based on their current knowledge and options.
2. Stated preference (SP) data collects hypothetical choices people would make when presented with different travel options and attributes, allowing analysis of options not currently available.
3. Specific SP methods discussed include contingent valuation, conjoint analysis, and stated choice techniques. A case study demonstrates using contingent valuation to quantify people's willingness to pay for improved air quality.
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Mg Htet Okkar Kyaw
PhD.CTE-2 Department of Civil Engineering Yangon Technological University Introduction • In general transportation planning, surveys are meant to capture travelers’ current travel behavior. • For instance, one is interested in knowing the actual mode a traveler is using, actual travel times, destinations, and so forth. • This is known as Revealed Preference (RP) data, as the traveler is currently experiencing that behavior and making a choice based on his or her knowledge of the available travel options. • Another type of data is based on Stated Responses (SR), in which hypothetical situations are presented to the respondents, who are then asked to choose based on the given attributes for each alternative, without necessarily experiencing them in real situations • SP surveys offer a great advantage for overcoming the problem of the “new option”, whereby an analyst seeks to forecast the use of a new alternative (such as high-speed rail), particularly when the new option is very different from existing alternatives • use of SP surveys has become widespread in a range of fields such as marketing, transport, health economics, and agricultural and environmental economics Stated-preference (SP) • Stated-preference techniques base demand estimates on an analysis of the response to hypothetical choices; these can cover a wider range of attributes and conditions than the real system. • data from real markets is not available for predicting behaviour or eliciting reliable preference functions, researchers have had to turn to stated preference (SP) methods. • These cover a range of techniques, which have in common the collection of data about respondent’s intentions in hypothetical settings • The three most common SP methods have been contingent valuation (CV), conjoint analysis (CA) and stated choice (SC) techniques Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)
• is used to estimate economic values for all kinds of ecosystem
and environmental services. • It can be used to estimate both use and non use values, and it is the most widely used method for estimating non-use values • Contingent Valuation is a method of estimating the value that a person places on a good. The approach asks people to directly report their willingness to pay (WTP) to obtain a specified good, or willingness to accept (WTA) to give up a good • Contingent valuation is a survey based method of estimating how much individuals would be willing to pay for environmental or natural resource amenities, using a hypothetical market
Value of highway landscaping: Survey travelers to
determine what they would be willing to pay for highway landscaping, how they value it relative to other trip characteristics with established values, such as travel time. Case study of CVM Case study • urbanization and severe air quality deterioration in Pakistan have increased citizens’s concern towards air pollution. • This study, conducted in November, 2016, aimed to develop relationship between degraded air quality and resident’s willingness to pay for improved air quality in city of Lahore, Pakistan through contingent valuation method to quantify an individual’s willingness to pay for improved air quality. • Hypothetical market was created and 250 respondents, selected through random sampling, were asked to respond to pre tested questionnaire • Results revealed that 92.5% of respondents showed positive willingness to pay and average predicted willingness to pay by each person was $9.86 per month. • Pakistan is among the lower income countries with no rigid budget allocation for improvement in air quality, • People of Pakistan are willing to pay to reduce air pollution load. • One of the factor which effected the positivity of willingness to pay is that, a quite large number of people were suffering from pollution related respiratory disorders like asthma, chronic bronchitis, wheezing, cough, and chest congestion • Only 7.5% of respondents were not interested to pay for improved air quality which reported unconcerned attitude and lack of environmental awareness. Conjoint analysis • Conjoint analysis is a form of statistical analysis that firms use in market research to understand how customers value different components or features of their products or services Stated Choice Method
• Stated choice studies are similar to CA methods insofar as respondents are
presented with a number of hypothetical alternatives; however, the two
methods differ in terms of the response metric
• SC methods typically present only a few alternatives at a time (and in most
cases only two), changing them and having respondents repeat the choice task
• CA tasks typically present respondents with a relatively large number of
alternatives, simultaneously, to rate or rank
Revealed Preference Survey • revealed preference theory looks at actual consumer choices within a proxy market good or service • Revealed preferences surveys (RP) are about choices that individuals have actually made. • In terms of a public transport surveys, the revealed information would be the actual trip or trips made by the user considering origin, destination, origin stop, destination stop, journey purpose, and the mode of transport they chose to use from the available alternatives. • The strong point of this type of survey is that it provides us with the real choices made by users in a determined context of constraints. Thank You For Your Kind Attention