Topics to be covered:
• Market
• Marketing mix
• Product development and target market.
• Market Research
• Advertising
• Branding
• Sales promotion
• Public relations
A market refers to all the people and institutions involved
in the buying and selling of a product.
The four P’s of Marketing:
• Product: Establish what product is to be produced.
• To increase sales.
• To give information.
Forms of advertising:
• There are four types:
• Information: gives useful information to the general public. “Get
the vaccine, not the flu”
• Sony
Watch Steve Jobs explain Apple’s marketing strategy.
Distribution :
• Channels of distribution are the methods used to transfer
finished goods from the manufactures to consumers.
• They vary in types from shipping , road, rail and air transport.
Identify various advantages & disadvantages (for
both the consumer & producer) associated with
each method of distribution.
Class Objectives
To be able to:
1. Identify the advantages/disadvantages associated with
various types of advertising.
2. Identify methods of Sales promotion
3. Understand the reasoning behind Branding & Sponsorship.
Suggest a suitable method of advertising for each of the
following and give two reasons for your choice in each case.
A Brand name is a unique name and
logo given to a product to differentiate
it from a similar product made by other