Weed Management in Rice
Weed Management in Rice
Weed Management in Rice
Dipankar Ghorai
12.5 to 45 cm high;
Leaves narrow
Perennial grass
Perennial sedges
Scirpus maritimus (fVf¢V O¡p)
. Stems rigid, erect 30-120 cm high
. Propagation -rhizomes.
B. Upland rice
Annual grasses
I. Preventive methods
3. Planting methods:
Straight-row planting: Easy to weed by hand or
by mechanical tool
Random planting : Difficult to weed and to
pass mechanical tool
Transplanting: Weed competition is less
Direct seeding: Weed competition is severe
4. Variety:
Tall growing traditional varieties: Compete more with weeds
Modern semi dwarf varieties : weed problem is more
6. Fertilizer application:
Apply fertilizer after weeding
7. Water management
Continues submergence: Minimize weed growth
Alternate wetting and drying: More weed growth
Direct methods of weed control
A. Transplanted rice
1. Hand weeding:
Pulling by hand or using tools like hoe, spade or sickle
Take up one or two hand weeding between 20-42 days
after transplanting
Most common, easy and effective. Can be taken up even
where random planting is done
Costly, Laborious
2. Mechanical weeding:
Rotary weeder: Pushed by hand or powered
between straight rows
Saves labour
Require row transplanting or seeding
3. Chemical weeding
Herbicides: Chemicals that is capable of killing
some plants (weeds) without significantly
affecting the other plants (crops).
Herbicide activity: An herbicide is said to be active
or to posses activity if it hinders, inhibits or
prevents the germination and growth processes of
the plant. It is active on sensitive plants and
inactive on tolerant plants. Herbicide activity is
determined by degree of tolerance of the plant to
Contact herbicide:
Herbicide that kills the plant part that comes in contact with
it. Little movement from point of application
III. Based on selectivity:
1. Selective herbicide: Kills only the target plant species
in a mixed plant population ( crop plants and weeds).
Time of application
Trade Name Dose(kg/ha) (Days after
Machete 50EC
Butachlor 1.25 2.5 5-7
Anilofos 0.45 1.50 5-7
Pendimethalin Stomp 30EC 0.9-1.0 3.0-3.5 3-5
Pyrazosulfuron ethyl Sathi 0.02-0.03 3
Post emergent
2,4-D Sodium salt 80%EC
Fernoxone 2.0 2.5 21-28
Propanil 35 EC
Stam 2.5 7.5 1-2 leaf stage