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Bahasa Inggris.....

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King of the

english subject
name our
Ruby Michel
Fahri Andhika Pratama
Maulana Fathir Fajriansyah
Aidil abdillah
Achdiyat Fathoni
Muhammad Faiz Muzzafar
Descriptive text

Animals which commonly live in a group and dense forests or savannas which have lots of food are
Lion. A group of lion consists of one male and many females. The male is the leader of the group who
keeps the male lions and hunting areas, while the female lions have a task to look for food by hunting

Lion is often referred to call as the king of the jungle because lion is a very wild and malignant animal.
Their big body and sinister face coupled with a long mane makes his enemy fears against them.

Their Weight can reach 225kg for males and 150 kg for females. In general, lion age could reach 10 to
15 years in the wild but if they are kept in a cage, they could reach 20 years old. This is because the
lions kept alive by human, their foods will be guaranteed.
Identification Description
Lions have strong, compact bodies and powerful forelegs,
animal species from the felidae family or teeth, and jaws for pulling down and killing prey. Their coats
the cat family. Lions are on the continent are yellow-gold. Adult males have shaggy manes that range
in color from blond to reddish-brown to black and also vary
of Africa and part of India. Lions are in length.
animals that live in groups. Usually
consists of one male & many females. The length and color of the mane is believed to be determined
by such factors as age, genetics and hormones. Young lions
have light spotting on their coats that will disappear as they
grow up. Without their coats, lion and tiger bodies are so
similar that only experts can tell them apart.
Simple present tense

General Truth Habits And Routines

Lions are very protective of their territory. During
Lions have strong, compact bodies
the day, groups of lions will lie down on rocks or
and powerful forelegs, teeth, and under trees. Each group consists of 1-6 males and
jaws for pulling down and killing 4-15 females.
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TEks deskripsi

Hewan yang biasa hidup berkelompok dan hutan lebat atau sabana yang
banyak makanannya adalah Singa. Sekelompok singa terdiri dari satu
jantan dan beberapa betina. Singa jantan merupakan pemimpin
kelompok yang memelihara singa jantan dan daerah berburu, sedangkan
singa betina bertugas mencari makan dengan cara berburu bersama.
Teks deskripsi

Singa memiliki tubuh yang kuat dan kompak serta kaki depan, gigi, dan rahang yang kuat
untuk menarik dan membunuh mangsanya. Mantel mereka berwarna kuning emas. Jantan
dewasa memiliki surai berbulu lebat yang warnanya bervariasi dari pirang, coklat
kemerahan, hingga hitam dan panjangnya juga bervariasi.

Panjang dan warna surai diyakini ditentukan oleh faktor-faktor seperti usia, genetika, dan
hormon. Singa muda memiliki bintik-bintik tipis pada bulunya yang akan hilang seiring
bertambahnya usia. Tanpa bulu, tubuh singa dan harimau sangat mirip sehingga hanya ahli
yang bisa membedakannya.
Simple present

kebiasaan &
Kebeneran Umum
Singa sangat protektif terhadap wilayahnya.
Singa memiliki tubuh yang kuat Pada siang hari, kelompok singa akan
dan kompak serta kaki depan, berbaring di bebatuan atau di bawah pohon.
gigi, dan rahang yang kuat untuk Setiap kelompok terdiri dari 1-6 jantan dan
4-15 betina.
menarik dan membunuh
thank you !

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