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Introduction to computer

science and programming

Networks and data communications
Data Communications for today's enterprise
 Data communications are the exchange of data via some form of
transmission medium.
 For communications to occur, the communicating devices should be part
of some communication system which involves hardware and software.
 The effectiveness of a data communication system depends on four
fundamental characteristics which are: delivery , timeliness , jitter and
 Delivery – the system must deliver data to the correct destination and the
received data should be seen by that user or device only.
 Accuracy – the system should deliver data accurately. Data that has been
altered in transmission and left uncorrected is unusable.
 Timeliness – the system must deliver data in a timely manner. This is
important especially for audio and video data which should be delivered
as It is produced(real-time).
 Jitter – refers to the variation in the packet arrival time. It is the uneven
delay in the delivery of audio or video packets.
 Effective and efficient data communication and networking facilities
are vital to any enterprise.
 Any network should minimise on jitter but make sure that there is
high data delivery and accuracy and minimum delay.
Trends in data communications
 Increased volumes of traffic (local and long distance), both voice and data.
 Development of new services : businesses are relying more and more on technology.
 There is continued growth in high speed networks coupled with a reduction in prices -
> more services being offered e.g internet/VPN access, large file transfer, high quality
video(HDvideo) messaging vs social networks, location services etc
 Advances in technology:
 Trend towards faster and cheaper , both in computing and communications.
 The internet and the web and associated applications have emerged as dominant
features of both businesses and personal world. Emergence of intranets and
 Increased mobility
A communications model
 The fundamental purpose of a communications system is the exchange
of data between two parties(Stallings).
 Key elements of a model are as follows:
 Source - generates data to be transmitted
 Transmitter - converts data into transmittable signals
 Transmission System - carries data from source to destination. Involves
some transmission media.
 Receiver - converts received signal into data
 Destination - takes incoming data
 Protocol - A protocol is a set of rules that govern data communications.
It represents an agreement between the two communicating devices.
Without a protocol the devices maybe connected but not communicating.
A communications model(Stallings)
Goals of Networking
• Resource sharing: programs (O.S., applications), data, equipment (printers,
disks) are available to all users of the network regardless of location.
• High reliability: By replicating files on different machines and having spare
CPUs, users are more immune from hardware/software failure.
• Less cost: It is easy to increase the capacity by adding new machines.
• Communications medium: Users have access to email and the Internet
Disadvantages of networking

Types of Networks
• Networks are distinguished based on their geographical
• A network can be as small as distance between your
mobile phone and its Bluetooth headphone and as large
as the Internet itself, covering the whole geographical
world, i.e. the Earth.
Personal Area Network

• A Personal Area Network or simply PAN, is smallest

network which is very personal to a user.
• This may include Bluetooth enabled devices or infra-red
enabled devices.
• PAN has connectivity range up to 10 meters. PAN may
include wireless computer keyboard and mouse,
Bluetooth enabled headphones, wireless printers and TV
remotes for example.
Local Area Network

• A computer network inside a building and operated under

single administrative system is generally termed as Local Area
• Usually, Local Area Network covers an organization’s offices,
schools, college/universities etc.
• LAN provides a useful way of sharing resources between end
• Resources like Printers, File Servers, Scanners and internet is
easy sharable among computers.
• Local Area Networks are composed of inexpensive networking
and routing equipment.
• It may contain local servers serving file storage and other
locally shared applications.
• LAN can be wired or wireless or in both forms at once.
Metropolitan Area Network

• MAN, generally expands throughout a city such as cable

TV network.
• Metro Ethernet is a service which is provided by ISPs.
– This service enables its users to expand their Local Area
– For example, MAN can help an organization to connect all of
its offices in a City.
• The backbone of MAN is high-capacity and high-speed
fiber optics.
• MAN is works in between Local Area Network and Wide
Area Network. MAN provides uplink for LANs to WANs or
Wide Area Network
• As name suggests, this network covers a wide area which may
span across provinces and even a whole country.
• Generally, telecommunication networks are Wide Area
• These networks provides connectivity to MANs and LANs.
• Equipped with very high speed backbone, WAN uses very
expensive network equipment.

Wireless Networks
Wireless networks are attracting attention because wireless
components can:

Provide temporary connections to an existing, cabled network.

Help provide backup to an existing network.

Provide some degree of portability.

Extend networks beyond the limits of physical connectivity.
Advantages of wireless

It is easier to add or move workstations.

It is easier to provide connectivity in areas where it is difficult to lay

Installation can be fast and easy and can eliminate the need to pull
cable through walls and ceilings

Access to the network can be from anywhere in the college/organisation within
range of an access point

Portable or semi-permanent buildings can be connected using a wireless LAN

In historic buildings where traditional cabling would compromise the structure, a
wireless LAN can avoid drilling holes in walls.

Very handy in Busy locations, such as lobbies and reception areas.
Physical Topology
• The way in which a network is laid out physically
• 4 basic types: mesh, star, bus, ring
• May often see hybrid
Mesh Topology
• Dedicated point-to-point links to every other device
• Each computer connects to every other.
• High level of redundancy.
• Rarely used.
– Wiring is very complicated
– Cabling cost is high
– Troubleshooting a failed cable is difficult
• Provides redundant paths between devices
• The network can be expanded without disruption to current
Star Topology
• A star topology is designed with each node (file server,
workstations, and peripherals) connected directly to a central
network switch.
• Data on a star network passes through the switch before
continuing to its destination.
• The switch manages and controls all functions of the network.
• It also acts as a repeater for the data flow.
• This configuration is common with twisted pair cable; however,
it can also be used with coaxial cable or fiber optic cable.

Less expensive and easy to install

robust if one link is down still remains active.

Bottlenecks occur because all data pass through the switch

Dependency on one central unit
Bus Topology
• A linear bus topology consists of a main run of cable with a terminator at each
• All nodes (file server, workstations, and peripherals) are connected to the
linear cable. (multipoint configuration)
• One cable acts as a backbone to link all devices
• Limitation on the number of devices that can be connected.
• Dependent on the main cable

Very easy to install

Ring Topology
• Dedicated point-to-point configuration to neighbours
• All devices are connected to one another in the shape of a closed loop, so that each
device is connected directly to two other devices, one on either side of it.
• Signal is passed from device to device until it reaches destination- device functions
as a repeater
• Advantages ?
• Disadvantages?

Expensive and difficult to install but offers high bandwidth, not robust.
Network devices
• Router
• Switch
• Wireless access point
• Print server

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