20 Unit 2 Planning For Instruction
20 Unit 2 Planning For Instruction
20 Unit 2 Planning For Instruction
With the help of year plan, the teacher can systematize the distribution of curriculum
The teacher can bring variety in teaching strategies by mingling various types of topics that
call for various types of learning experiences. They would reduce the monotony in
Above all a well thought out plan can help in economizing time and effort of the teacher as
well as that of the learner.
Steps in year planning
Formation of units
Determining objectives
The teacher has to intelligently anticipate the extent to which the various
objectives can be achieved through different units.
Some units give more scope for the development of skill than other objectives.
Almost all the objectives are developed simultaneously in the teaching-learning
process, but different weightages.
For example: In unit one Accounting- ‘meaning and basic accounting terms’-
the teacher has to give higher weightage to knowledge and understanding than
attitude and appreciation
3.Scheduling of the time available for instruction
In this step estimate the total number of periods that could be made
available for the subject.
Teacher should consider the probability of missing periods due to
various co-curricular activities and other unexpected loss of days.
Or the teacher can integrate all activities along with the unit
Consider time for unit tests also in the plan.
Unit Plan
The plan for the instruction of a unit is called unit plan
It is a challenging task to be performed by a teacher as part of pedagogic analysis
A well developed unit plan will give the teacher a meaningful gestalt of the unit and
would enable him to handle it in a systematic manner.
Teacher should select the units as per year plan.
All aspects such as objectives, content analysis, major learning experiences, instructional
strategies and aids, evolutional procedures etc. regarding the unit plan are to be
thoroughly analysed and systematically recorded in the unit plan.
Provisions suggested in the year plan for the unit also should be taken care of.
Importance of unit plan
1. It helps in the proper coverage of the syllabus within the available time
and duration of the session.
2. Unit represents the unified and integrated wholes of the meaningful and
purposeful content material
and learning experiences.
3. In unit planning a teacher is well informed about the types of method
and strategies to be used and
material and resources utilize for the teaching learning of various sub
4. Unit planning helps in the proper organization and systemization of the
teaching learning process.
5. A teacher has prior knowledge of the task and the activities to be
executed for the teaching and
learning of the units and subunits.
6. Unit planning has a proper provision for their reviews, recapitulation,
practice and drill work related
to the contents & learning experiences from the sub units.
7. Unit planning paves the way for a proper and appropriate daily lesson
planning. A teacher feels quite
8. easy in the task of his daily lesson planning in view of the blue print
provided by unit planning.
Demerits & Limitations of Unit Planning:
1.The division of the content of the syllabus into meaningful and
complete units and sub-units is not an easy task.
2. The improper & faulty formation of the units & sub-units may
create hurdles in the path of the teacher and students for the proper
teaching learning of the subject.
3. Unit planning restricts the freedom of the teachers the pre-
determined objectives, learning experiences, methods and resources,
evaluation procedures etc. because classroom situations and
5. The teachers and students have no other way than to follow the
guidelines provided by the unit planning.
4. Unit planning may make the teachers too much conscious for the
implementation of the planned scheme as the planning becomes a
tedious work throughout the session.
Principles of unit planning
Principle of comprehensiveness
Principle of clarity
The teacher must know in advance the subject matter and the
mode of its delivery In the classroom
Herbartian approach
Gloverian approach
Evaluation approach
Unit approach
RCEM approach